Daily Devotional for Wednesday October 28, 2015

Your Sacrifices Today Equals an Eternal Legacy through Changed Lives and Saved Souls

(Colossian 3:23,24)

***DAILY PERSONAL PRAYER FOR YOU: Lord, thank you for meeting my daily needs as you have promised in your Word. I look to you and your alone for my sustenance through life, and thank you for your faithfulness. Please help me to be a good steward of the funds you entrust into my care during this life, and give me favor in my finances, and wisdom in my decisions. In the name of Jesus I pray...AMEN!

"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving." Colossians 3:23,24

Your sacrifices today equals an eternal legacy through changes lives and saved souls, PLUS eternal rewards that are being stored up in Heaven! In looking back on the first 10 months of 2015, I am grateful for everyone who took the time to pray for Liveprayer, and those dear friends led and able to help us financially. This allowed us to bring God's Truth into the marketplace, impact lives for Christ, pray for people with every type of need imaginable, and see lost souls won to faith in Jesus Christ! I also take very seriously the pastoral and prophetic role I play in so many lives each day.

During the past year for the glory of God, we sent out the Daily Devotional, now in our 17th year, daily to a little over 2.5 million subscribers worldwide. Our dedicated team of a little over 700 retired pastors enabled us to pray for and respond to just over 12 million emails for prayer so far (bringing that total to well over 120 million since Liveprayer began in August of 1999), which generated a little over 1 million Praise Reports (that total of archived Praise Reports is now over 10 million), and most important, so far we have seen apx. 100,000 people we know of come to faith in Jesus Christ through Liveprayer during the past year. That puts us over 1 million souls we know of coming to faith in Jesus since Liveprayer began during this year of victory of 2015!!!

Additionally, the Liveprayer TV program airs "live" every Mon-Fri from Midnight-2am on a major station in Chicago, as well as over 100 other markets around the nation!!!

The best demographic breakdown we have been able to determine is out of the 2.5 million Daily Devotional subscribers, 80% are in the United States and 20% are in other countries. 70% of the subscribers are Christians while 30% are not. 10% are 18 years and younger, 20% are between the ages of 19-30, 30% are between the ages of 30-50, and 40% are 50 years and over. The TV audience averages apx. 200,000 viewers each night. 20% of our viewer are 30 years and younger, 40% are between the ages of 30-50, and 40% are 50 years and over.

Financially, Liveprayer received right at $800,000 in donations during 2014, which averages just under $67,000 a month. Please review the previous paragraphs regarding all we were able to accomplish this past year. Available 24/7/365, we reached all of these people worldwide, provided all of the personal ministry, saw the incredible fruit for those efforts that undoubtedly was only a fraction of how God used our work, and provided all of the incredible content we produce daily as all as 17 years of accumulated content at Liveprayer.com...for FREE! We sold no books or merchandise, had no advertising revenues, just simply walked by faith and trusted the Lord to move on the hearts of those we minister to to help us. For reference, Liveprayer has the same budget of a local church with 1,000 members or even less!

My friend, 2014 was a similar story to each previous year since Liveprayer began in August of 1999. Like all of the years prior, it has been a true modern day "fishes and loaves" miracle. Now you may feel a bit foolish, but do me a favor and stop reading for a moment, stand up, and give the Lord a big applause and shout AMEN!!! To further prove the "fishes and loaves" analogy is accurate, that $800,000 came from just 480 people out of the millions we reached last year. Just 20 of those people were responsible for 25% of our total donations. This only further proves how critical every sacrifce people make is no matter what the amount, and the importance of "giving according to your ability to give" as the Bible teaches.

>From day one of Liveprayer, I have personally taken time out of my day to >pray over the daily accounting reports of our gifts for that day, since I >fully understand the great sacrifce so many of our friends make that >enables me on your behalf to do the Lord's work. In that crowd of 5,000, no >doubt many of them had food, yet only one young man was willing to sacrifce >what he had so the Lord could feed the multitudes. Nothing has changed and >it is still the few God uses to feed the many!!!

A little over 93 cents of every dollar you sacrifice to Liveprayer goes to the work, with less than 7 cents eaten up in necessary overhead expenses. Of course, this is only possible because unlike most ministries, churches, and other non-profit organizations, I don't ask you to make the sacrifice you do to build buildings that than have to be maintained. Liveprayer still operates out of the back few offices of the same used car lot in St. Petersburg owned by one of our board memebers that we began in back in 1999! I personally feel those buildings people give money to build really should be owned by those who gave the money and not become the asset of some denomination or ministry/individual! For instance, why does TBN own over 1 BILLION dollars of real estate when it rightfully should belong to the people who paid for it!

