Daily Devotional for Wednesday December 10, 2014
The Headlines are Screaming for a Nation to Turn Back to God
(Deuteronomy 8:19, 20)
**ASK BILL: Pastor Bill, what does the Bible mean by "filled with the holy spirit" in the Books of Acts?
ANSWER: It was the initial infilling of Believers with the Holy Spirit, "the Comforter" Jesus promised would come after He was gone. Now, ALL receive the Holy Spirit at the moment they accept the Lord by faith. Yielding to the power of the Holy Spirit to be guided "by the Spirit and not the flesh" is the challenge of every Believer each and every day.
The headlines of the past few days are SCREAMING for a nation to turn back to God and signs here and around the world that the judgment of God is falling and our ONLY hope is to turn back to God and His Truth! As you read through these news headlines and the few comments I made, remember we are counting down the final 100 days of this critical year, 21 days to go, God's hand of protection and blessings is OFF this nation, and these are simply a few of the daily signs to a lost and hurting nation in spiritual freefall to turn back to our Creator and His Truth or face His ultimate wrath and judgment as the children of Israel did many times for their sin and rebellion!!!
-Muslims returning from fighting for ISIS talk about their dreams of a worldwide Muslim state, the ULTIMATE goal of Islam since its' inception 1400 years ago and of ALL Muslims in the world...including those in the United States! England is having huge problems as heavily populated Muslim areas have taken over the curriculum of their local schools, and Germans are protesting the Islamization of their country. *As I have tried to help educate you, this is what Islam has been about over the 1400 years it has existed. As the final days of human history unfold, we are seeing the global rise of Islam.
-Online shopping if quickly overtaking traditional shopping. This is simply another computer-based infrastructure whose vulnerability we have already witnessed via the hacking of credit card and consumer info from Home Depot, PF Changs, and many other retailers. *As I have recently written in a Daily Devotional regarding this issue, our daily lives are totally dependant upon computer infrastructures. ALL of these computer infrastructures are highly vulnerable to hacking, and worse, complete shutdowns that would change life as we know it overnight.
-NBA superstars Lebron James of the Cleveland Cavs and Derrick Rose of the Chicago Bulls recently donned warm-up shirts with the words "I Can't Breath" showing their support for Eric Garner who died while resisting arrest in Staten Island, and 5 members of the St. Louis Rams NFL team came out during player introductions with their "hands up," a gesture showing their support for Michael Brown slain by police after robbing a convenience store and assaulting a police officer in Ferguson, Missouri. *A mantra that has emerged from these two incidents being used by different groups to advance their political agendas by ginning up the racial animus in this nation is that "every black life is precious." I agree 100% with that statement, and wonder why none of these activist groups or high profile athletes don't speak out in support of the apx. 1,800 black babies (out of apx 4,000 total) slaughtered in this nation every 24 hours! Why aren't THOSE black lives precious???
-The FOX TV network program "The Family Guy" aired a program this past Sunday night blaspheming Jesus by portraying the Lord as a lying, sex-crazed adulterer! *I am waiting for the arrogant Bill O'Reilly or anyone else at FOX News, part of billionaire pornographer Rupert Murdoch's vast media empire that includes the FOX TV network, to blast this blasphemous representation of Jesus as they do other broadcast outlets and people in the culture who make similar disgusting representations of the Lord. I won't hold my breath since their mythical "war on Christmas" card played this time every year doesn't count when it is their own corporation waging that war. Memo to Family Guy: Let's see you cowards make such a representation of Mohammed and Muslims!
-Churches around the nation are being used as "sanctuaries" for illegal aliens who broke the law to come into this nation. *I find it sad that churches are quick to come to the aid of people who have broken the laws of this nation, but have no interest in coming to the aid of people who have broken the laws of God! Most churches are no longer a place find spiritual help or faith in Jesus, but little more than social entities and political pawns like the rest of the world.
-The state of Florida has approved a "satanic temple" to be displayed at the capitol this year.An angel falling into a fire pit and two Bible verses on the side will join other religious expressions wishing people a happy holidays. *What more needs to be said of a culture that makes a moral equivalency between worshipping satan and Jesus!
I love and care about you so much. God is showing us DAILY that we must stop, turn back to Him and His Truth or be destroyed as He promised to do in today's anchor verse. COMMIT IT TO MEMORY! "If you ever forget the Lord your God and follow other gods and worship and bow down to them, I testify against you today that you will surely be destroyed. Like the nations the Lord destroyed before you, so you will be destroyed for not obeying the Lord your God." Deuteronomy 8:19, 20.
In His love and service, Your friend and brother in Christ,
Bill Keller