Daily Devotional for Tuesday April 28, 2015

Time Sure Passes Quickly

(Proverbs 11:30)

***DAILY PERSONAL PRAYER FOR YOU: Dear Lord, bless me this day as I do my best to live for you. Lord, let me do at least one thing this day, to bring Glory to you! Use my life today as a living sacrifice. I love you Lord, and I pray today I can show it not with my words, but my deeds. In the name of Jesus I pray...AMEN!

***BALTIMORE! Nothing but the same thing we saw in Ferguson on a much larger scale. Orchestrated, pre-meditated chaos. Whatever happened to the young man killed in police custody will come out through the investigation underway, and those responsible will be prosecuted if that is what the facts show. Again, these isolated incidents, one a week out of tens of thousands of police/public interactions, is a red herring. You have four competing agendas. The current administration would LOVE to federalize local policing. Race hustlers like Sharpton and his ilk use these events to make money. I contend you would never know about ANY of these isolated incidents unless CNN and MSNBC weren't trying to raise their pathetic ratings by demonizing the police and playing the race card, a totally FAILED strategy by the way. Lastly, anarchist groups like the communists, socialists, and others whose goal is chaos, live for these moments. Pray for the family of the young man killed in police custody, pray for the safety of the police in Baltimore, and pray for peace in that city.

Time sure passes quickly. Monday May 4th will be our 2 year anniversary on TheWalkTV. I wanted to take a moment to thank TheWalkTv and their great staff, and all of the wonderful affiliates around the nation who have been airing our program for helping us bring God's Truth and the hope and love of Christ to the lost and hurting throughout the nation. Now more than ever the Gospel needs to be shared with the lost and hurting in the marketplace, outside the four walls of the church!

I wanted to share just a few emails we have received. We get 100's from the TV program alone each night. I just want to drive home that what we are doing each night for the Lord is not in vain, REAL LIVES are being impacted and REAL SOULS are being saved! TO GOD BE THE GLORY! Just a small sampling as a testimony to God's mercy, grace, and faithfulness as together we serve Him!!!


"Pastor Bill, I will PRAY for you and your Ministry to continue!!! You are a special man of God who has inspired, educated, and given us hope for this country! I was scanning the TV channels one night and I found your Live Prayer Program!! I was SAVED on your program MAY lst, 2014!!!! I am praying every day that you keep your Television program on in Chicago (Station WJYS). God Bless! Carolyn"

"Bill, your show have helped me so much. I have health problems, you are the best Pastor/Minister I've ever known. I love it when you preach, and can't wait till to night. I have a lot of baggage from the past. You are a true Man of God and I love you brother. Keep up the good fight, and work. Your friend, Jim (from Northern California)"

"Dear Pastor Bill: I have just finished watching your show in southeast Ohio. I called you last week and told you how we believed that we were having car problems because our check engine light was on and we were concerned about the financial cost of repairing our vehicle. You said a prayer for us. We took the auto to a local garage on Monday and they kept the car for 24 hours. They couldn't find anything wrong with the vehicle and only charged us 14 dollars! Thank you for praying for us. God bless you and your ministry. When I lived in Florida I used to watch you on channel 44 and you led me to find Christ. Your ministry both on TV and the internet is wonderful. Sincerely, Paul"

"Hello Bill Keller and Live Prayer Team, My name is Jacquinn and I am from Las Vegas!!!!!!! I have been watching you for about a year now. I am a college student and I am in a typical strapped for cash situation, so I would like to ask for prayer concerning my finances. Also, pray for both of my parents they are divorced. I just want the Lord to continue to bless them and for them to be saved. Thank you so much!!! Your ministry is such a blessing! Jacquinn"

"Hi Bill! I am praying that all is well! I got an "all clear" from my diagnostic mammogram this morning and had to share that with you! Thank you for your prayers! Praising God for His amazing promises! I'll try to call later to share this with the Liveprayer TV family! Praying for you! Nancy"

"Hello Bill, I called you yesterday 3/26/2015 to your program aired in The WAY T.V. I told you that I was going to donate $300.00. My Visa only gave me $250.00, therefore, I owe you God $50.00. Am I glad that I found your program! I have become sick and tired of the fancy stages and the huge diamonds on the minister's hands, and the jets. Yours is so humble. Thank you for being real!"

"Bill, It's Mike from Chicago. I wanted to receive that book you mention after the Sinners Prayer to help with my new walk with Christ. If you could send me one that would be great. My address is below. Again thank you for the program and God bless. Mike"

"Dear Bill, my name is Kevin and last night I called from Chicago. When I came upon it in June I had been dealing with some dark issues. I was a drug user and alcoholic, as well as feeling suicidal. But your program has inspired me to get myself clean and allow God to position me how He sees fit. I continue to have issues but I try to do the next right thing and I know if your show stays on, it will be one the motivating factors in my life to walk the right path in life. Your ministry is in my prayers, and thanks again. Kevin"

"Bill, thank you so much for your prayers. My wife got a good report, and we are so thankful to all for their support and prayers from your program and to the Lord for His mercy and grace."

