Daily Devotional for Tuesday June 17, 2014
Hillary would be a Furtherance of God's Judgment on the United States
(Titus 3:1; Psalms 75:7; 1 Samuel 2:7; Genesis 45:8)
***ASK BILL: Pastor Bill, I believe the Bible totally and Genesis is such a wonderful book. However, what puzzles me is what was happening on the earth before that time. Was there some type of human life? It's mind boggling.
ANSWER: As the Bible teaches, human life began when God created Adam and than Eve.
Even though the election for the next President of the United States is still 29 months away, based on the fact God could easily allow Hillary Clinton to rise to the highest office in the land as a furtherance of His judgment on this nation, now would be a very good time for all those who know Christ as their Savior to get on their knees and start praying in earnest.
I have discussed often in the past how the President is the Commander-in-Chief, not the Pastor-in-Chief. However, the person in that office has the ability to steer the spiritual direction of this nation towards God and Biblical values, or away from God and Biblical values. That is why Christians MUST be involved in the political process and make our voice heard in trying to lead this nation back to the Godly principles and values that we once held and are now so far away from.
We also must NEVER lose sight that the problems in this nation are NOT political but spiritual. There will never be political solutions in a nation that lives in total rebellion to God and His Truth!!!
The Bible says that it is God who allows men (and women) to rise to power. No person will occupy 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue unless God allows them to. In talking about who the next President will be, we have to look realistically at the system that is currently in place for a person to ascend to that office.
As of today, it is virtually impossible, save a sovereign move of God, for someone outside of the Republican or Democratic parties to ever become President. It now takes over ONE BILLION dollars and a "human machine" in all 50 states to have any chance at becoming President, and our current two-party system has insured that nobody outside of their parties has a legitimate chance at getting elected President.
Hillary Clinton, should she decide to run and there is little doubt of that happening, commands great clout within the Democratic Party after being the First Lady for 8 years, a US Senator, and recently Secretary of State. Hillary is one of the few people who has the ability to raise the money needed and put the national machinery in place for a Presidential run, not to mention her husband, President Bill Clinton, is arguably the most powerful Democrat including sitting President Barack Hussein Obama.
Suffice it to say, on the social and spiritual issues facing our nation Hillary will oppose God on every one as the current President does. She will be a staunch advocate for special rights for the homosexual community, including gay marriage and adoption, and support a woman's right to kill her baby. She will also no dobut support amnesty for those who came to this nation illegally as well as giving away part of the land God gave to Israel to their Palestinian enemies.
Time will tell who the Republican Party will nominate. I will tell you this. It is NOT out of the question Mitt Romney, a 5th generation high priest of a satan worshipping cult leading souls to hell with a false gospel, may make a third attempt at becoming the first Mormon President and fulfill the "White Horse Prophecy" of Joseph Smith, the founder of the Mormon cult!
So what is the answer? PRAYER! Pray that God will raise up a man or woman in one of the two parties who won't be afraid to take a stand for Christ, for faith, and for the spiritual and social issues of the day. I honestly don't know who that person would be, since again, without the ability to raise over a billion dollars and build the human machine in all 50 states needed to run a national campaign, getting the parties nomination, let alone getting elected, is impossible. But God is able to raise up the right man for the right time to be President and that needs to be the focus of our prayers.
I love you and care about you so much. I will be praying for you today as you begin to do your homework and pray about those running to be our next President. As Believers, we are responsible for doing our best to elect those who will help lead this nation back to God, not away from Him. The fact is, all candidates will use God's name to try and get elected. The key is, which ones will actually honor God's name and His Word once in office.
Let me encourage you today. No matter who the next President of the United States is, it is not their job to lead this nation back to God and to Biblical values, it is the job of those who know Jesus Christ as their Savior. It is the job of the SPIRITUAL LEADERS, not the political leaders to inspire the people to righteousness! Why do we expect someone in Washington, even the President, to do the job God has called us to do?
Personally, I will pray for whoever our next President is like God's Word commands us to, just like I prayed for Present Obama every day to come to faith in Jesus. But I am not going to sit back and wait for even the Present to do the job God has called me to do! I don't expect any longer our government to take a Biblical stand on the social and spiritual issues of the day. I wish they would, and will try to elect people into office who will, but ultimately it is my job to lead the people back to Biblical values.
So no matter who may become the next President, never forget that if you know Jesus as your Savior, it is YOUR JOB, not theirs, to bring God's Truth into the place you live each day. Even though abortion may be legal, get a pregnant woman who is thinking of killing her baby saved and guess what, she will let that baby live! Get the man or woman who chooses to engage in homosexual relationships saved and guess what, when they gets married it will be to a someone of the opposite sex as God intended!
Getting people saved and keeping the Absolute Truth of God's Word IN THE MARKETPLACE is the key to seeing this nation come back to God and Biblical values no matter who the next President is!!!
In His love and service, Your friend and brother in Christ,
Bill Keller