Daily Devotional for Saturday June 28, 2014

Running from God in Our Time of Need

(Daniel 9:13)

Running from God in our time of need. One of the most curious phenomenon to me in my years of ministry is the way people who know God seem to run AWAY from God in their time of need, instead of running TO Him. Over and over again, I see people in trouble, with nowhere to turn, running from God. People who are in situations that ONLY God can fix, not even praying. As a matter of fact, there are many of you reading this right now in very difficult situations, and you haven't even prayed for God's help. God is your only hope and you won't even go to Him. Why?

One word . . . PRIDE. Even in our weakest moments. Even in our greatest time of need, we are too proud to go to God and ask His help. We are often ashamed, frustrated by our weakness, knowing that we have been in rebellion and don't feel we have the right to go to God for help. Look at Adam. After his sin, he ran and hid from God. The very same God he used to fellowship with, he was now hiding from. He was ashamed, but also too proud to face God and admit he had blown it and ask for God's help. Many of you today are like Adam. You have blown it, rebelled, and now you are in hiding. To proud to admit you were wrong and ask God to help you.

Let me encourage you today. God loves you, despite your sin and rebellion. God loves you despite your pride. God loves you and only wants the best for your life. God loves you and is ready to not only forgive you . . . but help you. Put your pride aside. Put the shame of failure you may feel aside, and call out to the only source of strength and help you have . . . God. Today, you can stop running. Today, you can stop hiding. Today, you can start putting the pieces back together. Wherever you are at this moment, if you are struggling with a problem, take a second and cry out to God for help. He knows the situation and your heart. Simply ask Him to help you. He won't ever leave you or forsake you, even if you run from Him. Just like the prodigal son ran from his father, his father waited patiently for him to return. So today, God is waiting for you to return.

I care about you, and I love you. I want to help in any way that I can. Just email me and I will pray with you, for you, and try to encourage you. My prayer for you today is not to run FROM God, but TO God. He loves you and wants to help you. Give Him a chance.

In His love and service, Your brother in Christ,

Bill Keller