Daily Devotional for Friday May 2, 2014
Examples of Two Cowardly Christian Organizations
(Luke 16:13, James 4:4)
***ASK BILL: Pastor Bill, did you hear Bill Maher actually defending Christianity as not in the same vein as Islam regarding violence?
ANSWER: Yes!!! If you go to the Daily Devotional archives searchable by keyword and type in "Maher" ( http://www.liveprayer.com/darchive.cfm ), you will find the many Devotionals over the years where I spoke about Maher. I do give him credit for this statement, since anyone with an ounce of credibility can't deny that Islam during its 1400 year history has been about violence, terror, domination, and death! With the advent of the Internet, people can now see that not a DAY goes by in some part of the world where Islam is involved in terrorism, violence, and death!!!
I want to use the examples of two highly visible and cowardly "Christian" organizations today to challenge you in your personal life to make the most of each day God gives you. In the Daily Devotional of July 23, 2012 I wrote, "I want to take a moment today to stand up and APPLAUD the Boy Scouts of America and Chick-fil-A. It is so rare in this day of being politically correct and compromise, to see anyone take a bold and principled stand for Biblical Truth."
*Note: I applaud Dr. James Dobson for taking a bold public stand for life during the National Day of Prayer address. I can only pray others will be inspired to quit being silent and no matter the repercussions, STAND FOR THE LORD AND HIS TRUTH!
Since that Devotional in the summer of 2012, both the Boy Scouts and Chick-fil-A have both caved in on their "bold stand for Biblical Truth" and have turned into the latest on a long list of cowards who talk a good game, but when the real pressure comes they compromise their faith and surrender!!!
The Boy Scouts have now opened their ranks to "gay scouts," caving in to the lie that someone is "born gay" when it is a CHOICE while compromising their high standards they have maintained for 100 years! Their surrender was due to concern over large financial backers who they would lose if they stuck to their century-old-policy of excluding homosexuals from membership and leadership positions within its ranks.
Chick-fil-A CEO Dan Cathy told The Atlanta Journal-Constitution that his stand against "gay marriage" in 2012 "was a mistake." Cathy's "apology" to the homosexual lobby comes at a time when he was expanding his fast-food restaurant chain into many northeast markets that threatened to not allow that expansion if they maintained their "bigoted views" regarding "gay marriage."
As I have shared with you often, our life on this earth is so brief and over so quick. James calls it a "vapor." The Bible clearly teaches that tomorrow is promised to none of us. That is why we must make the most of each and every day. There are no do-overs. When this journey is over, it is over, we are not coming back. This is our one and only shot. Understanding that, it should become the desire of each of us to make each day count and live it to the fullest.
EVERY PERSON has the ability to make a difference in this world no matter what you have been called to do. I don't care if you are 15 or 115, rich or poor, male or female, what color your skin is, YOU can make an impact on this world with your life. God gives each of us passions, things that we develop a love for throughout our life.
God gives each of us gifts, special abilities that come naturally to us. Throughout our life God opens and closes doors. It is through these passions we have, through the gifts we have received and developed, and through the opportunities that life presents us, that each person can make an impact on this world during the course of their life.
You see, God needs His children in every area of life. He calls His children to be teachers, doctors, scientists, astronauts, pilots, police officers, fire fighters, secretaries, bank tellers, garbage collectors, janitors, nurses, homemaker, car dealers, mechanics, farmers, politicians, entertainers, lawyers, writers, stock brokers, and any other profession you can name.
Throughout the course of a person's life, God may call someone to do many different things. The point is, whatever career or profession you are in, you can make a difference. The key is to do your very best each day and realize that your life matters. Of course, no matter how much we may accomplish in our life, our greatest legacy will be those lives we touch for Christ along our journey.
You see my friend, no matter what your passions may be, what your gifts may be, what career or occupation you have, we all have the same purpose in this life. That is to serve and glorify God with our lives. All that we do in this life comes back to our God-given purpose which is to serve and glorify Him. The money we accumulate, the property we own, all of the things of this world will one day pass away, but those lives we impact for Christ will last for eternity!
I love you and care about you so much. Over their long histories, until just recently the Boy Scouts have impacted millions of lives in a positive way and Chick-fil-A has been a pillar of the communities where they have restaurants, never backing down on their commitment to close on Sunday in respect for God's Word that teaches it is a day of rest. Sadly, in compromising their faith, they have DESTROYED THEIR TESTIMONIES BUILT UP OVER THOSE MANY YEARS!!!
That is why it is so sad to see these once great and GODLY organizations cave in to the pressures of those who oppose God and His Truth! You can make a difference in whatever career or occupation you are in. The key is to wake up each morning, do the very best you can, and as God opens doors in your life be bold enough to walk through them. Don't compromise your Biblical beliefs and faith no matter what pressure you may come under!
Of course, never forget that no matter where God may have you working during each season of your life, He has placed you there as His ambassador. You are not there by accident, but God has placed you where you are at in life to share with others you meet along your journey the hope and love of Jesus Christ and the truth of His Word. That will be your real legacy when this brief journey is over, those lives you impact for Christ.
The reality of this life is that one day, sooner than any of us expect, it will be over. At that moment we will be instantly in the presence of God our Creator (2 Cor 5:8). At that moment, God is not going to be interested in the name of the church you attended, what your job was in this life, how much money you have, or how many buildings have your name on them. No my friend, the only thing God is going to be interested in is do you have a personal relationship with His Son Jesus Christ. For those who do, God will say, "enter into my rest." AMEN!
My word to you today is this. Go out and make an impact in this world in whatever God has called you to do with your life. Make your life matter! Stand tall for God's Truth and never back down or compromise no matter what satan throws at you! Along the way, never forget that you have been called to serve and glorify Him with your life and your true lasting legacy will be those lives you touch for Christ along your journey!
If you have never made a commitment of your life to Jesus by faith, today is your day, this is your moment. Please go to: http://www.liveprayer.com/plan.cfm
In His love and service, Your friend and brother in Christ, Bill Keller