Daily Devotional for Monday July 28, 2014

A New TV Program Mocking and Blaspheming Jesus

(Isaiah 53:7; Matthew 26:62-63; Psalms 22:6-8; Matthew 27:39-40)

***ASK BILL: Pastor Bill, when we accept the Lord as our personal Savior and still sin, even though we don't mean to, will we still be judged for those sins? This is very confusing to me and I know it is for others like me.

ANSWER: Christ paid the price on the cross for ALL of our sins. However, when we sin, we forfeit the peace, joy, and abundance we should enjoy, plus, whatever consequences there as a result of our sins. the Bible talks about crowns in Heaven. Little is known about those crowns and rewards, other than they will be for our faithfulness and obedience. We don't lost our salvation, but we probably forfeit some crowns and rewards.

A new and wonderful TV program mocking and blaspheming Jesus! Turner Broadcasting that owns numerous cable TV channels like CNN, HLN, TNT, TCM, TBS, TruTV, also owns the Cartoon Network. Every night from 8pm to 6am the channel airing the Cartoon Network in 100 million homes across the US airs programming from Adult Swim. The block features stylistically varied animated and live-action shows including original programming, syndicated series, short films, and Japanese anime, generally with minimal or no editing for content.

The newest program coming to Adult Swim in August will be called, "Black Jesus." This is a wonderful new program featuring our Lord living in modern day Compton, California, on a mission to spread love and kindness throughout the neighborhood. Oh, he also smokes pot and every other word out of his mouth is a curse word!!! This is simply the latest mockery and blasphemy of our Lord Jesus Christ by this world that has rejected Him, choosing to live in open rebellion to the Truth of His Word!

I have only one question for the producers of this blasphemous portrayal of our Lord. When are you going to create a program called, "White Mohammed" that mocks and demeans Mohammed, the satanically inspired founder of the false religion of Islam 1400 years ago? The fact is, Jesus killed no one during his 33 yrs on earth, quite the opposite, He gave His life to SAVE mankind! Mohammed on the other hand is not just a historically documented pedophile and polygamist, but a man of war who DID kill people in his life in the name of the false religion he created that has been about nothing more than war, intimidation, terror and death over its' 1400 history!!!

Of course Turner Broadcasting nor ANY program would dare to offend Muslims in any way. You will never see a program called, "Good Muslim Bitches," even though ABC recently produced a series called, "Good Christian Bitches!" If they ever dared to mock and demean Mohammed in any way, CAIR and other Muslim activist groups would be screaming bloody murder, and Muslims would rise up around the world and do what they do best...kill innocent people because they were offended!!!

You will probably remember the Danish cartoon a few years ago that depicted Mohammed with a bomb in his headdress. People actually died in the riots that followed that incident. Dutch politician Geert Wilders created a short documentary that accurately depicted Islam as a religion of violence, hate, and has a price on his head. Remember Salman Rushdie who wrote the book "The Satanic Verses" many years ago? He still has to live each day in hiding, going out in public with security for fear of being killed by angry Muslims.

Islam is not about love or peace or unity as they try to deceive people into believing. This false relgion is about one thing, converting the world to their false religion and those who get in their way or who refuse to follow their lies will be silenced and killed. The word "Islam" literally means "submission." Maybe you don't understand what it means when their "holy book" says "death to all infidels." An "infidel" by their definition is anyone who has not converted to their false beliefs. This is their book. These are their teachings. THIS IS WHAT ALL MUSLIMS BELIEVE NO MATTER IF THEY ARE LIVING IN THE MIDDLE EAST OR IN THE UNITED STATES!!!

Let there be no mistake, mocking Jesus is not a new phenomenon. What is new is the bold and fearless public attacks on our Lord throughout the world today. I have told you often that the United States is no longer a Christian nation. A classic example of that fact is the way those who hate Jesus publicly mock Him. Just 10 years ago, no TV program would have had the audacity to depict Jesus the way "Black Jesus" and others have done. I have written many Devotionals over these past 15 years on the boldness of satan versus the timidity of Christians. Do you believe me now?

The natural question of course is what do we do about it? First, you can't blame those who put out these disgusting and blasphemous representations of Jesus. Oh, don't get me wrong, God WILL hold them accountable, but these are people who have clearly rejected God, His Truth, and Jesus, so what do you expect? They have given themselves over as instruments of unrighteousness so they are actually only doing what comes naturally to them. How can you really blame those who hate and reject the Lord from expressing that rejection and hatred? Hear me carefully. They are not the problem, WE ARE THE PROBLEM!

Maybe now you can understand why I hammer relentlessly on how Christians have abandoned the marketplace for the comfort, safety, and oh yes, the profitability of this Christian subculture we have created for ourselves. In reality, we are also in rebellion to God since the Bible doesn't say separate yourselves from the world. God's Word actually COMMANDS us to do the exact opposite!

What we are seeing with the open and public mocking of Jesus is one of the visible results of our abandoning the culture of our day and leaving it to the devil. He operates virtually without any opposition so why are we surprised that he has taken his hatred and scorn for Jesus to the extremes we witness today? Let me warn you my friend, it is only going to get worse! Just look at the "spiritual cleansing" we are witnessing this very moment in Iraq, Egypt, and other places where Christians are being slaughtered and wiped out simply for their faith! If you don't think that can happen here in the US you are very naive!

