Daily Devotional for Thursday January 2, 2014
(Jonah Chapter 3)
***ASK BILL: Pastor Bill, I have worked with a few gay people over the years and most of them say they always knew they were gay from an early age. Is that possible?
ANSWER: This has become a common response from those who CHOOSE to be involved in sexual perversion to justify it. NOBODY is "born gay." Some people may be born with an abundance of hormones from the opposite sex, some may actually have "feelings" for people of the same sex. Most of this however is society promoting same sex relations to children who have no understanding of their sexuality and become confused. In the end, we all deal with "feelings" that are harmful and not of God that we must rebuke and not give in to.
2014! Back around this time, almost 6 years to the day in 2007, I shared with you that coming in 2008 would be the very clear and visible judgment of God upon this nation for our sins, gross wickedness, and turning from our Creator to the false gods and idols of the world. In very early 2008, the real estate bubble burst draining trillions out of the economy and affecting a large percentage of people in this nation. It led to one of the worst economic downturns in our nation's history and we still have yet to fully recover from it.
Later that year, as I warned leading up to the 2008 Presidential election, we elected a true enemy of God who as I correctly identified, would become the most pro-death, leading advocate for the radical homosexual agenda, enemy of Israel President in history who opposes God on every major spiritual issue of the day! Throughout 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, and this year, we have seen an incredible uptick in the number of natural disasters, the Supreme Court uphold the perversion of God's Holy Institution of Marriage and the Family, the continued economic hardships for tens of millions, a complete destruction of the health care industry that will end up affecting EVERYONE, and a rapid, visible decay of our society as a whole.
My friend, God's wrath and judgment is being poured out on this nation as we speak and it is intensifying with each passing day, week, month, and year!!! In the midst of this intense spiritual decline in our nation, I have been virtually alone in not just sounding the trump of warning that if we don't turn back to God and His Truth we are doomed as a nation, but in sharing a real plan to make that happen. Like Nineveh, the pronouncement of God's judgment which will destroy this nation has been declared as has the only way to avoid that judgment. The only thing that remains to be seen is if we, as a nation, will heed the warning and turn back to God and His Truth as the people of Nineveh did, or ignore the warning and be destroyed!
I come to you today to declare that I believe the year 2014 will be the year...we as a nation do wake up and do begin to turn back to God and His Truth! As a nation we are in a spiritual abyss, and as a people are lost, confused, sad, and hurting. There are enough people today looking for true hope and true answers to spark a true revival across our nation! Let me assure you that this revival will NOT come through the church initially, if at all! The church is too political, weak, apathetic, compromised, fragmented, lost in its' own agenda, and building their own fiefdoms to even care about building God's Kingdom or about the lost and hurting masses right outside of their very doors!
No my friend, this revival is going to come through people who this very moment are drunk, high, in prison, and lost in the lies of the cults, false religions, and new age movement. It will come through people in bed this very moment with someone who is not their spouse, those looking to cheat their neighbor out of money, as well as those who have never given God a thought in their life. These are the people who will have their hearts softened to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ, who won't be bound by the shackles of the churchworld, who will be innocently on fire to tell everyone they know and those they don't about how Jesus changed their life and can change theirs too!
As the now 14+ years of Liveprayer have gone by, I have become more and more aware of God's plan to use this instrument He created in these final days to be the spark to this national revival. I never fully understood why God called someone who didn't even own a computer in late 1998 to begin an internet minsitry, especially since there was no such thing at the time. I never fully understood why God in 2003 called me to do a TV program, not on Christian stations, but secular stations. Not the typical pre-recorded preaching/teaching program, but a "live," interactive program dealing with the issues of the day from a Biblical worldview that most of the viewers were either ignorant of or had rejected.
During these many years and as we celebrated our 14th anniversary at the end of last August, the tens of millions of lives we had impacted online and through TV, the 100 million emails for prayer we had received and responded to, the 7 million praise reports we had archived, the 800,000 souls we know of who had accepted the Lord by faith, was what our work was about. During the past year, God assured me it has been, but an even greater work was still before us.
In 2008, God led me to start the Jonah Project ( http://www.liveprayer.com/jonah/ ), a vision to lead our nation back to God and His truth. It was too early, the people couldn't see 5 years ago how close we were to God's ultimate judgment on this nation. The people outside the four walls of the church weren't hurting enough, in enough pain, or really open to the REAL Truth and the REAL answers for their life. The nation is now ready, it is ripe for a real national revival. The people are ready. They are aware there has to be more to life than what they are seeing and living each day.
