Daily Devotional for Monday October 19, 2015


(1 Corinthians 10:12)

***DAILY PERSONAL PRAYER FOR YOU: ***DAILY PERSONAL PRAYER FOR YOU: Dear Lord, help me to stand strong in these difficult days. I know that in the end, YOU...and YOU alone will have the final word. Give me boldness and courage to stand for you as evil abounds. In the name of Jesus I pray..AMEN!!!

Each day we make many decisions, many of them regarding whether to follow Christ or give in to sin. Standing in the face of those decisions always seems easy beforehand, but when the pressure is on and it is time to make your choice, how can you avoid falling?

As you know, I not only try to give you spiritual guidance each day, but realize that we live in the real world. Translating your Christian faith into actual day-to-day living is my number one goal. It is nice to talk about all of these great spiritual concepts, but making them real in our daily life is the true test and what I hope to accomplish.

That is why I stress that to win those spiritual battles in your life, you have to have a battle plan. A real life plan of action that you can work at each day to see victory. So let's talk about how to stand up to the sin we face each day in our life, from a practical standpoint.

It starts with the basics. Time each day in prayer. Time each day reading the Bible. Belonging to a local church. Finding ways to serve God each day. These become the cornerstones to our day-to-day life that strengthen us and enable us to say no to sin when it comes knocking at our door.

When you are praying each day, when you are reading the Word of God, when your focus is on serving others, when you are being fed spiritually at your local church, working together gives you the spiritual focus and strength to avoid sin. To be honest, it is impossible to be sinning when you are serving.

It is impossible to be serving God and satan at the same time. Jesus even said no man can serve two masters. When you are following Christ, sin has no room in your life.

Now you understand why so often I keep hammering home how important it is to be praying, reading the Word, in church, and serving God. When you are involved in sin, these are the things you stop doing. None of us are immune to sin. We all must constantly be on our guard, since it is the enemy's desire to destroy us.

All the more reason we must be diligent, faithful, committed, and disciplined to our daily relationship with Christ. This journey is 24/7. We must always be on our toes, always prayed up, always focused on what it is God wants us to do. The second you let your guard down, you have opened yourself up to the enemy getting into your life. This is not to make you live in fear, because if you are walking with Christ, there is nothing to fear.

I love you and care about you a great deal. You can count on my prayers that you will realize the seriousness of your daily walk and time with the Lord. Remember, it is the only thing you will take into eternity from this life. It is what keeps you strong and able to stand up to sin's temptation. Make it a priority in your life to do the things each day that enable you to stand up to sin.

In His love and service,

Your friend and brother in Christ,

Bill Keller