The answer to this blaspheming of our Lord is to get back into the marketplace and start taking a stand for Christ. Each follower of the Lord can do their part each day where you live, where you go to school or work, where you shop, in the recreational activities you are involved in, and with the people God brings across your path. You take your stand by living a Godly and holy life. You take your stand by not being afraid to speak up for our Lord when you are around people who are speaking against Him. You take your stand by finding ways to serve Him You can't stop the mockers, but you can make sure their message of hatred for our Lord does not go unchallenged!!!

I love you and care about you so much. For anyone who loves Jesus, it has to break your heart to see how our Lord and Savior is portrayed by those who hate Him. I have no doubt Jesus is looking down and saying "Father forgive them, for they know not what they do." The reality is, those who created this blasphemous skit will die one day. At that moment they will be standing before God their Creator to be judged. If they die rejecting the Lord, the Bible says they will be cast into everlasting darkness.

I believe the last thing they will see, the picture that will be with them as they suffer for all eternity, will be that of King Jesus, the One they openly mocked and scorned!!! Pray for these lost souls. Without the Lord in their heart, they have allowed their lives to be used as agents of satan. Don't forget that there was a man named Saul of Tarsus who persecuted the early church, killed Christians, yet that same Saul was visited by Jesus one day and his life gloriously transformed. He became Paul and went on to live one of the greatest Christian lives ever documented.

I pray that this will be a wake-up call for all Believers today. A wake-up call that we have got to get back into the marketplace where we live each day and boldly, without shame or compromise proclaim our faith in Christ. If this doesn't motivate you, nothing will. For too long, we have been intimidated into keeping our mouths shut while those who live in rebellion to God speak loud and bold without fear or conscience to promote their ungodly lives and choices.

Maybe this will give you some insight into my drive and passion for what we do each day here at Liveprayer through the Internet and on TV. Our number one goal is to bring the lost to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Getting people saved is the ultimate answer. In addition to proclaiming the Gospel to the lost and bringing the hope of Christ to the hurting, I am here to bring Biblical Truth back into the marketplace. I can't stop programs like "Black Jesus" from being made, but I can go out into that VERY SAME marketplace and reach those VERY SAME people with the fact that their only hope and their only answer is faith in Jesus Christ!

This is why the unique and one-of-a-kind Liveprayer TV program is so critical. It is a bold and visible answer to the type of mockery and blasphemy of our Lord that takes place every day on virtually every TV station in some way! Those who hate our Lord are bold and courageous in taking their message of hate to the masses. I challenge you today that if you love Jesus, you should be even bolder and more courageous in taking the message of His love to those same masses! While the world mocks and blasphemes our Lord, we have got to praise Him and share His hope, love, and Gospel with this lost generation!!!

***FOUR DAYS TO GO IN THE MONTH!!! As we are down to the final 4 days of July, we still have to cover the final $33,000 of our basic internet operations budget. $10,000 of that is from the first week of the month and is critically past due! It is for bandwidth expenses that keeps Liveprayer.com on line and all of our vast and unique spiritual content on the website accessible to people worldwide. I desperately need ONE friend who has the ability to help me with a special one-time gift to meet this required amount IMMEDIATELY!

If everyone else will pray, seek the Lord what He wants you to sacrifce, and "give according to your ability to give" as the Bible teaches, I know we can cover this final $33,000 by the end of the week and begin the month of August with all of our basic operational expenses paid!

LIVEPRAYER TV PROGRAM IN CHICAGO!!! God sent a special friend several weeks ago to enable us to send a good faith payment on our overdue balance to the Chicago TV station so the program would remain on the air. As we are ending our 6th month airing in the Chicago market, we are seeing more and more people sacrificing to help us with every passing month. If we can simply get through this first year, we will have all of the support we need each month from our new friends of Liveprayer in that market. Two new friends of God's work here at Liveprayer from the TV audience in Chicago came together to help insure the $6,000 payment we were required to make last week was met! PRAISE GOD!!! We are still over a month behind in paying for the airtime and below is our payment schedule from the Chicago stations for the balance of July that is required to keep Liveprayer on the air in the Chicagoland market.

Please pray over this payment schedule and seek the Lord about allowing Him to use YOU to help me insure we continue to be able to reach the 10 million people in the greater Chicagoland market "live" every Mon-Fri from 11pm-1am CDT. --->Due Friday July 25th/$22,00 --->Due Friday august 1st/$22,00


Please pray with me. That is $33,000 we require for the balance of our July internet operations, and $44,000 to get our TV airtime current. I am standing in faith that over these final days of the month, God will deliver the $77,000 we require for our critical daily ministry operations so we can head into the month of August current! If everyone will pray and "gives according to their ability to give," it will insure by the end of the month the $77,000 we require for our basic ministry operations are current!!!

TO GIVE A GIFT TO LIVEPRAYER, you can use your major credit card on our secure server at: www.liveprayer.com under the "Donation" link, you can give using your PayPal account using my email address: bkeller@liveprayer.com , or you can mail your gift to: Liveprayer, 6660 46th Ave. North, St.Petersburg, FL 33709. All gifts to Liveprayer are 100% tax deductible.

God bless you for praying for these needs and helping me. With the final 5 months of 2014 before us, this is the moment, these are the days for which God raised up this ministry 22 yrs ago, 15 yrs ago online and 10 yrs ago on TV. AS I SHARED WITH YOU IN NOVEMBER OF LAST YEAR, WE WILL SEE THE SPARKS OF A TRUE NATIONAL REVIVAL AND THE START OF THIS NATION TURNING BACK TO GOD AND HIS TRUTH BEFORE THE YEAR 2014 IS OVER. LIVEPRAYER WILL BE A BIG PART OF MAKING THAT HAPPEN!


In His love and service,

Your friend and brother in Christ,

Bill Keller