Daily Devotional for Friday August 29, 2014
Fifteen Years of Liveprayer
(John 3:16,17, 14:6, 15:5)
Fifteen years of Liveprayer! It is easy to get discouraged looking at the world around us today despite the wonderful milestone that 15 years ago at Noon on 8/31/1999, Liveprayer signed on. Over the years Liveprayer has become the most effective interactive online ministry ever. God has used His work here to impact tens of millions of live worldwide while seeing over 800,000 souls we know of come to faith in Jesus Christ. To God be the glory, and it will be the eternal legacy of myself and each member of the Liveprayer family!!!
As I type these words, I think back to the numerous times over 15 years I have exhorted people that our ONLY hope is to turn this nation back to God and His Truth. Liveprayer is the instrument that God has been using to impact individual lives, and as we continue to do that our final work for the Lord is to lead the way for a spritual revival across this land. Unless that happens, unless we have a Nineveh moment where the masses get on their knees and repent of their sins, turn back to God and His Truth, this nation is finished. Only the arrogant and prideful will believe that the same God who judged his own children for FAR LESS sin, won't unleash His wrath and judgment on this nation!
Over the last 15 years, Liveprayer has become by far the world's largest interactive Christian website. We've sent out just under 5,500 Daily Devotionals that began going out to a handful of people and are now are received by over 2.5 million people worldwide every single day. We have received and responded to over 100 million email prayer requests. We have accumulated a Praise Report archive with over 8 million testimonies of God's faithfulness.
We've broadcasted the uncompromised Truth of God's Word and the fact Jesus is the ONLY way on over 2,000 "live" TV programs on major secular network TV stations, seen by millions of people in Florida, Illinois and around the nation since it debuted in March of 2003.
Of course, ALL honor, glory, and praise goes to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Jesus said, "Without me you can do NOTHING!" That powerful reminder from John 15:5 is on the mirror in my bathroom and the first thing I see every morning. I have been most blessed of men to be given the honor and privilege to serve our Lord in such a meaningful way each and every day. It was 24 years ago this month that I sat in a Federal Prison cell and rededicated my life back to Christ and finally gave the Lord the one and only thing He ever wanted from me, and the one and only thing He ever wants from you...my life completely, fully, and wholly surrendered to Him!
Whatever has happened at Liveprayer these past 15 years is NOT because of Bill Keller, it is because of Jesus Christ. Bill Keller is simply a vessel God has chosen to use at this moment in human history in the fulfillment of His overall plan and purpose. All I did was give my life completely to the Lord and surrender myself to whatever His will for me is each day. I spent nearly 7 years PRIOR to the start of Liveprayer doing my best to serve and follow God faithfully. Whatever Liveprayer has become after these 15 years, is the result of serving and following Christ obediently and faithfully for over 22 years. It was God who has called me to do what I do today and I am simply doing my best to follow His voice as I walk by faith each day.
It is because of what we have done these past 15 years that I have the incredible passion for what we can do in the years to come should Jesus tarry. What drives me each day is the fact that I know Jesus may return at any moment, that tomorrow is promised to none of us and I need to be faithful each day to the work God has called me to do, and that every second of every day someone is dying and going to hell that could be in Heaven if we had been able to reach them with the hope of Christ. Thru the internet and secular television, we have the ability to reach the lost and hurting masses and not only help them find real answers in their hour of need, but the eternal hope we have in Jesus Christ.
Seeing the lost won for Christ is what I have given my life to do. With every waking moment, every breath until God calls me home, my only objective and goal is to reach the lost with the Gospel. That passion, that drive, that determination has not waned over these past 180 months, it has intensified. I refuse to let the personal abuse I take each day stop me. I refuse to let the continual threats on my life stop me. I refuse to let the daily challenges of living in this fallen world stop me. I refuse to let finances stop me. I refuse to let anything keep me from giving the Lord everything I have every day. I know that I fall short every day, fail the Lord every day, but I am thankful He knows my heart. Jesus gave His very life for me, how can I give Him anything less?
I LOVE YOU AND CARE ABOUT YOU SO MUCH! I really mean that each day! The greatest joy of all these past 15 years is this new family God has blessed me with. Every day I cry with those in the Liveprayer family who lose those they love, and I rejoice with those in the Liveprayer family as they bring new life into this world. I remember today the many dear and faithful friends who have been part of Liveprayer over the years, many who helped lay the foundation for God's work here who have gone on to their rewards in Glory. I also am excited by all the new additions to the Liveprayer family as they grow up to become the men and women of God He has called them to be.
It has been a privilege to stand with so many young adults as they have gone thru high school, college, started their first job, and gotten married, had children. I've been honored to stand with those in the Liveprayer family who have lost their job, gotten new ones, faced health issues, struggled with their finances, gone through a divorce, had legal issues, bought and sold homes, moved, dealt with children and grandchildren living apart from the Lord, those how have battled with different addictions, and all the rest of the daily challenges we face along our journey through this life. I'm grateful to be here each day to help bear your burdens.
*"It's an honor to speak to people about God, it's an even greater honor to speak to God for people!!!" -EM Bounds
All I can say in closing is THANK YOU! Thank you for your love. Thank you for your prayers. Thank you for your encouragement. Thank you for your financial support of God's work her at Liveprayer. I tell you often that without you there would be no Liveprayer. That is true. YOU make this all possible each day for millions of lost and hurting people worldwide. Your love and prayers and gifts have made an eternal impact in the lives of tens of millions of people around this planet. Please continue to pray for me and for all those who labor here so faithfully each day to make this all possible. For those who God leads and have the ability, please continue to prayerfully give as the Holy Sprit leads you as we meet our financial needs.
I'm looking forward to the day my work here is complete and I am able to go to Heaven and hopefully catch up on some sleep. I know that at some point, there will be a great reunion of all those people who were part of the Liveprayer family. It is such an honor and great joy of mine each day to be able to actually meet those who are part of Liveprayer. Sadly, I know that I will never get that opportunity to shake hands and give a hug to the vast majority of those in the Liveprayer family during this life. So I look forward to that day in Glory when we will all be together.
In the meantime, God still has much for us to do. While it would be easy and tempting to sit back and be content with what we have accomplished these past 15 years, we can't because there is still too much work left to do. The Liveprayer Church, the world's online cathedral. The Jonah Project God's instrument to help lead this nation back to God and Biblical values. The "remnant" is about to rise up and be heard like never before!
So now is time to keep pressing on towards that prize, being obedient and faithful each day to serve and follow the Lord, and declare to this lost world the Truth of God's Word and tell the lost of the eternal hope they can have in Jesus Christ. May God continue to pour out His favor and blessings on Liveprayer as we remain faithful each day to our calling of leading this nation back to God and HIS Truth!!!
In His love and service, Your friend and brother in Christ,
Bill Keller