I also would never ask you to make the sacrifce you do so the "ministry" can have a huge staff that needs to be paid every Friday, buy private planes, luxury cars, multi-million dollar homes, or pay me an exorbitant salary. Actually, due to the economic downturn in 2008, I have sacrificed my personal salary (between $35k and $40k) for 5 years now, taking only what I have needed to live each month. God has faithfully met my needs of food, clothing, and shelter exactly as He promised to do, and after 22 years of ministry I have a home like millions of others that is underwater, worth only $250,000 with a $300,000 mortgage, a 7 year old car, and some clothes. I don't have a retirement account even though I will be 57 in a few weeks, own any real estate, or hold any stocks and bonds. I simply trust God to meet my needs each month as I do the needs of Liveprayer, since the Bible correctly tells us we came into this world with nothing and we will leave it with nothing. But that is fine since God's promise is true when it assures us that He "supplies all of my needs according to His riches in Christ Jesus!"

I fully understand that I am only able to fulfill the work God has called me to because of your prayers and those who make the sacrifice, often a great one, to help me insure the financial needs of Liveprayer are met. After 23 years of ministry, 17 years on the front lines through Liveprayer.com and the last 12+ years that included the Liveprayer TV program, satan know I will use every ounce of energy, brainpower, and whatever gifts and talents God blesses me with to serve Him. He knows I can't be bought, won't compromise God's Truth no matter the personal consequences, and have been a faithful watchman as God describes in Ezekiel 33 whose hands have no blood on them! The only way satan has been able to slow me down in any way, is by restricting the funds coming into Liveprayer. That is why I am totally dependant upon your prayers and generous sacrifices each day. Satan is a defeated foe and every gift you send to Liveprayer is a confirmation of that fact.

I love you and care about you more than you will ever know. YOUR love, prayers, and sacrifice has made Liveprayer available over these many years, impacting tens of millions of lives worldwide. Let me leave you with 2 personal prayer requests. The first is I am asking the Lord for 5 people who I can call on during a critical financial emergency that occurs several times throughout each year. Many years ago prior to the financial meltdown in early 2008, I had around 30 people who I could call on during such a time, who if able, would help immediately with a gift of anywhere from $2,000-$20,000.

Sadly through the homegoing of many in that group and the financial hardships many have faced in their businesses over the last 5 years, that group is down to just a precious few. I treasure such friends of Liveprayer and have never or ever would abuse such a special relationship. That is why when I did reach out to them for help, if they were able, they immediately responded. Today I am simply asking the Lord for 5 people who if able, would be willing to help me at a critical time with a special gift of $2,000- $5,000. *If God is calling you to be one of these 5 people, please email me (bkeller@liveprayer.com) and let me know.

I am also praying today for 10 people who will commit to help Liveprayer with a special year-end gift of $1,000, and 2 who will commit to help with a special year-end gift of $5,000. Please stand with me in prayer for the Lord to move on the hearts of 12 of our friends who He has blessed to be able to make such a commitment that will help, along with the generous sacrificial gifts of so many others each month, to insure our monthly operations are always current. If God is calling you to be one of these 12, please email me (bkeller@liveprayer.com) and let me know.

2015 is a year of VICTORY! As our verse for the year, 1 Corinthians 15:57 tells us, "Thanks be to God who gives us the victory through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!" BE EXPECTANT FOR WHAT GOD IS GOING TO DO IN THESE FINALS DAYS!!! As we stand and work together, may God richly bless our efforts for His Kingdom in bringing His Truth to the marketplace, praying for the needs of the hurting, leading lost souls to faith in Jesus Christ, and guiding this nation back to God and His Truth!!!

***OCTOBER FINANCIAL UPDATED: So far, we have received $23,000 of the $65,000 we require each month ($40,000 for our internet operations and $25,000 for our TV programs). That leaves us requiring $42,000 over the last 3 days to end October with all of our operations current!

--->If 6 friends would make a special year-end gift of $7,000, that would cover the balance!!! Please pray about what God is asking YOU to do to help me insure we end this month with all of our operations current!!! Thank You!!!

*Between now and the end of the year in 65 days, we will need $172,000 to cover all of our basic internet and TV operations to end the year with a zero balance. Please be praying about a special year-end gift to Liveprayer to insure that we end 2015 with all of our operations current. Just 172 of our friends making a special year-end gift to the Lord's work here of $1,000 would insure what we require for operations are taken care of. It is your love, prayers, and generous sacrifice that has kept Liveprayer online for over 16 yrs and TV over 12 yrs, literally impacting tens of millions of lives worldwide and seeing over 1 million souls we know of come to faith in Jesus Christ. GOD BLESS YOU!!!

TO GIVE A GIFT TO LIVEPRAYER, you can use your major credit card on our secure server at: www.liveprayer.com under the "Donation" link, you can give using your PayPal account using my email address: bkeller@liveprayer.com , or you can mail your gift to: Liveprayer, 6660 46th Ave. North, St.Petersburg, FL 33709. All gifts to Liveprayer are 100% tax deductible.

***LIVEPRAYER TV!!! To view the program LIVE Monday-Friday from Midnight-2am EDT on your TV if we air in your market, or digitally on a computer, SmartPhone, or tablet, please go to: www.liveprayer.com/liveprayertv.cfm To watch previous programs On Demand, please go to: http://www.youtube.com/user/LivePrayerTelevision

In His love and service,

Your friend and brother in Christ,

Bill Keller