Daily Devotional for Friday June 13, 2003

Trusting God!

( Joshua 6:1-5 )

Trusting God! The question that I want to ask you today, the question that I want you to ask yourself and meditate on this weekend is this, DO YOU REALLY TRUST GOD? We say we trust God, but do we REALLY trust Him? When our backs are against the wall and we have nowhere else to turn, it is easy to trust God. Sadly, most people wait until He becomes our last hope to really put their full faith in Him. But do you trust God enough to follow Him regardless what He is asking you to do?

That is where Joshua found himself one day. Here is a man that loved God, who knew God intimately. Joshua was also a great warrior, he was a great war general of his day. Can you imagine what Joshua thought when God gave him the battle plan for taking the city of Jericho? Talk about trusting God! What kind of battle plan calls for walking around the walls of the city for 7 days, on the 7th day blowing trumpets, a ram's horn, and shouting to make the walls of the city come down? Joshua must have been convinced it was not God speaking, but a bad pizza from the night before!

I will never forget when God gave me the vision for Liveprayer back in 1998. The funny thing was that I did not own a computer, had never been on the Internet, had never sent an email, and to be honest with you, had no real desire to either. When the Lord began to speak to me about an Internet site that would have a live person on camera 24/7 to pray for people who could access the video feed from anywhere in the world, an Internet site that I would be able to minister to millions worldwide every single day through email, I must have felt exactly like Joshua did when God gave him the plan to take the city of Jericho. "GOD, I LOVE YOU, BUT YOU WANT ME TO DO WHAT???"

Here is the bottom line, my friend. God often calls us to do things that don't seem to make sense so that only HE gets the glory! Let me repeat this, please listen carefully. GOD OFTEN CALLS US TO DO THINGS THAT DON'T SEEM TO MAKE SENSE SO THAT ONLY HE GETS THE GLORY!!! Amen!!! When Joshua and the children of Israel took the city of Jericho in such an unconventional fashion, it was obvious to everyone that it was GOD who did it. With Liveprayer ministering to just under 2 million people worldwide every day through the Internet, it is obvious to everyone that it is God who is doing it. GOD OFTEN CALL US TO DO THINGS THAT DON'T SEEM TO MAKE SENSE SO THAT ONLY HE GETS THE GLORY!!!

I love you and care about you so much. I repeat the question I started with today, do you trust God? Do you trust God enough to follow Him no matter what He is calling you to do, where He is calling you to go, or how He is calling you to do it? Do you trust God enough to follow HIS plan instead of YOUR plan? That is when our faith in God is put to the test, when we have to answer the question of trusting God. When we have a plan on how to do something, and God gives us another plan. Do we trust God enough to set our plan aside, and follow His?

I will be praying for you today. I pray that in the course of your daily life, you will trust God. I pray that in the course of your daily life, you will not be afraid to follow God. As I say so often, God's way works! Ask Joshua, ask Bill Keller. God's way works! Our challenge is to trust Him and to be faithful. In the end, that is what God is asking each of us to do...BE FAITHFUL! God simply asks us to be faithful each day, and to trust Him. I want to encourage you today to be like Joshua, and TRUST GOD!

In His love and service, Your friend and brother in Christ, Bill Keller