With our long standing internet presence, my many appearances in the secular media, bringing back the TV program was the final critical piece we needed. Last May, we re-launched the program on a small network with about 30-40 small markets around the country (http://www.liveprayer.com/liveprayertv.cfm). Our goal was to have a large national footprint by the end of the first year back on the air. A presence around the nation "live" 2 hours a night, 5 nights a week, large enough the media and the world could not just ignore what we were saying.
As those who have followed Liveprayer over the years, you know that my heart beats to bring God's Truth to the marketplace, to reach the lost masses, to pray for people in their hour of need, and to see souls won to faith in Jesus Christ. In addition to the current network we are on, we have an opportunity to begin airing the program "live" every Monday-Friday from Midnight-2am EST on a major station that covers 10 million people in the Chicagoland area that includes northern Indiana and southern Michigan. This station is on every major cable outlet as well as DirecTV and DISH in that market.
*--->SPECIAL NEED DUE IMMEDIATELY!!! We still have not had anyone step up to help us with $20,000 I need to secure our time slot in Chicago. The station has agreed to move our start date to Feb 3rd, however, we must execute the contract with payment by this Tuesday the 7th or lose the time slot they have guaranteed us. Please pray if God has blessed you to be able to help me at this time, and you can date your check Dec 31st to get it in on your 2013 taxes. The Lord sent one friend before Christmas who was able to cover $5,160 of what we need to secure the contract. AMEN! I have been on my knees in prayer for one or two people who God has blessed and can help me with a special one-time, year-end gift totaling $25,160 to pre-pay the first 4 weeks of airtime in the greater Chicagoland area, reaching an audience of 10 million people "live" for 2 hours, 5 nights a week. The deal is done, contract in place, we simply need to give them this initial payment! IF YOU CAN HELP ME, EMAIL ME AT: bkeller@liveprayer.com
A side benefit to being able to lock this in will the open doors it will give us as of the first of the year with media groups looking for existing programming with a track record to syndicate. Just like I told you in late 2007 God's judgment would begin to fall in very visible ways and we have been living through it for 5 years now. I am telling you that the year 2014 is the year we are going to see a real national revival break out throughout our land, with Liveprayer.com and the Liveprayer TV program playing a big role in sparking that revival!!!!
Will you pray about what God is calling YOU to do to help me in this effort to lead our nation back to God and His Truth in 2014? I need your support now more than ever. For every minute I have to spend asking people to help insure these basic needs are met, is one less minute I can spend with in the critical work the Lord has called me to as we work on different outreaches through the Internet and TV in the coming year to spark that national revival.
It was a few people God called to help us launch the TV program in 2003 and re-launch the program this past May. God will move on the hearts of those who have the ability to help me at this time. We have the proven track record and I know with God ALL things are possible! I know the Lord has His people in the Liveprayer family to insure we move forward, basic operational expenses current, and the opportunity in 2014 to see the program syndicated nationally as an instrument the Lord can use to bring lost souls to faith in Jesus and spark a national revival!!!
TO GIVE A GIFT TO LIVEPRAYER, you can use your major credit card on our secure server at: www.liveprayer.com under the "Donation" link, you can give using your PayPal account using my email address: bkeller@liveprayer.com , or you can mail your gift to: Liveprayer, 6660 46th Ave. North, St.Petersburg, FL 33709. All gifts to Liveprayer are 100% tax deductible
Thank you so much for your prayers, love, and sacrifice. In the year 2014, we will be doing something no other ministry is doing, using our internet and our TV platform to bring the Body of Christ together as one with one voice and literally change the spritual direction of this nation while bringing lost souls to faith in Jesus Christ!!!
I love and care about you so much. After over 14 yrs of ministering to the lives of millions worldwide, I fully understand the frustration of the prophets in the Old Testament. They lived and dedicated their lives to the Lord. They refused to compromise the Truth. They refused to sell out. Money was NOT their objective! Yet, they watched the priests of the day compromise and sell out and live lives of luxury while they had to beg for the crusts of bread!
I know this. God has blessed Liveprayer over these many years because we have NOT compromised or sold out. We have not raised money to buy private jets and buildings, only to share His Truth and hope with the lost and hurting. Liveprayer IS God's answer for this nation. Friends like you have prayed, sacrificed, and stood by my side to help me accomplish all we have. I am asking you today, STAND WITH ME TODAY!
I will not let a few thousand dollars keep us from accomplishing our final work for the Lord. STAND WITH ME! Give the most generous gift you can. SACRIFICE if it is $5, $50, $500, $5,000, or $50,000! We are desperate and need to fulfill this final mission the Lord has called us to fulfill! Let's see the Lord's blessings poured out over the coming weeks! Thank you and know that you and your family are in my prayers each day. Together, in 2014 we WILL not only bring true revival to this nation and save many souls, but lead our nation back to God and HIS Truth!!!
In His love and service, Your friend and brother in Christ,
Bill Keller