Daily Devotional for Wednesday June 26, 2013
Our Walk of Faith Together to Lead this Nation Back to God and His Truth
(John 3:16)
***ASK BILL: Pastor Bill, I noticed Sunday night before Nic Wallenda made his famous walk that he had requested Joel Osteen to be a part of the pre-events and also to pray with his family. I thought it was great for him to have someone pray with them, but Osteen? Also, I was wondering about Nic's constant praising God out loud on the tightrope. Now what if he slipped and fell to his death. Would people have said, God didn't answer his prayer. Do you think it was a little "showy" in that he could have prayed to himself or a whisper? It's like, God help to me not fall but when I get on solid ground I can go back to living like I want.
ANSWER: Due to the vast number of emails we have received about this, I will address this whole "show" in the Friday DD. In advance, if I wanted to be funny I would say that in every circus you have clowns, and since the Wallenda family has for 7 decades been in the circus business, Osteen fits right in. However, I find NOTHING Osteen does humorous since untold MILLIONS who have seen him and heard him over the years will end up burning in hell because he is too gutless to ever tell people the truth about their eternal soul. He is more worried about how much money he can take them from them than helping them find faith in Jesus. As for this whole "show" Wallenda put on, make sure you don't miss Friday's Daily Devotional when I will break it down for you from a Biblical perspective. Hint: If he had called me not only would I have not been part of this "circus," but would have counseled him that you can't purposely put your life in danger and than call on God to aid and abet you in your reckless behavior.
"Please pray for me, I am an ex-Muslim and I found Christ Jesus 4 years through Liveprayer. My ex-husband who is a Muslim divorced me because of my faith and he took away my three little children. He threatens to kill me if I tell them about Christ Jesus. Please pray for me and my children. Thank you and God bless you."
"Hello Bill, I have just prayed the prayer I am requesting more information on living as a Christian.May God bless you and your team for all of your wonderful work. You are impacting so many like myself who have wavered for years. Know that the Lord has great rewards for you when your work here is finished. Thank you is all I can say."
I am grateful that so far this year, I haven't had to come to you with the ministry in a major critical need of finances. After 14 years of Liveprayer, we know that every June, July, and August are a bigger challenge than our normal monthly scramble to cover our basic operations. Many people still take summer vacations, kids are for the most part out of school, and people seem to be a bit more unplugged from the daily grind. Sadly, our work has to continue 24/7 as it does every day of the year, meaning our basic monthly operational budget of $40,000 has to be covered.
As we come down to the final 4 days of the month, we still need to cover the final $27,000 of our June budget. $7,000 of that was due in the first week and needs to be taken care of immediately. I am praying for the Lord to move on the heart of one of our friends to help me cover that $7,000 we need today! From day one, I have come to the Lord on the first of the month and simply prayed for Him to move on the hearts of our friends who can help us to insure by the final day our monthly operations were taken care of. I have never asked the Lord for a penny more.
TO GIVE A GIFT TO LIVEPRAYER, you can use your major credit card on our secure server at: www.liveprayer.com under the "Donation" link, you can give using your PayPal account using my email address: bkeller@liveprayer.com,or you can mail your gift to: Liveprayer, 6660 46th Ave. North, St.Petersburg, FL 33709. All gifts to Liveprayer are 100% tax deductible!
After 166 months of this walk of faith, we are still here, moving forward with the re-launch of the TV program the fist of May, and having the proven ministry pieces in place we need over the next 6-7 months to start seeing a real change in the spiritual course of this nation, ultimately helping to usher in a highly visible spiritual revival across this nation as we seek to turn land back to God and His Truth!
I hate to use this time, even one day to deal with our financial needs, but if I don't Liveprayer will simply will cease to exist. There are thousands of charities representing everything imaginable constantly asking people for financial help. Politicians raise BILLIONS in financial support every year to promote a political ideology.
After 20 years of faithful ministry, 14 years of Liveprayer this August bringing God's Truth without compromise on the issues of the day from a Biblical worldview to the marketplace, the fruit of tens of millions of lives worldwide impacted, responding to 70 million emails for prayer, and seeing over 700,000 souls we know of come to faith in Jesus...I am simply asking you in this hour of great need to help me!
Many of our dear friends who we depended on for help in our darkest hour over the years have had their finances crippled over the previous 4 yrs due to their business failing, some have gone on to be with the Lord, and others simply can't help us to the extent they used to because of the tightening economy. I am so grateful for many in the Liveprayer family who have allowed God to use them in a powerful way during these last few years to keep His work at Liveprayer funded and moving forward.
I understand it is easy to expect someone else to step up. People assume with 2.4 million subscribers to the Daily Devotional, our $40,000 monthly operations budget is easy. The fact is, less than 1/4 of 1% of those we reach each day EVER support the minsitry financially. Lots of reason. Some only support their local church. 20% are in foreign countries. 20% are under 21. Since the Daily Devotional is FREE, many simply don't see the need to help us.
Liveprayer has NEVER accepted advertising on our website. We don't sell books, tapes, or hold conferences. Everything we do and provide to people worldwide 24/7/365 is FREE. So from day one, I have simply walked by faith and asked the Lord to provide what we needed for that month. We don't own buildings, private jets, mansions, or luxury cars. We don't have stock portfolios or any other assets.
I would never ask you or anyone to help me fund what would simply be my own personal empire, only to help me to get God's Truth into the marketplace, pray for those who come to us each day in their time of need, save souls, and as our final work for the Lord, help lead our once great nation back to the Almighty and His Truth before His final judgment on our land falls!
I love you and care about you so much. I am in a very desperate place today. I am on my knees in faith as I am virtually every day, seeking the Lord to move on the hearts of those who can help me today. If 27 of our friends would make a one-time sacrifce of $1,000 between now and the end of the month, our June operations would be taken care of.
If 31 of our friends would pray about making a one-time sacrifce of $1,300 in July, 31 others a one-time sacrifce of $1,300 in August, it would insure our July and August budgets would be taken care of. If everyone else will simply give as they are able, $10, $20, $50, $100, or more, we will not have to worry about simply meeting our basic operational costs.
TO GIVE A GIFT TO LIVEPRAYER, you can use your major credit card on our secure server at: www.liveprayer.com under the "Donation" link, you can give using your PayPal account using my email address: bkeller@liveprayer.com,or you can mail your gift to: Liveprayer, 6660 46th Ave. North, St.Petersburg, FL 33709. All gifts to Liveprayer are 100% tax deductible!
Please take a moment today and pray about what God is calling you to do today to help me. I am asking you to make the sacrifce to stand with me at this critical time. Over these past 14 years, it has been friends like you in the Liveprayer family who have prayed and made the sacrifce to enable us to accomplish all we have for the Lord and to build His Kingdom.
We are in the home stretch of our final work, everything is in place to fulfill God's plan for His work here, I am asking you to pray about what God is asking YOU to do to help me fulfill that plan as you take your stand with me! I need you to pray for me today, and as able, help me today with the most generous gift you can!
Donation: http://www.liveprayer.com/donation.cfm
In His love and service, Your friend and brother in Christ,
Bill Keller
In His love and service, Your friend and brother in Christ,
Bill Keller