Daily Devotional for Monday March 18, 2013

Ohio Senator Rob Portman is Now Supporting Gay Marriage

(Genesis 18:16-19)

***ASK BILL: Pastor Bill, during a recent 60 Minutes program interview with Sheryl Sandberg (CEO of Facebook), she used the words G.D. I was very dismayed and have sent an email to 60 Minutes expressing my disappointment that they did not bleep those words. I tolerate more than I should of bad language, but using the Lord's name in vain is extremely offensive to me. It is a shame we can't even watch the news without having to hear that.

ANSWER: Sadly, there is no longer a fear of God. The use of the Lord's name in vain, the glorification of perverting God's plan for marriage and the family, the acceptance of infanticide, ALL demonstrate the sad spiritual state of our nation. More important, these are the issues that unless reversed, will bring God's wrath and punishment on our nation!

"Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap." Galatians 6:7

Ohio Senator Rob Portman is now supporting gay marriage! Sadly, Portman's change of heart on this issue occurred after his son CHOSE to engage in sex with another man, who he now wants to marry. I deal daily with mothers and fathers of children who have CHOSEN to engage in perverted sex with someone of their own gender. I get emails daily from moms and dads who are torn about attending the "wedding" of their child with someone of the same sex. My counsel to them is that as a parent you should love your child, but love does NOT mean you support their choice to live in rebellion to God's Word!

Senator Portman has been blinded by his child's CHOICE to engage in same-sex relations. At the end of the day, Truth is not what Senator Portman says, what Bill Keller says, or what anyone says! Truth is what GOD says!!! God's Word calls homosexuality a SIN. "Marriage equality" is simply a nice way of labeling sin, just like "pro-choice" is a nice way of labeling sin. Same-sex marriage is a SIN! Killing a baby is SIN!

As I stated many years ago, the United States is a modern day Sodom and Gomorrah!!! State after state is now legalizing gay marriage. As I watch the celebrations by those who choose to engage in this type of unhealthy, unnatural, and perverted sexual acts, the Holy Spirit spoke to me clearly and said, "I WILL NOT BE MOCKED...I WILL HAVE THE LAST WORD JUST LIKE I DID AT SODOM AND AT GOMORRAH!!! May those with ears hear what the Lord is saying!

The purpose of this Devotional today is to warn those who are not aware to what extent the pro-homosexual agenda is being fulfilled and to hopefully wake up the bloated, weak, and apathetic church that has to bear much of the responsibility for the moral decay of our culture. The goal of those who have chosen the homosexual lifestyle is to justify their sinful choice that is inherently destructive both to society and themselves. They are trying to force society to validate legally and ethically their choice of sexual behavior and relationships, and to enact laws that allow them to promote this sinful choice to our children as normal, even desirable behavior.

It is sad to watch openly gay national cable news network anchors at MSNBC and CNN, along with the rest of the news media, openly rooting for the radical homosexual agenda. Even FOX News won't take a real stand on this issue since that would be bad for their business. Sadly, there is not one so-called "Christian" in the news media with the guts to take a stand against the homosexual lobby in this nation. How long do you think a Christian newscaster or anchor would last if they took a stand for Biblical Truth on this or any other issue of the day?

I don't condemn the homosexual community for where our culture is in regard to this sin, I condemn the church! It was the church and a generation of gutless pastors who sat back in silence, or worse yet, actually worked to insure this sin would infest every part of our society. We have nobody to blame but ourselves!!! This whole issue really boils down to, who wants it bad enough. Who is more motivated and willing to go the extra mile to present their beliefs to the masses and influence our culture.

Let me say right up front, sin is sin in God's eyes. No sin is greater than another. The sin of homosexuality is no more, or no less a sin than murder, adultery, stealing, lying, gossiping, or gluttony. THE REASON THIS SIN IS BEING SINGLED OUT AND ADDRESSED IS BECAUSE THOSE WHO COMMIT IT ARE PROUD OF THEIR SIN AND PROMOTE IT AS AN ACCEPTABLE LIFESTYLE! People who commit adultery do NOT have parades to celebrate their sin. People who commit murder do NOT have political action committees to make murder legal. People who steal do not have high school clubs and try to teach children that stealing is acceptable behavior. Homosexuality is a SIN in the eyes of God and is something to be ashamed of, NOT proud of.

