Daily Devotional for Thursday January 8, 2015
Do Not Be Yoked Together with Unbelievers
(2 Corinthians 6:14)
***ASK BILL: Pastor Bill, I'm not sure if a loved one has ask our Lord to be his Lord and Savior. Would it be ok if I prayed to our Lord to be his Lord and Savior? Does the Lord need to hear it from each individual?
ANSWER: Unfortunately there is no such thing as "salvation by proxy." Just because your parents, a spouse, a friend are saved, can't make someone else saved. That is a choice each person has to make for themselves. All you can do is share the Gospel with this person, explain why they need a personal relationship with Jesus by faith, and encourage them to make that decision. In the end however, it is up to each individual to make the profession of faith for themselves.
"Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?" 2 Corinthians 6:14
The rise of CHRISLAM in the United States. In this day of watered down sermons, compromised pastors, churches full of warm bodies and not converts through man-made seeker/purpose driven/emerging church marketing strategies guaranteed not to offend anyone, a growing number of "churches" that embrace and support gross sins like homosexuality and abortion, a time where the better percentage of two full generations have never even been to church causing many to buy into the lies of cults, false religions, and new age philosophies, why is it a surprise to see a growing movement that blends Christianity and Islam, better known as CHRISLAM.
Chrislam, or the "Will of God Mission," is a Nigerian syncretic religion which mixes elements of both Christianity and Islam founded in the 1980's in Lagos, Nigeria. Chrislam uses both the Bible and the Qu'ran as their holy texts. The sad reality is that Chrislam is now being practiced here in the United States, and being supported by over 130 "pastors." This has stemmed from the gutless motivational preachers of our day who embrace the ecumenical movements that seek to harmonize Christianity with other false religions and cults.
Let me be clear. Chrislam is simply the latest lie from hell that seeks to lead the souls of men to hell for all eternity. There is only ONE TRUTH, and that is found in the Bible! I find it sad that it is so-called Christian pastors embracing this lie, and not Muslim imams! The ecumenical movement asks Christians to lay aside the absolutes of the Bible in order to "get along." The reality is there are far too many "pastors" willing to do just that.
The poster child for these compromised pastors is Pastor Rick Warren. For years I have been warning you about this man who chooses to compromise the Gospel at every turn in order to advance his own agenda. Warren has consistently hosted leaders of cults and false religions at his church, allowing them to spread their satanically inspired lies directly from His pulpit! I shared a Devotional back in 2009 when Warren spoke to a major Islamic group. Warren started his speech with this quote, ""Before we 'shake your hand' in responding to your letter, we ask forgiveness of the All-Merciful One and of the Muslim community around the world."
Are you kidding me? As I have clearly shared in previous Devotionals, the God of the Bible and the "allah" of Islam are NOT THE SAME! There is only one God, THE GOD OF THE BIBLE! The "allah" of Islam doesn't even exist! What they worship in Mecca is a black rock! As I have shared with you in numerous Devotionals, the goal of Islam is to turn every nation Islamic, and those who won't convert, the infidels, are to be killed. This is what the Qu'ran says! The 1400-year history of Islam is well documented, and it has been one of terror, war, and death, as it is this day.
Islam does not want peace, only domination. Just like cults such as Mormonism seek out high profile Christians to sell out the faith in order to give them credibility, the same is true with a false relgion like Islam. In order to gain footing and add numbers in a nation like the United States, they use compromised men like Warren and others who will give credibility to their lies that they want peace. Islam is as much about peace as the Mormon cult is about Christianity! Islam was never, is not now, and never will be about peace!!!
I love you and care about you so much. You need to be aware of these new movements that are out there, designed to lead people away from the Truth of the Bible. People email me all the time asking why I hammer men like Rick Warren, Joel Osteen, those who sell out to cult members like Beck and Romney such as David Barton, John Hagee, Ralph Reed, and others. THIS IS WHY! This is about the eternal souls of men! The spiritual dearth in this nation has created a perfect atmosphere for the cults, false religions, and new age philosophies to lead lost souls astray with their lies, which will ultimately lead them to an eternity in the flames of hell!
This is why I ask you to pray and support God's work here at Liveprayer. Over these 15+ years, the Lord has allowed us to develop the proven tools to reach the lost and hurting masses in the marketplace all over the world. Now more than ever, in day of weak, watered down, gutless, and compromised preaching, the basic Truth of the Bible and the simple Gospel message must be heard, since it is the only hope for each person as well as our nation!
Even 5 years ago, a satanic lie like "Chrislam" would have been rejected by the church. The fact it is being embraced by so many "churches" today, is simply more proof of the depth of spiritual decay in this nation. As I shared with you, God's judgment is already being meted out on this wicked nation through the economic hardships, having a true enemy of God as President, and the bold rise of evil we see all around us each day. Our time is very limited if we are to save the soul of this nation. Please pray about standing with me and helping me to insure our voice is heard by millions worldwide each day, as we work to lead this nation and the lost back to God and His Truth!
In His love and service, Your friend and brother in Christ,
Bill Keller