"im sorry for bad english but i LOVE ur show. i will maybe call in soon to discuss my issues i need PRAYER for!!! i watch ur show in japan all the time and u are my 1 inspiration for wanting to come to america. when i was young my father took advantage of me and i was scarred for life. I fell down the path of satan and with the help of YOUR SHOW jesus has found a way into my heart and my life has excelled!!!! and now i am going to come to america to celebrate my new life! thank u so much for everything u do and continue to contribute. ARIGATO!!! =) sincerely, akira"

"Pastor Bill, I have had several days of sobriety from porn and am feeling like there is light at the end of the tunnel! Your TV program back to me has given me much hope to persevere and get free from this addiction. Even brothers in Christ can get caught by the enemy if one is not vigilant enough. Thank you and God bless you for caring enough about others to sacrifce yourself to be there each night. God Bless!"

"I've prayed the prayer to reaccept Jesus into my life!"

After 12 years of the Liveprayer TV program on major secular affiliates and networks, our last two exclusively on TheWalkTV, there is still no other program on Christian or secular television like "Liveprayer." Airing "live" every Monday-Friday from Midnight-2am EDT it is a simple concept. For two hours, viewers can call in for prayer live on the air.

In addition, each night I share a topic. It is usually something currently in the mainstream news, the same issues people hear on FOX News or through their favorite news source, however we deal with the issue from a Biblical worldview. We also simulcast the program in HD online each night and archive each program for On-Demand viewing.

Liveprayer TV: http://www.youtube.com/LivePrayerTelevision

The main ministry of Liveprayer remains our 16 year old website Liveprayer.com. Every morning for 16 years, I have written a Daily Devotional that currently goes to over 2.5 million opt-in subscribers worldwide by email each morning. The Daily Devotional is a 3-5 minute "sermonette" that deals with the issues of the day, the issues followers of Christ deal with, all from a Biblical worldview.

Tens of millions of lives worldwide have been impacted by the Liveprayer Daily Devotional over the past 16 years. Each day, we receive apx. 40,000 emails for prayer. I have a wonderful team of over 700 retired pastors who work with the ministry to insure every email is responded to personally. In 14 years, we have responded to over 100 million emails for prayer and have an archive of 9 million praise reports people have sent in to share how God moved in their life and situation.

Most wonderful however is that during our time online plus our 5 years on TV, a little over 900,000 people we know of have come to faith in Jesus Christ! To god be the glory!!!

As we are clearly living in the last days, with a nation in spiritual freefall and seeing the judgment of God raining down for our sin and rebellion, in a time when the better percentage of the last two generations never even been to church, and with so many compromised watered down churches, some that openly embrace sins like homosexuality and abortion, there is a true hunger for real truth and real hope. We know the ONLY truth and hope is found in God's word and a personal relationship with Jesus Christ!

Each night the program is powerful because it is live, unscripted, and dealing with real people, many at a critical time in their life. We often get calls from people who were just flipping through channels, people watching us in hospital beds, people who are in every situation you can imagine.

Many nights we get calls from people who had called for prayer during prior programs. They are calling back with a praise report how God met their need which is such an encouragement to the viewers who are facing similar issue since the Bible teaches God is no respecter of person. Several times a week we end up leading a caller to faith in Jesus live on the air. Trust me, there is NOTHING more powerful!

Not one program goes by that I don't take a few minutes to invite those in the audience who have never made a decision to accept Christ to make that choice. I explain why they need salvation, and the choice before them. I than lead those who want to make that commitment in prayer to accept Jesus as their Savior by faith. I offer a free booklet to those who make that decision which is our best way of knowing how many people come to faith in Christ.

I love and care about you so much. Thank you for your love, prayers, and generous sacrifce to make the Liveprayer TV program a reality for so many, often in their hour of need. In 2009, we felt the season for the TV program we had been airing nightly since 2003 was over. I had NO DESIRE to go back to the TV program, but in 2012 God kept on me to the point I had no choice. After all, this program is HIS and is clearly a ministry tool that works in perfect harmony with our work for the Lord on the internet. Together, our ministry online and on TV will help lead this nation back to God and His Truth in this year of victory in 2015!

***GOD IS GREAT!!! The last piece of our plan to lead this nation back to God and His Truth has been having the Liveprayer TV program that we pioneered from 2003-2008 on major secular stations and networks back on the air. After having the Liveprayer TV program back on the air "live" every Monday-Friday from Mid-2am EDT for 2 years this May, over 1 year this past February in the Chicagoland market of 10 million people, we have finalized plans for the program to be in national syndication this coming January!!! This monthly syndication deal will pay the ministry enough each month to cover ALL of our monthly operations costs, and as the program grows, would give us the financial resources to secure a large, visible platform in the marketplace to proclaim the Truth of God's Word that other than through our efforts over the years, has been either void of or filled with weak and watered-down representations of His Truth!


*STOCKS! A great way to help Liveprayer is by donating stock. The transfer can be made in a way you get the full credit for your donation without having to pay any of the taxes you normally would on gains your stocks may have enjoyed. Contact me for information about this incredible way to help God's work here at Liveprayer: bkeller@liveprayer.com

TO GIVE A GIFT TO LIVEPRAYER, you can use your major credit card on our secure server at: www.liveprayer.com under the "Donation" link, you can give using your PayPal account using my email address: bkeller@liveprayer.com,or you can mail your gift to: Liveprayer, 6660 46th Ave. North, St.Petersburg, FL 33709. All gifts to Liveprayer are 100% tax deductible.

In His love and service, Your friend, brother, and co-laborer in Christ, Bill Keller