Daily Devotional for Wednesday November 27, 2013

Will You Help Me Today

(Jonah Chapter 3)

***ASK BILL: Pastor Bill, thanks to your warnings, I have been paying close attention to the book authors and other people Glenn Beck promotes. He is now promoting some sort of millennial choir. Are they Mormon as well? Also, why do traditional Christians listen to him and worse, give him their hard earned money?

ANSWER: Beck as I have warned for over a decade, is probably one of the most dangerous men on earth since Jesus said don't worry about who can kill your body, worry about who can kill your soul! For reference, people can go to the Daily Devotional archives and type in keyword "Beck" and all of the Devotionals I have written over these many years trying to warn people about this tool of satan "masquerading as an angel of light," will come up. (link to archives: http://www.liveprayer.com/darchive.cfm )

The answer to your questions is YES! Virtually ALL of the authors and other people Beck promotes, other than when he promotes modern day Judas' like Barton, Hagee, Robison, Ralph Reed and a host of other Christians he has bought and paid for to help give his lie credibility to the ignorant that he is a Christian in exchange for the exposure he gives them to line their pockets, are MORMONS. The brothers who started these "millennial choirs" are Mormon cult members as are the vast majority of those who participate in the choirs and orchestras. Sadly, he plays on the same ignorance amongst Christians that allows people like Osteen, Hinn, Jakes, Parsley, the Crouches, and many others to fleece the flock in order to by their private jets, mansions, Bentley's, and live like the rules of a small nation, while the nation and world around them is hurting, lost, and heading to hell!!!

Will you help me today? In November of 2007, I wrote a Devotional stating that 2008 would be a monumental year, a year of great change. It was. We saw the financial crisis from the housing bubble being burst that saw trillions of real estate equity evaporate impacting tens of millions of people in this nation causing the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression with tens of millions losing their jobs that we have yet to recover from. We also saw the election of a new President who has spent his first five years in office as a true enemy of God and taking a stand for everything God opposes, helping to lead this nation deeper into the spiritual abyss.

However, starting this past May with the re-launch of the Liveprayer TV program, we have begun leading a very high profile and public stand to turn this nation back to God and His Truth! By early 2014 all the pieces will be in place enabling us to have a large, visible platform to literally change the spiritual course of this nation with your help! My biggest issue today is getting through these next 27 days to end 2013.

With the economic downturn that started in earnest in 2008, I have had to come to you more often than I would like to ask you to pray about supporting His work here. During the first 9 years of Liveprayer, we only had to share our needs 3-4 times a month. With the economic downturn in the nation, we now have to share our needs 10-11 times each month, even though it is still less than 3% of the content we produce each month and more lives are being impacted each day, more souls coming to faith in Jesus each month that we have ever seen!!!

At the end of this life, I will stand before God our Creator like each person will. I will give an account for my life. The one thing I can honestly say when I die is that I never wavered, I never backed down from telling people the raw Truth of His Word, and that I never hesitated to boldly declare the only hope for each man is faith in Jesus Christ. That my friend, will be my lasting testimony!!!

I come today asking you to help me. Over 14+ years, Liveprayer has sent personal responses to over 100 MILLION emails. We still get over 40,000 a day. Tens of millions of live worldwide have been impacted. Over 700,000 we know of have come to faith in Jesus. THIS IS MY ETERNAL LEGACY AND MY TRACK RECORD OF SERVICE THESE PAST 12 YEARS!!! MY JOB IS NOT FINISHED!!!

Whatever has been accomplished here at Liveprayer has been because of YOU! Your love, your prayers, and your sacrifce, have made all of this possible for tens of millions around the world!!! For those who have been part of the Liveprayer family for these many years, you know that I have never sent a Devotional like this unless it was an emergency. I don't play games when it comes to the finances. I simply share our needs, get on my knees, and trust God to move on the hearts of people to provide for our needs.

My friend, I am counting on you today. I need to hear from you today. This is critical, and I desperately need your help. We are so close to seeing the fulfillment of all Liveprayer has been raised up to be. I can't see everything stop now over a few thousand dollars, even if it was a million dollars. Somebody will lose that tonight in Vegas. Will you reach down, make the sacrifce, and help me today??? I desperately need you and will be in prayer for the Lord to move on your heart to help me!

I still need to bring in $30,000 to cover the balance of our basic November operations! I am praying for four of our friends who God has richly blessed people who can help me with a special one-time, year-end gift of $5,000 or more to help me clear up the bulk of that amount. Along with those giving as they are able to, we will insure that we end the month in a few days with all of our operations current.

If you have the liquid cash to wire to our bank, direct deposit a gift into our Wells Fargo account, or FedEx it to our office in St. Petersburg, email me at: bkeller@liveprayer.com. After 14+ years of pouring out my sweat and blood, literally 24/7, I will not see God's work here slowed down or thwarted, and definitely not shut down. without doing everything we can to do what no other ministry has the vision to do, lead our nation back to god and HIS Truth! I know there are enough people in the Liveprayer family with resources who can help me.

After we get November's operations taken care of, we need to focus on the $40,000 we need for our basic December operations. Also, don't forget, I need ONE dear friend who is able to help me with a special year-end gift of $25,160 during the first week of December in order for us to finalize the contract with the TV station in the Chicagoland market, allowing us to be "live" for 2 hours a night, 5 nights a week, reaching a potential audience of 10 million people starting in January!

I need everyone to pray about what you can send, $5, $10, $20, $100, $1,000, whatever you are able and led to give, so we can begin working on the $40,000 we need for our basic July operations. Of course, we will need that amount in August as well. So over the next 27 days, we need to bring in $95,160 to meet all of our basic operational costs as we head into the year 2014 with all of our basic operational needs met and able to begin ministering to the 10 million people in the Chicagoland market!


Please don't think that just because there are 2.4 million subscribers, someone else will take care of this. It has been friends like YOU over the years who God has spoken to, who have responded, who has made Liveprayer available to bring hope and salvation to so many. It will take someone like YOU today.

Also, I know there is someone reading these words who God has richly blessed, you have been praying about a place to use your resources where God can multiply them exponentially in the lives and eternal souls of men. THIS IS IT, AND A GREAT WAY TO MAKE A YEAR-END GIFT THAT IS GUARANTEED TO IMPACT LIVES WORLDWIDE EACH DAY AND SAVE SOULS!!!

To make a gift to Liveprayer on your major credit card at our website www.liveprayer.com under the "Donation" button, or you can give from your PayPal account by using my email address, bkeller@liveprayer.com , or you can mail it to: Liveprayer, 6660 46th Avenue North, St. Petersburg, Florida 33709. All gifts to Liveprayer are 100% tax deductible.

I love you and care about you so much. Do you want to do something great for God with your life??? STAND WITH ME!!! I CAN'T DO THIS ALONE!!! I am asking you today to simply pray about what God may be calling you to do to help me with this effort. I am also asking you to please forward this to every person you know, personally reach out to those who God has blessed with financial resources and encourage them to support this work of God, and share this email with your pastor and ask him to pray about having your church make a special missions gift towards this effort. I will keep you posted how we are doing with our financial goals over the coming weeks and months.

When this brief journey through life is over, what do we have to show for it? The only lasting legacy we have are those things we did for the Lord. I have taken my stand and will proclaim His truth with my dying breath. Today, I am asking you to pray about joining me and let's turn this nation back to God and His Truth!!!

Will you stand and fight with me to help lead this nation back to God and His Truth????????

In His love and service, Your friend and brother in Christ,

Bill Keller