Daily Devotional for Friday February 8, 2013

A Celebration of Sin

(Deuteronomy 8:19, 20 )

***ASK BILL: Pastor Bill, I heard that prophet Ezekiel is used in the Koran and mentioned by Muslims. How can that be and why?

ANSWER: Many cults and false religions plagiarize parts of the Bible. Much of the Qu'ran is simply plagiarism of the Old Testament, as is much of the Book of Mormon.

A celebration of sin! During the Democratic convention a few months ago, it was amazing to see the boldness by those who serve satan. I have often lamented that those who serve satan are more bold with the lie than those who serve the Lord are with the Truth. If you didn't fully understand how far this nation is from God, the last 3 nights proved to be a shining example!

Every 24 hours, this nation shamelessly slaughters 4,000 innocent babies. Speaker after speaker at the Democratic convention praised and glorified infanticide using code words like "choice" and "reproductive rights." It was sickening to hear people applauding and cheering for dead babies!

Of course, there was also no shortage of speakers glorifying the perversion of God's Holy Institution of Marriage. Using code words like "marriage equality," "diversity," and "not being denied the ability to marry the one you love," God's plan for marriage being between a man and a woman was mocked and demeaned.

There was also little mention of Israel. Sadly, most people are more willing to come to the aid of Muslims, who ultimately would love to see this nation destroyed, than support Israel. I know one reason God has blessed this nation, even when we didn't deserve His blessings, was because of our support for Israel. Genesis 12:3 is still in effect, go look it up!

This wonderful celebration of everything God opposes began with the purposeful deletion of "God" from their parties platform. When some in the media began to point this omission out, the powers quickly inserted God back into certain sections. In order to do so, they had to have a voice vote of the delegates, and it was clear more said "no" than "yes," but the "no" votes were overruled and literally booed having God mentioned!

This Devotional has NOTHING to do with politics, but the spritual state of our nation!!! The fact is, while they may not celebrate such gross sins as openly, the Republicans are no better. For 8 years George W. Bush, an avowed Christian, did NOTHING to even try and overturn Roe vs. Wade or push for an amendment to the U.S. Constitution to define marriage as between and man and a woman. He promised to work on both each time he ran for the Presidency, but did nothing.

I remember warning people as early as 2007 who Barack Obama was and the damage to this nation if God allowed him to become President. The people clamored for a king and God gave them a king. The choice last November was between a true enemy of God and a 5th generation high priest of a cult that literally worships satan and propagates a false Gospel leading souls to hell. That is why it didn't matter who God allowed to win, since either way it was a furtherance of His judgment on this nation.

I love you and care about you so much. I hope people are finally waking up that for as many political problems as we face, our greatest problems are spiritual. Whoever God allows to rise to power won't help solve those problems, in fact, each in their own way will hasten the spiritual decay of this nation.

I am very optimistic today. Bill Keller and Liveprayer was raised up by God in this very moment of human history to accomplish what Jonah did in Nineveh. We haven't got much time. The nation sinks further into the abyss daily. We have created over these past 13+ yrs all of the vehicles necessary, seen them at work effectively bringing God's Truth to the marketplace and winning the lost for Christ. I say to you today, if you love Jesus, prepare yourself.

I leave you with this word from the Lord, "If you ever forget the Lord your God and follow other gods and worship and bow down to them, I testify against you today that you will surely be destroyed. Like the nations the Lord destroyed before you, so you will be destroyed for not obeying the Lord your God." (Deuteronomy 8:19, 20)

In His love and service, Your friend and brother in Christ,

Bill Keller