Daily Devotional for Wednesday October 8, 2003

Running for the prize

(Philippians 3:14)

Running for the prize. For those who love football, this is a great time of the year. The high school, college, and professional seasons are well underway. Stadiums all over the country are packed with fans, teams are playing hard every weekend to become the champion of their league. For professional football fans, 32 teams are playing over the next few months to make the playoffs, where eventually one team will win the Super bowl, the ultimate prize in football.

The journey a professional football team starts in training camp, thru the pre-season, the 16 game regular season, and finally the playoffs, is full of ups and downs, it is full of peaks and valleys. Along the way players get injured, teams often change strategies, and many events lead to the ultimate success of the champion. The bottom line is the team that wins the Super Bowl must overcome adversity, work hard, and keep their eye on the prize.

I appreciate you allowing me to talk sports with you, a subject I have loved since I was very young. The spiritual application here is obvious. Our Christian life is a journey, a season if you will. There are many things to overcome along the way. We often have to change our strategy and gameplan at times. But through it all we MUST keep our eyes on the prize. We must not let the trials of life slow us down. It is important that even when things don't work out today, we don't give up and stay focused on the prize.

Unlike football, we don't have to live life in our own strength. We have God on our side to give us wisdom, guidance, strength, and love to help us each step of the way. Unlike in a football game, where either team has a chance to win, God has already defeated our foe. Unlike a football game where you have to wait until the game is over to know the final score, we already know that in the end, if we know Christ as savior, WE WIN!!!!! How much easier should it be for us each day to keep focused on the prize when we know that no matter what, in the end, we will be victorious!

I love you, I care deeply about you, and God has placed me in your life to help you along your journey. My prayer for you today is that no matter what may be going on in your life, that you always keep focused on the prize. You can't let the ups and downs of life keep you from your ultimate objective.

I truly believe that the Lord has allowed you to receive these Daily Devotionals to help keep you focused on the prize. It is so easy during the course of a day to lose sight of what we are really trying to accomplish. We get off-track much of the time which ultimately keeps us from the fullness of God's blessings. Never forget that He loves you, and wants you to know and enjoy that love during this life and for eternity. God wants you to stay focused, to stay on track, and to keep your eyes on the prize.

I want to thank you. God is using many of you that faithfully and sacrificially give to Liveprayer to help us see victory in our finances each month. We are now 8 days into our 50th month of ministry on the Internet. It is a new month, with new challenges, and wonderful new opportunities to bring to people worldwide each day the hope of Christ. YOUR prayers and YOUR gifts make all of this possible each day. As you know, it takes $30,000 every month to cover all of the operational costs of Liveprayer.


The Bible teaches to give according to your ability to give. For some that may be a gift of $10 or $20. For others it may be a gift of $50 or $100. For others it may be a gift of $300, $500, $1,000 or even the entire $30,000! Simply pray and be obedient to give what God leads you to give today.

You can make your gift with your credit card on a secure server on our website at www.liveprayer.com under the "Donation" button, you can give via your PayPal account using my email address, bkeller@liveprayer.com , or, you can mail your gift to: Liveprayer 6660 46th Avenue North St. Petersburg, Florida 33709 All gifts to Liveprayer are 100% tax deductible.

Thank you for standing with me, as together we labor for the Kingdom and keep our eyes on the prize!!!

In His love and service, Your friend and brother in Christ, Bill Keller