Daily Devotional for Saturday July 12, 2014
Where There is No Vision the People Perish
(Proverbs 29:18)
***ASK BILL: Pastor Bill, My question is this, the church is against cremation and stresses that you should have a regular burial, casket etc. Is there any scripture in the Bible that states one should not be cremated?
ANSWER: ABSOLUTELY NOT! How people dispose of the dead is more a cultural issue. There is NOTHING in the Bible that says you must be buried. What the Bible DOES say, is that from dust you came, and to dust you will return. Burial is the slow process of that happening, cremation makes it happen quickly. Here is a link to a Devotional on that very issue: http://www.liveprayer.com/ddarchive3.cfm?id=1025
"Where there is no vision, the people perish!" Today, I am speaking to you from a place I often have in the past 15 yrs, and that is as a modern day prophet of God. In the OT, the prophets of God FORETOLD what would happen in order to warn God's people. We now have the Bible, so modern day prophets are not "foretellers," but "forthtellers," sharing what God's Word is saying. In that office, I am telling you that the ONLY hope for this nation is to turn back to God and HIS TRUTH. If we do not, the wrath and judgment of God will rain down and this nation will no longer exist!
I am well aware that 95% of those reading these words today think I have lost it. I would say to you, go back through human history and look at the great nations, the great military powers of the last 6,000 years of human history. Rome, Greece, and other nations thought they were also going to last forever. In the end, God destroyed them and they ceased to exist! If we are so arrogant to think that what God did in the past He won't do today, than we deserve His wrath and punishment!
As God sent Johan to Nineveh, God has raised me up in this moment in human history in this very nation to share the same message Jonah did. The similarities are eerie. Jonah had no desire to do what God had called him to do and ran. Likewise, I also had no desire to do what God wanted from my life and ran. God sent a "big fish" to get Jonah's attention. God sent a "big fish" in the form of the US Government to get my attention.
In the end, Jonah and Bill Keller both decided doing what God called us to do was the best option. Just as Jonah faithfully warned Nineveh of the coming judgment of God, I have spent the past 20 yrs of my life warning this nation of God's coming judgment! Jonah warned Nineveh of God's impending judgment if they didn't repent, turn back to God and His Truth. I have been warning this nation that God's wrath and judgment is imminent if we don't repent and turn back to God and Biblicla Truth!!!
Every day at Liveprayer we hear from tens of thousands of people. It is funny that the lost KNOW there is something wrong in their life and in this nation. They can't articulate what it is, but they know! I have never doubted that revival will come to this nation through those OUTSIDE the four walls of the church! The church of today is so compromised, so far away from what the church is supposed to be, so divided, it hasn't got the ability to usher in a true revival. That revival is possible, and it will happen outside the four wall so the church!
People are hurting. People are lost. People are looking for real hope and real answers! The fact is, by reaching the masses, people will respond!!!! Sadly, we have a very short window of opportunity. Our time to act is NOW!!! With all of the major ministries out there, I have had my assistant to follow them ALL for the past year in regard to what they are calling their followers to do. Sadly, they are asking their followers to help them buy a new Gulfsteam private jet, build new buildings, give them money so the person giving the money can be rich, and on and on and one! It is a shame that with the very life of this nation on the line, not ONE is asking people to help them turn the nation back to God and His Truth and usher in a real revival!
I love you and care about you so much. Since May of 2013 the Liveprayer TV has been back on stations around the nation (reaching the 10 million people in the Chicagoland market since February of this year) and accessible to people worldwide via a hi-def feed online at Liveprayer.com! It is the last piece of the puzzle I have been sharing with you for years we needed to see this nation fall on its' knees and turn back to God and His truth.
Please be in prayer since the lost and hurting masses are open to a message of true hope and change. People are looking for real answers for their life. We know the ONLY truth hope and change, the real answers, are found in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ!
The Bible says the people perish for lack of vision. That is so true! We have the vision of what needs to happen to save this nation. We have the vehicles to get it done. May eternity show we were faithful to fulfill what God has called us to do in order to stay His hand of judgment for a season as we see a great harvest of souls in these final days!!!!
***As we are 12 days into our 179th month of Liveprayer, we still require the final $10,000 from our June shortfall so we can begin to work on the $40,000 required for our basic July operations. That is $50,000 we require over the final 19 days to end the month with all of our basic operations current. I am praying for 1 or 2 friends who are able,to step up and send a special one-time gift to help me clear up the balance of our June shortfall by the end of the weekend!
CHICAGO TV!!! God sent a special friend two weeks ago to enable us to send a good faith payment on our overdue balance to the Chicago TV station so the program would remain on the air. Below is our payment schedule for the balance of July that is required to keep Liveprayer on the air in the Chicagoland market. The station has been very fair in working with us, wanting the program to succeed, and has made many financial concessions to help us. Please pray over this schedule and seek the Lord about allowing Him to use YOU to help me insure we continue to be able to reach the 10 million people in the greater Chicagoland market "live" every Mon-Fri from 11pm-1am CDT.
As we are into our 6th month airing in the Chicago market, we are seeing more and more people sacrificing to help us with every passing month. If we can simply get through this first year, we will have all of the support we need each month from our viewers in that market. Only God could have opened such an incredible door, and I know in my heart satan is fighting us every step of the way since it is the critical piece to our overall TV efforts that have been married with Liveprayer.com to help us lead this nation back to God and His Truth!!!
--->Due Monday July 14th/$6,000 --->Due Friday July 25th/$22,00 --->Due Friday august 1st/$22,00
I know many are going through difficult times financially, and we pray daily for the Lord to meet your needs and our financial requirements for Liveprayer.com and Liveprayer TV. I also know that many are working hard, seeing nice returns on their investments, and have businesses or jobs where you are being blessed. If God is blessing you financially or has in the past that has allowed you to accumulate some financial resources, please pray about helping me. It was those who God had blessed over these many years who made it possible for us to impact tens of millions of lives around the world and see over 800,000 souls we know of come to faith in Jesus Christ over these past 15 years of Liveprayer.com and 10 years of Liveprayer TV.
There were critical times in the past when dear friends have stepped up with special gifts of $20,000, $50,000, even $100,000 in once case, to help us at a time of great need. Now it is YOU who God is speaking to about helping me insure we are here daily online and on TV to bring God's Truth into the marketplace to confront the lies of satan, praying for people's needs, while sharing with the lost and hurting masses His hope and salvation that is only found through Jesus Christ. The Bible teaches to "give according to your ability to give," so whatever you are able to sacrifce, even if it is $10, is a blessing since God isn't impressed with the size of your offering, but the obedient heart that makes that offering!
TO GIVE A GIFT TO LIVEPRAYER, you can use your major credit card on our secure server at: www.liveprayer.com under the "Donation" link, you can give using your PayPal account using my email address: bkeller@liveprayer.com,or you can mail your gift to: Liveprayer, 6660 46th Ave. North, St.Petersburg, FL 33709. All gifts to Liveprayer are 100% tax deductible.
Thank you for taking your stand with me as we bring HIS Truth to this lost, the hope and love of Christ to the lost and hurting, and work daily to turn this nation back to God our Creator and His Truth!!!
In His love and service, Your friend and brother in Christ, Bill Keller