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Daily Devotional for Thursday September 18, 2014
The Evil So Many Face Each Day from Customers, Co-workers and Bosses
(Colossians 3:23)
***ASK BILL: Pastor Bill, some people think God chose who he was going to be saved even before they were born. I tend to think He just knew who was going to follow him and who wasn't. What is your opinion?
ANSWER: It is the age old debate about "election." God in His omniscience knew before the foundations of the earth was formed who would accept Him and who would reject Him. Having said that, despite His knowledge, man has the free will to accept or reject Christ and God DOES NOT interfere with that free will choice, meaning each person is responsible for what they do with Jesus. Otherwise, there would be no need for preaching the Gospel, there would be no point in evangelizing, and all of the commandments regarding telling others (Romans 10) would be meaningless.
I know from the emails that I get, many people go to work each day in absolutely wicked places. I am amazed at the level of evil so many face each day from customers, co-workers, and bosses. Many who openly profess Christ as their Savior endure persecution at work for their faith.
For those of you who go to work each day in a hostile work environment, where people come against you, many simply because you are a Christian, I want you to know that it is NO ACCIDENT OR COINCIDENCE you work where you do. God has put you there for a reason . . . to be HIS light in the darkness.
As I have stated so many times, the child of God is expected to live UP to the standards of God, not down to the standards of this world. This world says to do as little as possible to get by. On your job, do what you have to do, nothing more. God says that you are to do your very best, work with all of your heart to please the Lord, not man.
Even though you may work for your boss, you are actually working for THE BOSS! God doesn't expect you to do what you can't do, only your very best at what you can do. Those who know the Lord should always be the best workers, since we understand we are working for the Lord, not man.
Never forget, we have the largest percentage of two full generations that has never been to church. YOU ARE THE ONLY BIBLE MANY OF THOSE YOU ARE IN CONTACT WITH EACH DAY AT YOUR JOB WILL EVER READ! Our greatest testimony to those God has put in our life is not what we say, but how we live our life each day! I guarantee you, people notice!
Also, I know many of our friends need a job or are underemployed. Please know that I am praying for you and for the Lord's perfect timing to open up that place He wants you to labor, and that in the process He will bless you to earn the amount of money you need to take care of yourself, your family, and the financial obligations you face in your life.
Let me tell you what the big picture strategy of Liveprayer is. It is a very simple plan. Use the Internet and secular TV to let people know when they are hurting, looking for answers, there is a place they can come. You see, I understand that EVERYONE deals with the same issues in life like finances, health, death, relationships, careers, and addictions.
I simply want to be there, visible and accessible so that when they face these issues, they know there is a place to come to find strength and hope. That is why God has you working where you are. To be that bright light, so when those you come in contact with each day are hurting, looking for strength and hope, they know they can come to you.
That is when you can share with them the fact that Jesus is their only real hope. In the midst of their struggles, He is the ONLY answer. It is at those times when God can use you as an instrument to help those who are hurting find strength in Christ and peace that only God can give. THAT IS WHY YOU ARE WORKING WHERE YOU ARE!
I love you and care about you so much. I realize that many of you face incredible challenges each day on your job. I will be praying today that God will encourage you and help you to see that you are not at that job just for a paycheck, but He has placed you there to be a witness for Him to those you come in contact with each day.
Take time before you go to work to pray for God to help you to do your very best in your job that day, working as unto the Lord, not man as a testimony to those you work with. Also, pray that God will let your light shine bright so that those who may be hurting, will come to you with their problems and give you the opportunity to pray for them and share with them the hope and love of Jesus.
I pray that you will never look at your job as just a way to earn a paycheck again, but look at it for what it really is, A MINISTRY. All of God's children are called to serve Him. Realize that you serve Him every day when you go to work, since it is no accident or coincidence where you work. GOD PUT YOU THERE!
In His love and service, Your friend and brother in Christ,
Bill Keller