Daily Devotional for Thursday December 3, 2015

The Culture of Death is Hanging Over this Nation like a Black Cloud

(John 10:10)

***DAILY PERSONAL PRAYER FOR YOU: Dear Lord, help me to never forget how each life is from you and precious. In this culture that puts little value on a human life, let ME stand for you and the fact ALL LIFE IS FROM GOD! May I find courage and strength to never waiver or fail to speak up for this most precious of all gifts! In the name of Jesus I pray. AMEN!

The culture of death hanging over this nation like a black cloud! God created man never to die. Physical and spiritual death were never part of God's plan for man. However, it was man, exercising his God-given free will that introduced both forms of death into the human experience. Death is from the pits of hell itself, while life is from God. Satan comes to KILL, steal, and destroy and is synonymous with death. It is through faith in Jesus Christ that man is promised everlasting life and conquers death. Christ came to give life and life abundantly and He is synonymous with life.

Sadly, this has become a nation that has embraced, even glorifies death. Because we have separated ourselves so far from God, we no longer value life. Life is no longer viewed as special or treated as sacred. Many people ask me why I talk about abortion so often and the fact we slaughter over 4,000 innocent babies in this nation every 24 hours. It is because people have become numb and desensitized to death! I'll prove it to you. Let me ask you a very legitimate question. Answer honestly. Did you think at all today about the FACT that in the past 24 hours, apx 4,000 innocent babies were slaughtered in this nation? Did you?

We have simply come to live with the fact that we practice legalized infanticide and we don't even give it a second thought. People die in floods, fires, car wrecks hurricanes, tornadoes and we mourn. 3,000 innocent lives were lost on 9/11 and we consider that the greatest act of terror on our soil. Yet we don't even give a second thought to the fact that every 24 hours, another 4,000 innocent lives are destroyed! What kind of sick and perverted nation allows such a thing to happen?

We read in the Bible how Herod, after the birth of Jesus, sent his men to kill every baby under the age of two years. They literally ripped babies out of the arms of the mothers and killed them on the spot. Even though I have read that passage of Scripture 1,000 times, each time I read it in horror. What kind of monster would do such a thing to innocent babies? Yet, we are no better than Herod. Our new President, the figurehead of our nation, is another "Herod." He is the embodiment of this culture of death as he supports and advocates the killing of innocent babies. He will insure during his time in office that the practice of infanticide continues in this nation without any restrictions.

Children are born into this culture of death and brainwashed from birth that life has no meaning. Through the media that bombards them with images of violence and death, to the games they play, they are desensitized to death from birth. Just 20 minutes from the Liveprayer offices, a 9-year-old boy hung himself in his closet with a couple of belts after dinner. In Arizona, an 8-year-old shot and killed his father and his father's friend. This was not an accidental shooting, but a deliberate act of murder. Teen and child suicide, teens involved in premeditated murder, are both on the rise in this nation.

Several months ago in Florida, a 19-year-old was logged onto a video chat site and with thousands of people online, cheering him on, he overdosed and died, LIVE ON THE INTERNET! We are aghast and disturbed by this. But don't worry, there will be copycats killing themselves live on the Internet in the coming months, and pretty soon it won't be a big deal. We'll simply accept that people are committing suicide live on the Internet just like we accept and are used to people jumping off of high profile bridges to their death.

Very troubling to me is the latest "hot book series" for children, that has been quickly been turned into a movie that made over $70 MILLION its first weekend. Stephenie Meyer makes JK Rowling look like a choir director. She is a member of the Mormon cult and a true tool satan is using in these last days to bring this culture of death to children. She is the author of the 4-book "Twilight" series. These are books that romanticize the world of vampires, which is a dark world of eternal death. The danger in these books, and now the movie, is that they are geared to children, teens and young adults and glamorize the perverted world of vampires, which is nothing more than a world of death.

I love you and care about you so much. Please wake up!!! We not only live in, but we accept this culture of death that hangs over our nation. Jesus came to deliver us from death. Jesus won the victory over death. We do not have to accept this black cloud of death that hangs over our land. It is time Christians took our stand and loudly, boldly, visibly proclaimed LIFE! Children are growing up without any understanding of where life came from and how precious it is. So it is no wonder why they have embraced death to the extent they have.

I am asking you to say NO to this culture of death we are living in and say YES to life!!! I refuse to accept this culture of death we live in. I am asking you to take your stand for Christ and help me change this nation into a culture of LIFE, abundant now and everlasting through faith in Jesus Christ!!!

In His love and service,

Your friend and brother in Christ,

Bill Keller