Daily Devotional for Wednesday October 16, 2013
In Our Greatest Time of Need, Those Who Believe in the Truth have Rallied
(John 3:16)
***ASK BILL: Pastor Bill, is classical music or Christian music really my only options even if am old enough in the faith not let music lead my astray??
ANSWER: Absolutely NOT! Again, it is about our priorities. There is nothing wrong with enjoying music of many different genres. I would remind you that we do need to be cognizant of what we watch and listen to, so there are some "music" genres like "gangsta rap," and other forms with disgusting lyrics people of faith should refrain from.
"Thank you Bill for your honest interpretation of the Bible this world is full of wolves looking to fleece the sheep. I was the caller who chatted about TBN and Mike Murdoch being little more than money hungry monsters. I am a relatively new Christian and you are the ONLY preacher on TV I've seen that doesn't preach about nothing but money. Because of God I've been delivered from drugs and alcohol, but need your prayers for an ongoing anger issue. Thanks for being there for people like me and being a real preacher I can listen to, knowing you aren't there for money!"
"Dear Bill, I've been the beneficiary of your strong, undiluted messages of truth for about seven years. During that time, you never wavered or hesitated to boldly share the truth of God. It has been my privilege to help you financially as God has allowed me. I believe it might be easy for many of your Live Prayer recipients to fall into a state of complacency by thinking "some of the other millions of people will give ... I don't need to." Well, we ALL need to give back! If every recipient gave as they were able for this anointed daily truth of God, you wouldn't need to 'beg' each month for what is rightfully God's money to support your ministry!
This month, I stepped out in faith to try to help 'fill the gap' for the September shortfall that if not covered could shut down your work for the Lord. Due to some clerical errors, my social security check stopped ($602/mo.) and I haven't received a dime since last October! A supervisor at my local office went to bat for me, but as yet it looks like there will be no money forthcoming until next month. Fortunately I have been a good steward of what God has given me so I am able to pay my mortgage and other expenses. I know God will work all of this for His good but the point is ... if I can give out of my circumstances, trusting God all the while, then others can surely give in their circumstances too! Trusting in Jesus everyday!"
"God bless you Bill! My wife and I will not sit by and watch Liveprayer go down. This ministry has helped us in countless ways. It truly is one of the last voices for Truth in this world with a platform to speak the truth. As long time readers and long time donors, I challenge everyone to make the sacrifce to give $10, $100, or $1,000 to support your critical work. I am tired of giving to pay for buildings and for preachers who live like Hollywood movie starts. Jesus Christ is the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords! Please know that we are standing with you believing in faith that God will move on many hearts and you will see a mighty outpouring of gifts so you don't have to worry every day how to simply exist to fulfill this important work He has called you to."
I am at a crossroads. God has always taken care of us over these past 170 months. After re-launching the Liveprayer TV program in May, we are on the verge of seeing widespread syndication into much of the nation just 11 weeks from now the first of January. In our greatest need, those who believe in the Truth have rallied to keep us moving forward.
NOW IS THE TIME!!! Without your help, Liveprayer will become dark before the end of the year! We have to bring in $49,000 over these next 16 days to keep operating. $9,000 of that is the seriously past-due shortfall from September, and the entire $40,000 for our October operations. Additionally, we will need $40,000 for our basic November operations and $40,000 for our basic December operations.
--->That is $129,000 over the last 11 weeks of the year, or a tank of gas for some ministries private jet, or 1/3 of the cost of one of a fleet of Bentley's MANY ministries brag about owning!!!
This is no longer about me, it's about YOU and what will YOU do to preserve one of the few places left people can come to hear the uncompromised and unadulterated TRUTH!!! I don't believe I have been wrong these past 20 yrs for reaching the lost and hurting outside of the church, while those who do nothing but preach to the choir, compromise the Truth of the Bible, sell false hope to fund their personal fiefdoms rake in tens of millions.
I REFUSE to believe selling out the Gospel as the vast majority of the high profile ministries have done is the answer and honors God!!!
In 2007, I wrote a Devotional stating that 2008 would be a monumental year, a year of great change. It was. We saw the financial crisis that has impacted tens of millions of people in this nation, hundreds of millions more around the world explode. We saw the election of a true enemy of God that only helped lead this nation deeper into the spiritual abyss.
