Daily Devotional for Tuesday March 3, 2015

Thank You for Those Who Prayed for Me as I Cried Out Over the Weekend

(Psalm 138:7)

***DAILY PERSONAL PRAYER FOR YOU: Dear Lord, I cry out to you today. I have no place to turn but to you. My life is yours. Do with it as you will and I will obediently serve you with my very last breath. IN the name of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ..AMEN!

"Though I walk in the midst of trouble, thou wilt revive me: thou shalt stretch forth thine hand against the wrath of mine enemies, and thy right hand shall save me." Psalm 138:7

For those who have prayed for me as I cried out over the weekend...thank you! Friday afternoon, 72 hours ago, satan and his legions came against me. After fighting on the front lines day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year, these past 16 yrs, I take the attacks of satan in stride like any seasoned warrior. I can assure you that satan has come after me in every way imaginable over these many years, doing his best to take me out. However, these past 3 days have been like nothing I have experienced.

Over these many years I have refused to be bought off with money while others sold out. I have refused to compromise the truth while others stayed silent. I have gone into the marketplace to battle satan for souls while others stayed in the safety and comfort of the four walls of their church. I have done my best to stay close to the Lord so He could pour His Word through me each day. I have done my best to stay strong physically in order to be present and stand strong for those I minister to each day in His service.

My every waking moment these last 22 years has been focused on serving the Lord. The past 16 years through Liveprayer.com, the past 12 adding the TV program, have been an honor I could never have dreamed of as I have surrendered my life to the Lord and allowed Him to use me to minister to the needs of so many wonderful people around the world, many facing life's most difficult moments. Since late 2007, God has burdened me with the spiritual state of this nation, a burden that is almost crushing at times. Others have tens of millions of dollars in resources, thousands of people working for them, yet it seems this burden has fallen on a simple internet evangelist toiling away in the back of a used car lot in St. Petersburg, Florida.

As God has delivered me through this great spiritual storm of the past few days, I am weary and tired, but at great peace. As He has done many times before, His strength sustained me throughout. I am refreshed, re-focused, and re-energized for the great battles still ahead. You see my friend, God soverignly raised up Liveprayer 16 years ago for this moment in human history. NOW! Tomorrow, after hours and hours of prayer, I will finally share with you a special word from God about saving the soul of this nation.

Last week on the TV program, I did a 5 night study of Jonah. If you go to the archives, the Jonah teaching is in the first 30 minutes each night ( http://www.liveprayer.com/liveprayertv.cfm ). Those 5 nights were in preparation for this special Word God has been speaking to me about for a month now, a word finally ready for the world to hear tomorrow, in the Wednesday March 4th Daily Devotional.

Adding to the spiritual battles over the weekend has been the daily financial challenges simply to operate. We battled and battled each month last year, and when the dust settled, thanks to the generous sacrifice of many of our friends throughout the year, we had covered all of our internet and TV operations. God has provided for the basic needs of His work here month after month since we began in August of 1999.

This January was very slow financially, finally clearing up our January operations last week meaning we had just 6 days to cover the $65,000 we required for our February operations. That late in the month, $30,000 of February's operations from the first weeks were critically past due. We ended February with a $50,000 shortfall, $15,000 of that needed immediately simply to continue our basic daily operations.

By the grace of God, through today we are down to the final $10,000 of that critical amount, $45,000 in total. I am praying for one of our friends to help me with a special one-time gift to cover that $10,000. If everyone else will simply pray, give as the Lord leads you, I am standing in faith by the end of the week we will cover the last $35,000 of our February shortfall so we can being to work on the $40,000 we require for our March internet operations and the $25,000 for our March TV programs.

*If you are able to go out of your way to help me today before noon, I desperately need 1 of our friends who has the ability to wire, direct-deposit (Wells Fargo), overnight, or credit card/PayPal and gift of $10,000 to insure these past-due operation payments are made today. (Email me at: bkeller@liveprayer.com and I can give you the necessary information you need to get the funds to us ASAP.)

Our monthly internet and TV budget breaks down to just $2,200 a day! If just 30 people would make the commitment to send a monthly gift to LP of $2,200, 100% of our basic internet and TV operations would be covered! So please, pray today about stepping up and make this commitment for the balance of this year of VICTORY so Liveprayer can focus 100% on the ministry work God has called us to!

*STOCKS! A great way to help Liveprayer is by donating stock. The transfer can be made in a way you get the full credit for your donation without having to pay any of the taxes you normally would on gains your stocks may have enjoyed. Contact me for information about this incredible way to help God's work here at Liveprayer: bkeller@liveprayer.com

TO GIVE A GIFT TO LIVEPRAYER, you can use your major credit card on our secure server at: www.liveprayer.com under the "Donation" link, you can give using your PayPal account using my email address: bkeller@liveprayer.com,or you can mail your gift to: Liveprayer, 6660 46th Ave. North, St.Petersburg, FL 33709. All gifts to Liveprayer are 100% tax deductible.

I love you and care about you so much. THANK YOU again for your prayers over the weekend. The greatest work for Liveprayer is ahead of us, and there is no doubt satan is doing everything he can to take me out and end God's work here. I REFUSE TO GIVE UP, I REFUSE TO BUCKLE, THE FINISH LINE IS STILL AHEAD, I WILL FIGHT WITH MY LAST BREATH TO FULFILL GOD'S CALLING ON MY LIFE AND HIS WORK HERE AT LIVEPRAYER!!!

With your love, prayers, and sacrifce, we will continue to minister to those souls worldwide each day who depend on Liveprayer for their spiritual nurturing and the needs they bring to us, while preparing the way for a true national revival to save the soul of this nation. The same power of God that fell on the people of Nineveh that led to the greatest revival in human history and God holding back His judgment for a season, is the same power that can fall on this nation!

When we take our last breath, the only thing that will matter are the things we did for Christ. The things of this world have no hold on me, and at this point in my journey the only thing I desire is to see our land on its' knees in repentance, and a mighty harvest of souls, before the Lord calls me home. It is no accident or coincidence the Lord allowed our lives to cross during this season. Know that I love you, pray for you daily, and together we will see the glory of the Lord shining on this nation once again!!!


In His love and service, Your friend and brother in Christ,

Bill Keller