Daily Devotional for Thursday June 5, 2003
My prayer each day is that the Lord will pour through me the exact words He has for His people
(Ephesians 6:19,20)
One of my personal prayers each day is that the Lord will pour through me the exact words He has for His people on that day. I never take for granted the incredible responsibility He has entrusted to me as I share with you through the Daily Devotionals. I want you to know that I do my very best each day to communicate in a very straightforward, and clear manner the things God wants you to hear each day. Never think for a second it is a coincidence when you read each days Devotional. There is always a word in that Devotional from God, just for you. He loves you, and one way He shows you that love is by trying to guide you along this journey we call life. He does that in many ways, one of those ways is the Daily Devotional that you receive each morning from Liveprayer.com.
Many have asked why I write these each day. Why not do it once a week. or once a month. The reason is this. Our relationship with Christ, is a DAILY relationship. Not once a week, or once a month. The problem is, too many treat their relationship with Christ that way, and thus end up in unfortunate situations. We must never forget that there is a very real enemy who would love to see us ineffective as servants of our God. The easiest way to make us ineffective, is to get us so tangled up in sin, the things of this world, that we lose focus on our true purpose...which is to serve and glorify Him with our lives. That daily walk, that daily communication, that daily connection with our Lord is what helps us to stay focused and keep our priorities straight.
You will never know how much I love you, and care about you. The greatest gift I receive each day is your friendship. While the Lord has called me to be here to encourage you and challenge you in your walk, you have also been an encouragement and blessing to me and my relationship with Christ as well. The Bible tells us that we are to bear each others burdens. Just as I am here each day to share your burdens, you have been there to share mine. My wife and I took an incredible step of faith 45 months ago. After much prayer, we took all of our personal funds and invested them in the launch of this Internet ministry. The Board of my ministry voted unanimously to earmark all the funds we had in the ministry to this outreach, to sustain it while we got it going. These last 45 months have been an incredible walk of faith for me personally, as I put action into the words I used so often. Saying "have faith and trust God" is one thing. Doing it is entirely different.
But so many of you have caught this incredible vision of Liveprayer. You have prayed, you have given me encouragement, and you have given sacrificially to make all we do each day at Liveprayer possible. I could never have imagined in just 45 short months we would share the hope and love of Christ with over 1.7 million worldwide EVERY DAY!! I can never tell you what your support has meant to me, especially on those difficult days when I wonder if God was taking a nap. That note of encouragement from you, that gift I know came right from your heart, was God letting me know to keep pressing forward.
As we start this new month with so many incredible opportunities to touch lives worldwide for Christ, now more than ever I need you to stand with me. Keeping up with our monthly budget of $30,000 is critical. It is your gifts each month that make that possible. Please sit down today, and give the best gift you possibly can to help us start out our 46th month of ministry on the Internet in good financial shape. As you know, you can give on your major credit card at the website, www.liveprayer.com under the "Donation" button, you can give via your PayPal account by using my email address, bkeller@liveprayer.com , or you can mail your gift to: Liveprayer 6660 46th Avenue North St. Petersburg, Florida 33709 All gifts to Liveprayer are tax deductible.
Thank you for standing with me and know that I am always here for you in your time of need. I pray for you daily. Count on the fact that each day as you open the Devotional, it is something that has been born of much prayer, and is something that God wants to say to you that day. I will continue to do all I can to share with you each day the love, hope, and victory that we have in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
In His love and service, Your friend and brother in Christ, Bill Keller