Daily Devotional for Monday July 21, 2014

Preparing to Celebrate 15 Year Anniversary of Liveprayer in Just 6 Weeks

(John 3:16, 17)

ASK BILL: Pastor Bill, can you give me any idea of the meaning of Zech. 11:17?

ANSWER: Sadly, this is the description of the majority of pastors today. It talks about their worship of idols and forsaking their flocks. The Bible says those who are called to lead His sheep will receive a double judgment. It is a stark contrast to John 10, and the description of the Good Shepherd. Is it any wonder why the sheep are weak, ineffective, and sitting targets for satan's schemes when the shepherds don't do their job?

My friend, as we prepare to celebrate the 15 year anniversary of in just 6 weeks, I want you to know how much I love and care about you. Despite the trials and all that I've faced here at Liveprayer these many months, it has been an incredible and fulfilling time of my life. On August 31st, I am going to share with you not only my reflections of these past 15 years, but what God has showed me regarding the coming months of THIS YEAR.

After 15 years of faithful service online, the Lord has opened some incredible doors to give us the opportunity in the closing months of THIS YEAR to lead this once Godly nation back to our Creator and His truth!!!

I am asking you to do 3 things today. First, email me your prayer request for your greatest need today. I never forget that even though over 2.5 million people worldwide get this Daily Devotional each morning, each person is a special and unique creation of God, and each person is going through some issue, even in those calm periods of life. Email me your need today to: bkeller@liveprayer.com so that I can stand in agreement with you for that need.

Second, take 3 minutes, 180 seconds, and ask the Lord to give me the strength and wisdom I need, and bless His work here at Liveprayer as we prepare to fulfill our final work for our Savior and His Kingdom. You will never know how much I depend upon your prayers each day, as we take on satan without any hesitation or fear, and boldly share the uncompromised Word of God with the masses.

Third, please pray about making whatever sacrifce you can make to help me today. For 15 yrs, I have refused to allow God's work here at Liveprayer to be turned into a marketing enterprise, selling books, bottled water, vitamins, and anything else you can imagine. We are here to minister to the daily needs of people, broadcast His Truth in the marketplace, and guide people to faith in Jesus. So every month for 15 years, I have walked by faith asking the Lord only for what we needed to operate that month, not a penny more, getting on my knees and praying in faith for the Lord to move on the hearts of those who could help me

Even though we have always struggled financially, never greater than in the last 5 years, we are still standing and still faithfully doing what we have done each day for 15 years now. It has been many dear friends like you over the years who has made that possible. Thank you so much! So many times at the most critical moment, the Lord has sent someone with a gift, sometimes it was $20,000, sometimes it was just $50, as a sign to this weak servant He was there and keeping watch over His work here at Liveprayer. That is why I trust Him daily with my entire life!

The only way I can say thank you or show my appreciation, is by waking up each morning and giving 100% of everything I have as I've done daily for the past 15 years, to be a blessing to you and those we reach daily though Liveprayer.

I have stood with so many of our friends in their darkest hours of life, as well as in those joyous times. Praying for and sometimes officiating a man and woman as they committed their lives to each other and God for life, blessing newborn babies, walking with those going through the pain of divorce, grieving with those who have lost loved one and friends, rejoicing with those who got a new job, believing with those who lost their job for a better one, asking the Lord to touch bodies that needed His healing touch, standing in agreement with those dealing with financial problems, praying with dear friends in their final days of this life, as well as praying with so many for the needs of day to day life we all face.

My life has been made complete by God granting me the joy of serving Him. However, nothing I have accomplished for the Lord would have been possible without the love, prayers, and sacrificial support of so many who enable me to be here each day for the millions worldwide we bring His Truth and hope to every 24 hours. THANK YOU!!!

***After needing the first several weeks of this month to cover the balance of the June shortfall, we are just 10 days from the end of the month. We have taken in $2,000 towards our basic monthly operational budget of $40,000 leaving us requiring $38,000 over these final days. $10,000 of that is from the first week of the month and is past due, so please pray and seek the Lord what He is calling YOU to do to help God's work here at Liveprayer to end the month with our internet operations budget current!!!

--->If you have the ability to wire or overnight that $10,000 we desperately need to cover from the first week of the month, or if you bank at Wells Fargo and can simply deposit the funds into our account today, that would help me a great deal. I am praying and believing God for at least one person to hear His voice and help me insure this critical need is met. If the Lord is speaking to your heart and you can help me, please email me at: bkeller@liveprayer.com

CHICAGO TV!!! God sent a special friend several weeks ago to enable us to send a good faith payment on our overdue balance to the Chicago TV station so the program would remain on the air. As we are into our 6th month airing in the Chicago market, we are seeing more and more people sacrificing to help us with every passing month. If we can simply get through this first year, we will have all of the support we need each month from our viewers in that market.

Two new friends of God's work here at Liveprayer in Chicago came together to help insure the $6,000 payment we were required to make last week was met! PRAISE GOD!!! We are still over a month behind in paying for the airtime and below is our payment schedule from the Chicago stations for the balance of July that is required to keep Liveprayer on the air in the Chicagoland market. Please pray over this schedule and seek the Lord about allowing Him to use YOU to help me insure we continue to be able to reach the 10 million people in the greater Chicagoland market "live" every Mon-Fri from 11pm-1am CDT. --->Due Monday July 14th/$6,000 --->Due Friday July 25th/$22,00 --->Due Friday august 1st/$22,00


Please pray with me for the $38,000 we require for the balance of our July internet operations, and $44,000 to get our TV airtime current. I am standing in faith that over these next 10 days, God will deliver the $82,000 we require for our critical daily ministry operations so we can head into the month of August current! If everyone will pray and "gives according to their ability to give," it will insure by the end of the month the $82,000 we require for our basic ministry operations are current!!!

TO GIVE A GIFT TO LIVEPRAYER, you can use your major credit card on our secure server at: www.liveprayer.com under the "Donation" link, you can give using your PayPal account using my email address: bkeller@liveprayer.com , or you can mail your gift to: Liveprayer, 6660 46th Ave. North, St.Petersburg, FL 33709. All gifts to Liveprayer are 100% tax deductible.

I love you and care about you so much. Know that I pray for you and your family each day. Please don't miss my special 15 year anniversary Daily Devotional on August 31st as I share with you our final works here at Liveprayer. The time is short, and Jesus is coming at any moment. With your love, prayers, and support, we will see our work completed as we lead this nation back to God and His Truth, while leading MILLIONS of lost souls to everlasting life through faith in Jesus Christ!!!

In His love and service, Your friend and brother in Christ,

Bill Keller