Daily Devotional for Saturday November 8, 2014

The Headlines of the Past Few Days are Screaming Warnings of God's Impending Judgment

(Deuteronomy 8:19, 20)

***ASK BILL: Pastor Bill, with the legitimate worry that one day America may suffer a financial collapse, what stand should believers be prepared to take against those who might choose to exploit them if a break down in law and order occurs? Should believers adopt the typical armed and ready "prepper" mentality that many are encouraging? Should believers be prepared to use force of arms to repel those who would plunder them?

ANSWER: The Bible clearly teaches us to be prepared. It also clearly teaches moderation. Those who are so consumed with "prepping," are not living their life, but preparing for a life that may never come. The key is to live today, don't fear tomorrow, but do your best to prepare for changes that may come. If Beck and the other doom and gloomers who are making tens of millions off of scaring people are right, and there is a total collapse of the financial system, there is very little you will be able to do. Whatever food you store, no matter how many guns and bullets you buy, they will be gone sooner than later. I refuse to live in fear or with an apocalyptic mindset. I have chosen to prepare to some extent, but focus instead on living each day to its' fullest, since the fact is tomorrow is promised to NONE of us. At some point, our faith in the Lord has to become our strenght and hope regardless what things may look like.

The headlines of the past few days are SCREAMING for a nation to turn back to God and signs here and around the world that the judgment of God is falling and our ONLY hope is to turn back to God and His Truth! As you read through these news headlines and the few comments I made, remember we are counting down the final 100 days of this critical year, God's hand of protection and blessings is OFF this nation, and these are simply a few of the daily signs to a lost and hurting nation in spiritual freefall to turn back to our Creator and His Truth or face His ultimate wrath and judgment as the children of Israel did many times for their sin and rebellion!!!

-Iran is using a naive and inexperienced President Obama to achieve their ultimate goal of full nuclear capabilities that will not only endanger the entire Middle East, but could one day be used to achieve their stated goal of wiping Israel off of the face of the globe! *President Obama has been used in foreign affairs by evil men like Russia's Putin and those who run Iran causing not just complete chaos and instability in that critical region, but putting the national security interests of Israel and our own nation in great peril!

-Counting down the final 53 days of the year as satan unloads through the economy, acts of terror, disease, and fallen nature. *We have already seen great upheaval in the first 47 days with over 7 weeks still to go!

-Sweden now has set aside 55 "no go zones" that they have literally given to dominate Muslim populations in those areas of their country to govern as they see fit! *I have warned you for the past 15 years that this is the ultimate goal of Islam in EVERY nation they come to, COMPLETE AND TOTAL DOMINATION. That includes the United States!

-The Supreme Court is going to be forced to deal with the legality of gay marraige in the coming year due to a lower court ruling upholding the banning of gay marriage in Ohio, Michigan, Kentucky, and Tennessee. *This will once and for all make gay marriage the law of the land as the SC will rule it is a "civil right."

-Harvard is now offering classes in anal sex, and if you criticize the class you are labeled a homophobe. *What is the big deal, over 50% of supposed Christian churches now support the sin of homosexuality. What do people think two men do to each other and why God calls their choice of sex an "abomination!"

-ISIS is defending their massacre of groups of people by telling the truth that their prophet Mohammed also slaughtered people. *They are correct, however if I say that Muslims call for my death for defaming their prophet.

-A bright spot in the recent mid-terms was the election of many men and women who are pro-life, pro-family, and pro-marriage. *As I have contended, it does prove there is still a huger by many for Biblical Truth.

-Roma Downey and Mark Burnett are cleverly making a fortune milking the soft, Biblically illiterate Christian community who have mostly experienced nothing but "ear tickling" as they produce TV projects with Christian themes. *Downey whose background is steeped in the New Age, and Burnett who if saved learned quickly how to cash in on his new faith, are producing Biblically light, Biblically inaccurate programming for the masses that have NO Gospel presentation. My question, if they are truly making a Christian program, and the Gospel is the central message of the faith, why are they afraid to simply explain to people that without faith in Christ they will die and burn in hell for their sins and that the ONLY Truth is found in God's Word? The answer of course, that will get them shut out of the market and cost them the fortune they make from their powerless, Biblically light programs. Is it any wonder they hang out with Matt and Lori Crouch of TBN, Joel and Victoria Osteen, and satanic cult member Glenn Beck?

-The US is totally at the mercy of Russian, Chinese, and Islamic cyber groups who are committing cyber espionage, extortion, theft, and warfare. *We will be brought to our knees by the very technology we pioneered! (More to come on this critical word next week!)

I love and care about you so much. God is showing us DAILY that we must stop, turn back to Him and His Truth or be destroyed as He promised to do in today's anchor verse. COMMIT IT TO MEMORY! "If you ever forget the Lord your God and follow other gods and worship and bow down to them, I testify against you today that you will surely be destroyed. Like the nations the Lord destroyed before you, so you will be destroyed for not obeying the Lord your God." Deuteronomy 8:19, 20

In His love and service, Your friend and brother in Christ, Bill Keller