Daily Devotional for Friday February 12, 2016

Are You Like the Nine or the One?

(Luke 17: 11-19)

***DAILY PERSONAL PRAYER FOR YOU: Dear Lord, help me this day to be a great ambassador for you! Let my conversation and my actions today draw people to your hope and love. In the name of Jesus I pray...AMEN!

How often do we come to God, ask for a certain need, the Lord fills that need, and we don't even take the time to say thank you? Think back just over the last year of your life. Think back on those prayers that He has answered. What was your response when the answer came? A moment of thanksgiving? Relief that God has come through again? How quickly did you forget that answer to prayer you needed so bad and start focusing on the next problem you wanted God to handle for you?

Much of our prayer life is taken up with asking God for this and that, like He is some kind of genie in the bottle we send our wishes to. Don't get me wrong. God has told us to bring our needs to Him. To come to Him in prayer with our problems. It is His pleasure to bless His children. I am simply trying to focus you today on your response to those answered prayers. Like the 10 lepers in the verses today, 9 never even bothered to come back to say thank you. Are you like the 9....or the 1 who returned to give thanks?

So often we take for granted God's blessings and His love for us. The logical question is how do I show my appreciation to God for what He has done for me? Start with loving Him. Loving Him means to obey Him. You obey your parents, not so much out of fear, but because you love them and don't want to disappoint them. You are thankful for all they do for you and the best way to show that thankfulness is to obey them and do what they have asked you to do. So is our relationship with our heavenly Father. Our greatest way to show Him how much we love and appreciate all He does is to obey Him, and live our life in a way that is pleasing and acceptable to Him.

I want to challenge you today. Be thankful for all God has done for you. Show that gratitude by living your life in obedience to His Word. The Bible tells us that one of the things satan can't stand is the "word of their testimony". Your praise reports give others going through similar situations the hope to carry on. Think back over the last few months and send me your praise report of something God has done for you. Simply go to www.liveprayer.com and click on the PRAISE REPORT section and type in your praise report.

I love you and am praying for you. Make sure you spend a few extra minutes today giving God the thanks for all He has done for you. No matter how many trials you may be facing, there is still so much to be thankful for. I often think I am having things rough. Then I read the problems others are facing and realize how richly God has been blessing me. The best way to show your thanks to Him is by the way you live your life today. He is worthy of our praise and our lives dedicated to His service. Praise Him today!!!

In His love and service,

Your friend and brother in Christ,

Bill Keller