Daily Devotional for Wednesday April 17, 2013

The "Peaceful Religion" Strikes Again

(1 Chronicles 9:1, 5:25)

***ASK BILL: Pastor Bill, is it a sin to go under hypnosis?

ANSWER: There are MANY reasons a Christian should run from hypnosis. It is the Holy Spirit who gives us the power to control ourselves. Hypnosis involves a transfer of control away from ourselves. We are to yield ourselves to the power of the Holy Spirit, NOT to another human. Hypnosis involves an altered state of consciousness when we are told in the Bible to be self controlled. Lastly, the techniques used in hypnosis are shared by mystical, philosophical, and religious systems, including the occult. In short, stay away from it!

The "peaceful religion" strikes again! It still may be a few days, but when the authorities finally make an arrest in the horrific bombings during the Boston Marathon Monday, it will no doubt be someone who has embraced the false religion of Islam. Since 9/11, law enforcement has thwarted over 400 terror plots by Muslims here on US soil. Sadly, a few acts of terror like the shooting at Ft. Hood weren't stopped. If you need to understand what the goal of Islam is, let me refresh your memory.

Back in October of 2010, Faisal Shahzad, AKA the "Times Square Bomber," was sentenced to life in prison for his failed attempt to detonate a car bomb in Times Square on a beautiful summer night that could have easily taken a thousand or more innocent lives. At his sentencing, Shahzad made quite a few statements. His words were sobering because it was one of the few times you will ever hear a Muslim tell the truth about their real goals and intentions in this country.

Professional liars like the people at CAIR and other Muslim organizations quickly dismissed the words of Shahzad as those of an "extremist." It is in their best intrest to promote this fantasy that Islam is a relgion of "peace," in order to execute their con game on the American people that they just want to be part of this nation. The fact is, never in the 1400 year history of Islam has it been a relgion of peace, it certainly isn't today, and those who buy this lie need to wake up before it is too late!

More than anything, I want to remind you who Shahzad was. He was the "nice Muslim" who lives next door to you. He was the "quiet Muslim" you went to school with. He was the "peaceful Muslim" you work with. He was the "patriotic Muslim" who became a U.S. citizen last year. In reality, Shahzad WAS, IS, and ALWAYS WILL BE a Muslim first who blended in to our society where he lived, went to school, and worked, but like ALL..I REPEAT...ALL Muslins, he never let on for a second what his TRUE THOUGHTS AND DESIRES were.

Fortunately, he did use the opportunity afforded him to speak at his sentencing to do just that, share his TRUE THOUGHTS, that are the TRUE THOUGHTS OF ALL MUSLIMS! As wonderful a job as our national security efforts have been to thwart an endless string of new attacks on this nation by Muslims like the one Shahzad planned, sadly, it is not a matter of if, only when, we will experience our next 9/11. When we do, you will remember these words!!! Monday in Boston, we saw Islam once again at work!

What I did, was pull the most important statements Shahzad made in court at his sentencing. They are in no specific order, since any one of these statements, and certainly the totality of all of them, give us a clear a distinct picture about how Muslims in this nation really feel and what their true intentions really are. Read them slowly, carefully, and numerous times to get the full impact of how Muslims in this nation REALLY think!!!

"Brace yourselves, because the war with Muslims has just begun." He later continued: "The defeat of the U.S. is imminent and will happen in the near future. We are only Muslims ... but if you call us terrorists, we are proud terrorists and we will keep on terrorizing you. We are only Muslims trying to defend our religion, people, homes and land."

"If I'm given 1,000 lives I will sacrifice them all for the life of Allah. How can I be judged by a court that does not understand the suffering of my people?"

"The Koran gives us the right to defend, and that's what I'm doing. I am happy with the deal God has given me."

The judge cut him off at one point to ask if he had sworn allegiance to the United States when he became a citizen last year. "I did swear but I did not mean it," said Shahzad.

"We do not accept your democracy or your freedom because we already have Sharia law and freedom."

"We Muslims don't abide by human-made laws because they are always corrupt," he said, denouncing the presence of U.S. and NATO forces in Iraq and Afghanistan and mentioning al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden who he said "will be known as no less than Saladin of the 21st-century crusade" - a reference to the Muslim hero of the Crusades.

"Furthermore, brace yourselves because the war with Muslims has just begun," he said. "Consider me the first droplet of the flood that will follow."

I love you and care about you so much. It was actually refreshing to hear a Muslim actually tell the truth for once. This is exactly how they think and feel. If you want to keep listening to and believing the lies of true tools of satan like those at CAIR, or anyone else speaking for the Muslim community, be my guest.

I don't believe Shahzad because I want to, I believe Shahzad because he simply confirmed in all of his statements what this Muslims really believe but won't tell you about their true goals and intentions for this country! An Imam in London recently told the truth about the beliefs of Islam when he said one day the flag of Islam will fly over the White House.

This false relgion that has led billions of souls to hell over the last 1400 years has a recorded history of hatred, violence, death, and DOMINATION! Please understand that not only was everything Shahzad said was true, but just like they are in the process of doing in many European countries, the dominance of the United States and turning our land into an Islam nation is their clear, concise, and stated goal.

Sadly, as I wrote a decade ago, because of our gross sins and rebellion to God, Islam will one day be the United States Babylon unless we wake up, recognize this enemy for who they really are, and turn back to God and His Truth!!!

In His love and service, Your friend and brother in Christ,

Bill Keller