Theologically, this is not even a debatable issue. All through the Bible, from the Old Testament through the New, homosexuality is defined by God as a sin. PERIOD. God calls it an ABOMINATION! I have heard the tortured theological arguments homosexuals have made, but there is absolutely NO WAY to change the fact this act is a sin. Just because there is now a homosexual version of the Bible where they have literally changed the passages that call this act a sin, that DOES NOT change God's inspired, inerrant Word. Just because there is a fast growing homosexual-friendly denomination-the Metropolitan Community of Churches- that does NOT change the fact God calls this act a sin. I can guarantee you if I started a church that taught adultery was acceptable and wonderful behavior, I could fill stadiums on Sunday morning!

THERE IS NOTHING THAT CAN CHANGE THE FACT GOD CALLS HOMOSEXUALITY A SIN!!! The two greatest lies the pro-homosexual community has put out are: 1) homosexuality is something that you are "born with"; 2) 10% or more in our society are homosexual. First, modern science has CLEARLY rejected and been unable to prove that ANYONE is "born gay." You are born with black skin or white skin, your are born with blue eyes or green eyes. Taking your pants of to have sex is a CHOICE!!!

IT IS A CHOICE! PEOPLE CHOOSE TO ENGAGE IN HOMOSEXUAL BEHAVIOR! LIKE ALL SIN, ONCE YOU DO IT LONG ENOUGH, IT MAY SEEM "NATURAL," BUT IT IS STILL A CHOICE THAT YOU MAKE. Also, all legitimate studies done by the non-homosexual community clearly show that less then 1% of the population EVER engage in this type of sexual sin.

Of course, anyone who dares to speak up on this issue is labeled as "intolerant" and a "homophobe." They also use the word "homophobe" to intimidate people from speaking out against their sexual choice. Since I started Liveprayer 13 years ago, I receive an average of 5-6 death threats a month. By far, the largest number of those threats over the years have been after running a Devotional on this issue. Every time I deal with this issue on my television program, I immediately receive the most hateful, nasty, vile emails that you can imagine.


I love you and care about you so much. THE GREATEST PROBLEM IN OUR NATION TODAY IS THE DESTRUCTION OF MARRIAGE AND THE FAMILY. God's definition of marriage is one man and one woman for one lifetime. We have literally watched marriage become perverted and destroyed over the past 40 years. The destruction of the marriage will be the ultimate destruction of our society. THAT is why this issue is so critical, because it destroys God's holy institution of marriage!

The church better wake up and realize that while they have been building great buildings and getting fat, satan has been busy using the sin of homosexuality to destroy marriage. As much of an abomination as gay marriage is, equally as abominable to God are "churches" that accept homosexuality as a normal lifestyle! Parents, you better wake up and be aware that your daughters are being taught at school that it is "cool" to have sex with other girls, it is called "lesbian chic." You also better be aware that your sons are being taught having a boyfriend is the "in thing." Lastly, you better be VERY AWARE of what is on television, in music, and out in the culture that is constantly sending the message to your children that homosexuality is a normal and acceptable CHOICE!

As those who follow Christ, we also have a responsibility to pray for those who are in this bondage, for God to open their hearts to the truth of His Word, and to turn from their sin. Until Jesus returns, we will always have those who choose a perverted form of sex with those of their own gender, just like we will always have those who choose to pervert sex by having it outside of the bonds of marriage. While we can never accept their choice since it is clearly against God's Word, we must pray for them, just like we must pray for everyone who is battling sin in their life.

For those reading this who are currently fighting homosexuality, let me tell you that God has never stopped loving you, and is simply waiting for you to turn from your sin and come back to Him. We serve a God of deliverance from sin, a God of forgiveness, and a God of restoration. Millions have turned from the sin of homosexuality and found complete restoration and fulfillment in living a life according to God's plan. What He did for someone else, He can do for you! I pray today that you hear these words, and choose to find freedom from your sin today. That freedom is only a prayer away!

In His love and service, Your friend and brother in Christ,

Bill Keller