Daily Devotional for Friday June 7, 2013
The Roles God has Ordained for Men and Women
(Genesis 2:15, 3:19; Proverbs 13:4; Genesis 1:27; Galatians 3:28)
***ASK BILL: Pastor Bill, what do I say to an unbeliever when they are telling us that they are praying for one of our family members?
ANSWER: Say "thank you!" Seriously, if they believe in prayer enough to do so, that is a great sign. Now, you need to get them alone for a while and ask them WHO they were praying to? Regardless the answer, it opens the door for you to share the Gospel and encourage them to take the next step and give their heart and life to Jesus by faith.
Last week, a study was released that 41% of the primary breadwinners are now women. Of course, the secular media cheered this report, but was there really something to cheer about? In context, just 40 years ago, one generation, that percentage of women who were the primary breadwinner was just 11%. I submit to you today this study proves what I have been saying for years and is not something to celebrate, but lament!!!
I have no doubt that this will be one of the more unpopular Devotionals I have ever written, but it is a message that is long overdue. I am always amused at the feminists and liberal theologians that state the Bible is anti-woman and that Paul was a male chauvinist. Nobody who understands God's Word would make such a foolish claim since nothing could be further from the truth. The Bible is very much PRO woman and clearly teaches that God made men and women 100% equal with separate roles to play. Paul, in teaching equality between men and women, was a pioneer for women's rights in a day when women were viewed as little more than property. One of the roles God has called men to play is that of a leader, a role many men have failed to live up to.
Out of the rebellion in the '60s came the women's movement. Satan is a liar, and the lie he told to women was that they needed to be equal with men. But if you read and study God's Word, the TRUTH, you realize that according to God a woman is already equal to a man. Men and women are 100% equal, they simply have different roles to play. Sadly, women bought this lie and for what little strides there may have been in regard to women getting a few more dollars for their work, the long-term consequences have been disastrous for women, men, children, and society as a whole.
Two generations later the results are men and women living totally outside of the roles God intended for them to have, neither really being sure any longer what those roles even are. Let me be so bold to say that we now have the largest percentage of 2 generations of men who are spineless, gutless, confused, and lost. They fail to lead in their marriage. They fail to lead in their homes. They fail to lead in their careers. They are not the leaders God has called them to be, simply followers. Worst of all, they are not the priests of their homes, having failed in this most important role God has called them to play.
To fill the void left by men failing to perform their God-ordained roles, women have had to take on roles God never intended them to have. One of those roles is a woman working outside of the home to provide for the family. The lie of the world is that women have to go out and work. The sad reality in the year 2013 is that many men expect their wives to work and earn a certain amount of money. Let me break this down for you men, YOU, NOT YOUR WIFE, ARE SUPPOSED TO SUPPORT YOUR FAMILY!
This is not demeaning women or their abilities in any way. It is not a matter of if a woman can do the same job as a man, but the fact God never intended for them to do the same job as a man! God gave a woman the most important job of all and that is raising your children in the admonition of the Lord. No matter what else you may do in your life, that is the number one job and ministry a woman will ever have!!!
Listen, I am well aware of the argument that both spouses have to work. The reality is, economics have not changed since the days not that long ago when most women did not work. It is our desires for the things of this world that have changed. God's plan is for men to work and support their family and women to raise the children with the help and support of their husbands. If you don't have children, there is nothing wrong with working, but the husband is still supposed to be the primary source of support in the home. Obviously, single moms, single women, and those whose husbands are unable to work, are in special situations where you have no other choice but to work. Know that God will give you the favor, strength, and ability to provide for your family.
Women, let me give you a quick word of counsel. This is why I share so often that marriage is not something to enter into lightly. Please don't rush into marriage! It is a lifetime commitment. Heed God's warning about being unequally yoked. Take the time to build a spiritual foundation together. Make sure that the man you are praying about spending the rest of your life with, is a man of God who is following God's Word and willing to perform the roles God has called him to play. Like I say so often, our way doesn't work and only brings consequences, God's way works and brings blessings.
The encouraging thing is every day I get prayer requests from husbands and wives who are restructuring their lives and finances so that the wife can stay at home with the children. There has been a big move in this direction the past few years as women are going back to their natural, God-given roles of being a mother and wife above everything else. This is also forcing men to perform their God-given role as the provider for their family. For you parents out there praying about doing this, let me encourage you that God will give you the wisdom and favor to restructure your lives and finances so that you can stay home with your children. God will always honor us and help us to follow His plan for our lives.
I love you and care about you so much. I am praying today, especially for the men out there that this will be a wake up call that God has called you to be a leader. You do not have the option of passing on this role God has called you to play if you want to be the man He has raised you up to be. God has called you to protect and provide for your family. God has called you to be the priest of your home and be the spiritual leader of your wife and children. I pray, today, that you will take these roles seriously and ask God to help you fulfill them to the best of your ability.
The biggest problem we have in our world today is the breakdown of the family. It is God's foundation for society. When the family works, society works. When the family breaks down, society breaks down. We can see clearly that the breakdown of our culture in 2013 can be directly tied to the breakdown of the family. Women have bought into a lie from hell and men have failed to be the leaders God has called them to be!
In His love and service,
Your friend and brother in Christ,
Bill Keller