Daily Devotional for Sunday February 23, 2014

Are You Awake Yet

(Exodus 15:6; Deuteronomy 32:41; Psalms 68:11; 1 Peter 5:8)

***ASK BILL: Pastor Bill, I believe that there is a devil and demons. I know Jesus cast out demons. People tell me 'there are no demons', 'they are just dead souls who haven't gone to the light yet' and so on. My reply is Jesus cast out demons, Paul did the same, so when did demons stop their dirty work on earth?

ANSWER: One of satan's greatest scams is to get people to believe he is just a mythical figure, that he doesn't exist. Satan is VERY REAL, and so are demons, the third of the angels who got booted out of Heaven with him for their rebellion! Until God ends this world as we know it, satan and his demons will continue, but we already know their fate, the Lake of Fire for all eternity. That is why it is so sad when a person dies rejecting Christ. They end up in the same place, a place that wasn't created for man, but satan and his demons.

ARE YOU AWAKE YET??? If you have been reading my Daily Devotional for the past few months, let alone for an length of time, you are seeing everything I have said coming to fruition right before your very eyes. UK Muslim cleric Anjem Choudary, recently told FOX News and radio host Sean Hannity that Americans are "the biggest criminals in the world today," and last October announced "the flag of Islam will one day fly over the White House."

ARE YOU AWAKE YET??? If I had a dime for every email calling me a nutcase, a whackjob, a paranoid fool, for trying to tell people about the true intent of Islam these past 15 yrs, I would never worry about finances again. This is not a joke. This is not a game. This is not something that will just go away. I have been trying to warn people about the false religion of Islam for 15 yrs now. ARE YOU AWAKE YET???


You need to share this Devotional with every person you know. Have everyone you know go to the www.liveprayer.com website and on the left menu bar, click on the DEVOTIONAL ARCHIVE link. Now, type in keyword ISLAM. Everything I have been saying about this false religion for the past 12 years will come up. Read each message. Internalize each message. Get everyone you know to read them. We are closer to the end of times than anyone can imagine!

With the escalating turmoil in the Middles East, I am getting inundated with emails asking if this is some fulfillment of Bible prophecy. ALL of the events we see each day are leading us to the last chapters of human history. The current conflicts we are seeing are Muslims looking to take over all of these Middle East nations. The key to watch is Saudi Arabia. If we see an Egypt/Tunisia/ Libya style overthrow of the current regime in Saudi Arabia, all bets are off!!!

Gas will be $6-$9 per gallon. Do you have any idea what that will mean to the world's economy, let alone this nation's fragile economy? Israel will be attacked with the goal of destroying that nation and every Jewish person alive. This has always been the clear and stated goal of Islam. If Saudi Arabia falls, life as we have known it will cease to exist!!! This Devotional today, however, is a look into the last days that we are living in, and the real showdown that is looming between Islam and Christianity!!! Today, there are roughly 6.6 billion people in the world. Out of the world's population, apx. 2 billion claim to be Christians (no doubt the number of people who are actually "born again" and know Christ as their personal Savior by faith is less) and apx. 1.3 billion claim to be Muslims. Over the past decade, the number of Christians in the world has been declining while the false religion of Islam is the fastest growing. Many estimate that by 2020 there will be as many Muslims in the world as Christians.

I have always laughed at people who deny Christ and the Truth of His Word when they call Christianity "intolerant." They obviously have no idea what the Christian faith is all about since it is the most tolerant faith there is. God's plan of salvation is not exclusionary, it is IN-CLUSIONARY! The Bible says that WHOSOEVER shall believe. That simply means the love of Christ, His free gift of everlasting life is available to EVERYONE! It becomes the personal choice of each person to accept or reject Christ in their heart and life.

Make no mistake about it, Islam is a false religion that teaches and encourages terror, violence and death. This is what makes the United States support of Palestine so foolish. We took a position in opposition to God's Word by helping to give away part of the land He gave to the children of Israel, to people whose stated goal is to see Israel wiped off the earth and every Jewish person killed. This is exactly what Islam is all about. It is about the death of anyone who rejects their false religion! This just in. That means those of us in the United States too!!!

Just like in the Old Testament, there were people groups who rejected the God of Israel and His commands, and sought to utterly destroy every descendant of Abraham. Their clear and stated goal was to wipe out every Jewish person. Whether you fully comprehend it or not, the goal of Islam is to wipe off the face of the earth everyone who does not follow their false religion. Don't be fooled by the moderates who will tell you that Islam is about peace and that Muslims want to be in unity with other faiths, especially Christianity!!!

That may be the desire of a few who understand the financial benefits of peace and unity, but that is NOT what Islam is all about. Many want to lull you into believing that it is only a small percentage of Muslims who ascribe to terrorism and the death of those who reject their false beliefs. That is not true. The snapshots we get at times from what is happening right now in the Middle East, incidents like the recent riots in Egypt, the violence over this cartoon of Mohammed, 9/11, the bombings in London, and other targets recently in Europe, Asia, and Africa, are what Islam is really all about. Please, don't be fooled.

I love you and care about you so much. My heart breaks for the apx. 1.3 billion people on this planet who have believed the lie of Islam and will die in their sins and be lost for all eternity unless they turn to the Truth of the Gospel. One of the 5 languages Liveprayer will be translated into later this year is Arabic. I have a real burden to bring the Truth of God's Word and the hope of Christ to these people who are following Islam straight to hell.

I plan on using the Internet and secular television in Muslim countries to reach these people. I am praying even now for God to open the right doors in His perfect timing to allow Liveprayer to boldly go into the Middle East and other parts of the world dominated by Islam, and bring the light of the Gospel to those who live in that darkness. Just like God has given us favor and blessed us to be able to do that here in the United States, I am certain one day He will open those doors in other parts of the world as well.

In the meantime, know that there are those out there who have the stated goal of seeing us wiped off the very face of the earth simply because we are Christians. As the days of this world wind down, the persecution of the church and those who follow Christ is only going to get worse. That is why now is the time for those who profess Christ as their Savior, need to get serious about their faith and start to find ways to allow God to use your life to make a difference.

Just in your normal day-to-day life God gives you many opportunities to take a stand for Him. This is how you can make a difference. Share His love with those you meet, always be prepared to give people the reason for your hope, and live a Godly life which will always be your loudest witness for the Lord. The Bible says they will know us by our love for one another. That love extends past this brief journey to a person's eternal destination which is why we have to boldly and without shame tell others about how they can know Christ and His free gift of everlasting life.

There is coming soon a final showdown between Islam and Christianity. It has already been building over these past 1400 years since Mohammed dreamed up this false religion. As the two dominant religions on the planet, they will continue to collide as the final days of human history unfold. The good news is that we already know how it ends. That is why those who know Christ as their Savior must stand strong in proclaiming His Truth, since in the end, it is God's Truth alone that will be standing.

In His love and service,

Your friend and brother in Christ,

Bill Keller