Daily Devotional for Monday May 6, 2013

The Re-Launch of the Liveprayer TV Program

(John 3:16)

***ASK BILL: Pastor Bill, in the Gospels, Jesus taught that it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of the needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God. Jesus also told a rich man to give all his wealth to the poor in order to become a Christian. Isn't it hard for Christians to be so strict in applying biblical condemnations of homosexuality and other issues while Jesus' very explicit teachings about wealth are not only not interpreted literally but are discounted almost entirely?

ANSWER: First, your reasoning is way off, since NOTHING the Bible teaches about wealth is "discounted" in any way. It IS harder for a rich man to enter the Kingdom since those with financial resources tend to depend upon themselves and not the Lord. Like many, you don't understand his meeting with the "rich young ruler," since in His omniscience he knew that young man put his wealth AHEAD of his relationship with the Lord. THAT is why He told him to go sell everything, and for no other reason. What God states in 100's of passages from the OT thru the NT about those who CHOOSE to commit the sin of homosexuality is clearly a sin, just like the Biblical teachings about ALL sex outside of marriage between a man and a woman.

The re-launch of the Liveprayer TV program! Tonight will be the re-launch of the Liveprayer TV program. We will be on "live" every Mon-Fri from Midnight-2am EDT. The phone number to call for prayer or ask any question is: 727-614-0699 All programs will be archived for On-Demand viewing at: www.liveprayer.com/liveprayertv.cfm

Nearly five years ago when we launched the Jonah Project ( http://www.liveprayer.com/jonah/ ), the vehicle to bring the Body of Christ together as one to lead this nation back to God and His Truth, I shared with you that the key component would be the TV program.

Back in March of 2003, Liveprayer launched its "live" TV program for an hour every Mon-Fri. The program aired until the end of August 2007 on the CBS owned station in Tampa, the 12 TV market in the nation. We owned that time slot over major network programming with millions of dollars, since this unique program was unlike anything on "Christian TV" and dealt with the issues of the day from a Biblical worldview while taking calls from viewers. Hundreds of people literally got saved on those phone calls!

Check out the following links: http://liveprayer.com/reasons.cfm , http://www.liveprayer.com/press.cfm (scroll down to Video Clips, LP Show highlights 1 and 2, and the Suicide Prevention clip)

In addition to Tampa, from June 2005 through June 2006, the program also aired "live" for an hour 5 nights a week on the ABC stations in Miami, Orlando, and Jacksonville. In July 2006, it was "live" for an hour 5 nights a week for 4 weeks nationally on ION (the old PAX Network) and another 6 weeks in December.

We were able to air the program during these years from special gifts by a few dozen special donors. We tried to transition to advertising, but it was at the very time the economic collapse began. We continued to air the program for the next year and a half strictly on Liveprayer.com, but were several years ahead of our time in using the internet to air programming.

Fast forward to today. 40% of people now watch TV either on their computer, through devices like ROKU on their TV, or on their phone or tablet. Today, the station you are on is not important as that you simply are on some platform. In this day and age, being on anywhere is all that is needed, since each program now must "drive" their audience to where they can be seen. That is why some of the most successful programs in the past few years are on channels and platforms you would never think of as mainstream.

A dear friend of mine for nearly 20 years is Jim West. Jim is a wonderful, Godly man, who has been part of Christian television for the past 30 some years. Over the last decade, he has created a network that is now known as The Walk TV. In addition to hundreds of traditional television stations who air his programming, The Walk TV also is available on every type of digital platform such as ROKU to watch live streaming on your television, computer, SmartPhones, and tablets.

Being on The Walk TV will literally make the Liveprayer TV program available to people here in the US and worldwide "live" every Mon-Fri from Midnight-2am EDT, or accessible on-demand so people can watch the program at their convenience.

***PLEASE GO TO: www.thewalktv.com Click on: WATCH, SATELLITE, and AFFILIATES for the best you can access the program!!!

Additionally, our plans are to purchase that Midnight-2am time slot from an existing channel on DirecTV and DISH in July to make the program accessible to those who have these satellite services, and in August that time slot on an existing channel on Comcast and Time-Warner to reach people on those major cable outlets.

The Liveprayer TV program is much like the Daily Devotionals, where I take on the issues of the day that people would hear on FOX, CNN, or their favorite news sites, but from a Biblical worldview. The key to the program is that most of the time is used to take phone calls from the viewers on whatever they want to talk about. NO OTHER MAJOR MINISTRY HAS THE GUTS TO DO THIS! THEY ARE SCRIPTED, PRE-RECORDED, AND SAFE!

As those who have followed Liveprayer over the years, you know that my heart beats to bring God's Truth to the marketplace and see souls won to faith in Jesus Christ. I don't need money to buy a new mansion, or a Bentley, or new glass buildings with a staff of 500 people, or the latest private jet. The only thing I have EVER asked people to give money to since day one 20 years ago is to reach the lost and hurting outside the four walls of the church and tell people that Jesus is their only answer and hope for this life and for etenrity!

I love you and care aobut you so much. Please, commit 5 minutes a day over these next 4 weeks for this effort. It is the final piece of the Jonah Project and what we need to now lead this lost and hurting nation back to God and His Truth. It has been the prayers and financial sacrifices of the Liveprayer family that has enabled us to impact tens of millions of lives while leading over 700,000 souls we know of to faith in Jesus through Liveprayer these past 14 years.

We are now on the precipice of fulfilling our final work for the Lord and I need you more than ever. I need your prayers, and I need you to sacrifce to insure that our basic monthly operations are taken care of. Please be praying about what you can do to help me insure these basic needs are met, as we re-launch of the Liveprayer TV program.

TO GIVE A GIFT TO LIVEPRAYER, you can use your major credit card on our secure server at: www.liveprayer.com under the "Donation" link, you can give using your PayPal account using my email address: bkeller@liveprayer.com , or you can mail your gift to: Liveprayer, 6660 46th Ave. North, St.Petersburg, FL 33709. All gifts to Liveprayer are 100% tax deductible

Thank you so much for your prayers, love, and sacrifice. In the coming months, we will be doing something no other ministry is doing or has their goal, using this TV platform to bring the Body of Christ together as one with one voice and literally change the spritual direction of this nation while bringing lost souls to faith in Jesus Christ!!!

In His love and service, Your friend and brother in Christ,

Bill Keller