While over 12,000 churches have shut down, 120,000 non-profit organizations closed their doors, and with the property of nearly 40,000 churches in foreclosure, Liveprayer has continued to press forward despite seeing a 67% drop in donations from 2008 and losing 29 of our core group of 30 people who had the ability in times of financial difficulty to be able to overnight or wire $10,000-$30,000 to help us over a rough edge.
That is why over the past years I have had to come to you more often than I would like to ask you to pray about supporting His work here. During the first 9 years of Liveprayer, we only had to share our needs 3-4 times a month. With the economic downturn in the nation, we now have to share our needs 11-12 times each month, though it is still less than 3% of the content we produce each month.
Due to our extreme financial crisis at Liveprayer, I have cut our operations and small staff plus my personal salary from $36,000 to just $12,000 for the past 3 years in order to pay the most basic needs to survive each month. This has never been about money for me, only fulfilling the call of God on my life in these final days to call to this nation to repentance, since the destruction of our land for forsaking God is imminent.
Seeing the vast expansion of the TV program in just 11 weeks is frustrating. Simply sustaining our daily operations is now a daily task. As I type these words tonight, I am near the end. Simply paying for basic personal needs is becoming more difficult. For nearly 20 years, I have literally sacrifice my life, my time, my talent, and my treasure to bring the lost to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, and HIS Truth boldly and without compromise into the marketplace, as very few are doing, virtually none at a national level in the secular media
I come today asking you to help me. Over 15 years, Liveprayer has sent personal responses to over 100 MILLION emails. We still get over 40,000 a day. Tens of millions of live worldwide have been impacted. Over 700,000 we know of have come to faith in Jesus. THIS IS MY ETERNAL LEGACY AND MY TRACK RECORD OF SERVICE, YET MY JOB IS NOT FINISHED!!!
All we have done has only been possible by dear friends like you who have prayed for me, and sacrificed to support me financially. For those who have been part of the Liveprayer family over these many years, you know that I have never sent a Devotional like this unless it was an emergency. I don't play games when it comes to the finances. For over 20 years I have simply shared our needs, got on my knees, and trusted God to move on the hearts of people to provide for our needs.
My friend, I am counting on you today. I need to hear from you today. This is critical, and I desperately need your help. We are so close to seeing the fulfillment of all Liveprayer has been raised up to be. I can't see everything stop now over a few thousand dollars, even if it was a million dollars. Somebody will lose that tonight in Vegas. Will you reach down, make the sacrifce, and help me today??? I desperately need you and will be in prayer for the Lord to move on your heart to help me!
The fact is, I need to bring in the $9,000 shortfall from September immediately! If you have the liquid cash to wire to our bank, can deposit funds into our Wells Fargo account, please email me at: bkeller@liveprayer.com and I will get you the info. If you are able to send a gift of $3,000 or more, FedEx it to our office in St. Petersburg, feel free to mark "bill recipient" and they will be our special account.
Please don't think that just because there are 2.4 million subscribers, someone else will take care of this. It has been friends like YOU over the years who God has spoken to, who have responded, who has made Liveprayer available to bring hope and salvation to so many. It will take someone like YOU today. Also, I know there is someone reading these words who God has richly blessed, you have been praying about a place to use your resources where God can multiply them exponentially in the lives and eternal souls of men. THIS IS IT! CONTACT ME AND LET'S CHAT HOW YOU CAN HELP ME!!!
*To make a gift to Liveprayer on your major credit card at our website www.liveprayer.com under the "Donation" button, or you can give from your PayPal account by using my email address, bkeller@liveprayer.com , or you can mail it to: Liveprayer, 6660 46th Avenue North, St. Petersburg, Florida 33709. One the credit card or PayPal form after your name simply mark (9-11). All gifts to Liveprayer are 100% tax deductible.
I love you and care about you so much. Do you want to do something great for God with your life??? STAND WITH ME!!! I CAN'T DO THIS ALONE!!! I am asking you today to simply pray about what God may be calling you to do to help me with this effort. I am also asking you to please forward this to every person you know, personally reach out to those who God has blessed with financial resources and encourage them to support this new work, and share this email with your pastor and ask him to pray about having your church make a special missions gift towards this effort. I will keep you posted how we are doing with our financial goals over the coming weeks and months.
When this brief journey through life is over, what do we have to show for it? The only lasting legacy we have are those things we did for the Lord. I have taken my stand and will proclaim His truth with my dying breath. Today, I am asking you to pray about joining me and let's turn this nation back to God and His Truth!!!
Will you stand and fight with me???????
In His love and service,
Your friend and brother in Christ,
Bill Keller