Daily Devotional for Monday November 10, 2014
Praise Reports
(Psalms 91:15; Psalms 89:1)
***ASK BILL: Pastor Bill, I wrote to you about 6 weeks ago mentioning how that weeks question (If I was told by a Muslim to denounce Christ and accept Allah or I would lose my life) and how much that question made me think since they are so violent with beheadings, eating the persons organs and such. Never had one of your questions stunned me like that and it took me three days of serious pondering to realize that yes, while being scared out of my wits, I would stand with Jesus. Now that brings me to my question, does rebuking Satan in Jesus name, still exist in today's world? If so could we rebuke our killers or is it a gift that only a few receive?
ANSWER: Matthew 5:12 "Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you." We will all die one, in some way, and while I doubt anyone wants a horrific death, never forget they can only kill you one time. It is in HIS strength we stand for the Lord in life, and possibly in death. and yes, taking authority over satan IS our right and duty and one ALL followers of Christ should exercise. I can only pray that in my dying breath I will forgive those who were killing me and give one last presentation of the Gospel and encourage them to accept Jesus by faith!
One of the joys in my life is to look over some of the thousands of incredible praise reports we receive every day here at Liveprayer. Real people that had emailed us to pray about real issues in their life. It is a tremendous honor and privilege to be able to stand in agreement with people for the needs they face during the course of their journey through life. I am always moved to see God's grace and mercy at work in the lives of people as He answers their prayers.
Currently, we have over 9 million praise reports archived. Several times each year, I like to share a sampling of those praise reports with you. I do this because so many of you are facing great obstacles in your life today, and need to know God is there. The Bible proclaims that God is no respecter of persons. That simply means what God has done for someone else, He will do for you!!! So I want you to know today that no matter what your need is, what your problem is, what the battle you are fighting may be, God not only hears your prayers, BUT HE ANSWERS YOUR PRAYERS!
Also, so many of you pray and sacrificially give to the work God is doing here at Liveprayer. I want to encourage you today as well, that your prayers, and your gifts to this work are not in vain. What we do each and every day for over 2.5 million people all over the world is only possible because you care, you pray, and you give. Let these praise reports be an encouragement to you that God is using you to make a difference in the lives of people. God is using your obedience, your faithfulness to reach those who are lost and hurting with His love and hope. May God use these praise reports today to be a blessing to you!
"God Bless you Bill and all of your staff. You helped me when I had bladder cancer and had the treatment that didn't work. You helped me when I had the surgery for bladder cancer. You helped me when we lost our youngest son to suicide, and we are still trying to get through this tragedy. You help me each day I read your message and I truly do appreciate and love you as a brother in Christ. Thank you Bill Keller for your prayers and your ministry."
"Thank you Bill, I have been with you since 9/11/2001 when you wrote that inspired Devotional dealing with the fateful events of that day. I was a Christian long before that, but I was searching for some true encouragement. I was hurting financially at that point in my life but was always faithful to send $10 a month to the Live Prayer ministry because I truly thought you were doing something special. You have personally answered many of my requests for prayer over those years for my family, job, health, and finances. I have been in the same job for 15 years and have been promoted, and blessed with increased sales. I have steadily increased my giving to Live Prayer over the years, as I have been financially blessed. For the past 5 years now I have committed to giving a $100 a month. A long cry from $10 a month. I hear do pray today and challenge the Live Prayer family to give according to their financial blessings. Everyone can give at least a dollar, and if they are faithful in that they will not only be blessed for it, but as you so often mention it would solve all of your financial needs for years to come. God bless you for your steadfastness and dedication to keep bring the truth of the Bible to so many in need."
"hello my name is holly and on your tv show last night i prayed with mr. keller and accepted jesus christ as my savior. i watch the show often and love the fact that it feels like he is there just for me .i would like the free copy of the book he offered on last nights show if it is still available. god bless all of you and i wish everyone a happy life."
"Bill, I had an abortion early this year even though I am saved. I asked God for forgiveness but still feel sick every day about it. Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to assure me of the Lord's love and forgiveness. I don't know if I could have made it without your encouraging words. God bless you for being there!"
"Bill, my wife and I will not sit by and watch Liveprayer go down. This ministry has helped us in countless ways. It truly is one of the last voices for truth in this world with a platform to speak the truth. As a long time readers...and long time donors...I challenge everyone to give $10. I'm tired of God's people having to beg to get His word out. He is the King of Kings! The Lord of Lords! If this is a last stand...then we stand with you!!!"
"Bill, I know it must be tough walking by faith every day, trusting others to stand with you as you bravely share God's love and Truth with so many. Please know that many people are praying for you and your ministry! You ARE doing something right for all those attacks against you. It proves that you are pointing out the evil in people and cults in this land, but you also pray for the people and help them come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ that most people never know about."
