Daily Devotional for Saturday May 17, 2003
God is still in the healing business
(Exodus 15:26)
God is still in the healing business. One of the most frequent prayer requests I get each day here at Liveprayer is for physical healing. I spoke yesterday about how we must not take our good health for granted. But I realize many of you who read this Devotional today are not in good health. You have every kind of challenge in that area of your life imaginable. Of course, the first question most people ask is why? Why me? Only God knows the answer to that question. In some cases, part of the problem can be traced to poor dietary habits. In some cases, it might have been abuse to your body with tobacco products, alcohol, or drugs. But in most cases, there are no real answers. It is at those moments, when there are more questions than answers, that we MUST make our faith real and look to the Lord for strength.
I want each one of you that is reading this Devotional to know that I have set aside 6pm until midnight on Friday, May 23rd as a time of prayer for all those who need a healing touch from the Lord. I have no special powers. But, I do know the One who is ALL POWERFUL AND STILL IN THE HEALING BUSINESS!!!. God DOES know each person better than they know themselves. I know that my Bible says that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. That wonderful truth literally means that the same Jesus you read of in the Bible healing people, is the EXACT SAME Jesus who is alive and healing people today!!!!! THE SAME JESUS WHO CAN HEAL YOU TODAY!!! What a marvelous truth!!!
I love you, and I care about you so much. I will be fasting several days prior, and am expecting incredible testimonies of God's healing power in the bodies of many. The only question today is do you have the faith? In the Bible, as Jesus healed people, almost in every case He would say, "go, your FAITH has made you whole." You see my friend, there is nothing magical about me praying for your healing. Just like the hem of Christ's garment was not magical, but the woman with the issue of blood reached out and touched it, BY FAITH, and was made whole. It was a point of contact for her faith.
May you take that step of faith today, and believe God for your healing or the healing of the one you love. I am expecting great miracles, because we have a God that is a God of great miracles. Exercise your faith today, and trust the Lord for His healing touch. Never forget, our God is able to do ALL things. AMEN!
In His love and service, Your friend and brother in Christ, Bill Keller