"Pastor Bill, I so appreciate these Biblically-focused emails. Thank you for your ministry...and your prayers. I will NEVER forget over 10 years ago when you/your ministry (ultimately our Lord) did some wonderful miracles in my heart and in one of our son's who was far from Christ at that time and causing hurt from one relationship to another. What repair God has worked. I thank God for you and your steadfastness each day."
"Brother Bill, thanks to your prayers our marriage has being restored. Thank you! It is good to know there is always someone there when you need them the most. God bless you!"
"Thank you Bill for your honest interpretation of the Bible. This world is full of wolves and it's nice to hear it not being sugar coated. I was the caller who chatted about TBN being a money hungry monster. I am a new Christian and you are the ONLY preacher on TV I have seen that that doesn't preach harvest seed nonsense, if you give them money you will become wealthy, and spend their program selling books and tapes. Please pray for me to be strong. I'm delivered from drugs and alcohol. Thank you again and God Bless!
"I never watch TV preachers, but have been watching your TV program the past 3 months because you seem to really care. No glitz or glamour, no fancy suits, just you talking to people and praying with them. My life has been a mess and I prayed your prayer tonight to accept Jesus. Thank you for caring enough to be there each night for people like me."
God is faithful! My word for you today is that GOD IS FAITHFUL! I know many of you are hurting today, going through a difficult time, but my word for you today is that GOD IS FAITHFUL! As you pray for me and make the sacrifice to help me continue God's work here at Liveprayer, so I pray for and stand with you. The Bible teaches we are to bear each others burdens!
I am most blessed of men to be able to wake up each morning and share the Truth of God's Word with so many around the world, bring His Truth into the marketplace outside the four walls of the church, pray for tens of thousands daily who need God's touch in their life, and lead lost souls to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.The fact is, I have only been able to do that these past 182 months by the grace of God who has given me the health, presence of mind, spiritual guidance, and passion to wake up every day and do what God has called me to do with my life because of friends like YOU!
I love and care about you so much. Will you please take a moment and pray today about helping me. Getting our October operations covered in the next few days is critical since we still have our November internet and TV budgets to bring in, and we will lose apx 5-7 days during the Thanksgiving holidays!
I need your prayers and help today. As we are now 10 days into November, with the donations over the weekend we still require the final $6,000 of our October internet budget, the $28,000 we are behind as of the end of September on our Chicago TV contract, plus the $8,000 we need to complete October's TV budget. That is a total of just $42,000, and than we can begin to work on the $40,000 we require for our November internet operations and the $25,000 for TV during November!
We started a couple of weeks ago requiring $100,000 by the end of October to be totally current with our internet and TV budgets, and after the $58,000 we received since that time the total is down to $42,000 ($36,000 for TV and $6,000 for the internet)!!! Please keep praying about the sacrifce God is calling you to make to help me we can get all of our ministry operations current!!!
--->I NOW REQUIRE JUST 42 OF OUR FRIENDS WHO WILL HELP ME TODAY WITH A SPECIAL ONE-TIME $1,000 GIFT OR MORE SO WE CAN CLEAR UP OUR OCTOBER OPERATIONS!!! Please pray about a special one-time year-end gift of $1,000 or more to help me insure Liveprayer continues to be a beacon of light to so many each day! Many will be getting a year-end bonus. Some of you have recently sold a home, some property, a business, stocks, or something else. Please pray about sending a portion of those funds to help God's work here at Liveprayer!!!
Will you help me today??? The Bible teaches to give according to your ability to give. Please take a moment today and pray about what God is calling you to do to help me. Everyone can pray, and most can make a sacrifce of $5, $10, $20, $50, $100, or more to help me at this time. I will be in prayer today, trusting by faith that as God has done for the past 182 months, that the Lord will move on the hearts of those who have the ability to step up and help me continue to bring His Truth to the marketplace, pray for people in their time of need, and bring the lost to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ!!!
TO GIVE A GIFT TO LIVEPRAYER, you can use your major credit card on our secure server at: www.liveprayer.com under the "Donation" link, you can give using your PayPal account using my email address: bkeller@liveprayer.com,or you can mail your gift to: Liveprayer, 6660 46th Ave. North, St.Petersburg, FL 33709. All gifts to Liveprayer are 100% tax deductible.
Thank you for your prayers, your faithfulness, and your sacrifice. God Bless you and your family and know you are in my prayers as we stand together for His Kingdom and help to lead this nation back to God and His Truth!!!
In His love and service, Your friend and brother in Christ,
Bill Keller