Daily Devotional for Monday October 29, 2012
Hurricane Sandy and God's Continued Judgment on this Nation
(2 Chronicles 7:14; 2 Timothy 3:1-5; 2 Peter 3:3-4; Matthew 24:3-14)
Hurricane Sandy and God's continued judgment on this nation. Years ago, I shared a Devotional on acts of nature and that a byproduct of man's sin was that our environment was now also fallen. Here is a link so that you can read that important Devotional: http://www.liveprayer.com/ddarchive3.cfm?id=2930
In late 2007, I shared with you that we would begin to see God's judgment unleashed on our nation for our sins and wickedness. Within 30 days one of the greatest financial collapses in our nation's history began, affecting everyone in this nation in some way. We are still in the midst of that financial upheaval and should the Lord tarry, and should God not completely destroy our nation, we will be dealing with the affects of those financial difficulties for generations!
The problem is that the economics of the world are in a place we have never dealt with before. Since the '80s, we are part of a global economy. What happens in one part of the world, affects everyone else in the world. That is why there are NO political answers that will have any real impact on the economy, since whatever political policies we may pursue don't change the political policies other countries may be pursuing.
Last November, I shared that if the election next week ended up being between President Obama and Mitt Romney, it would be a furtherance of HIS continuing judgment on our nation. Whoever God allowes to rise to power will only escalate the spiritual decay we are experiencing, since the real problems in this nation are not political, they are spiritual!
If anyone believes that what is expected to be an unprecedented storm as Hurricane Sandy bears down on the east coast, potentially affecting 60 million people, is a coincidence...wake up! There are no accidents or coincidences with God! If this massive act of fallen nature occurring a week prior to the election is not a sign from God Himself, I don't know what is!
WAKE UP! GOD IS TRYING TO GET OUR ATTENTION! IF WE DON'T REPENT, TURN BACK TO GOD AND HIS TRUTH, OUR NATION IS DOOMED! Just like the promises in God's Word are true, so are the warnings! In Deuteronomy 8:19, 20 it says, "If you ever forget the Lord your God and follow other gods and worship and bow down to them, I testify against you today that you will surely be destroyed. Like the nations the Lord destroyed before you, so you will be destroyed for not obeying the Lord your God."
Today, Liveprayer begins to actively bring all true followers of Christ together as ONE, as we turn this nation back to God and His Truth. Every Monday-Friday from 11am-Noon EST, I will be "live" on a special dedicated YouTube channel, dealing with the issues we are facing and calling our nation to repentance. The program will be archived so you can watch it any time at your convenience. This is a prelude to the national TV program starting in January, the final piece as we forge ahead to spark a true revival and a "Nineveh Moment" that is the only hope for our nation!
PLEASE SHARE THIS INFORMATION WITH EVERYONE YOU KNOW! The link for the daily program starting Monday October 29th from 11am-Noon EST and the special 24 hour prayer meeting starting Midnight Monday, November 5th is: http://liveprayer.com/liveprayertv.cfm
I love and care about you so much! Please be praying for all of those who will be affected by Hurricane Sandy. Pray that the Lord spares people from losing their life in this storm, and that He will minimize the property damage. Know that God is speaking loud and clear. It is time for the church to wake up while we still have the opportunity. The time to act is NOW!!!!
***Thank you to everyone who was led and able to give the past few days as we try to clear up the balance of our September operations and take care of October's before the end of the month in just 3 days. We still need $1,000 to clear up September in addition to the $40,000 we need for our October operations. Even though there are only 3 days left, I am standing in faith that the Lord will send people to help me at this critical time. HE IS ABLE!!! I apologize, since until the last 3 years, Liveprayer always had apx 30 friends who God had richly blessed, loved the Lord, saw the vision for the work here. In a difficult time financially, I could find enough out of those 30 who were able to send a special gift of $5,000, $10,000, even $20,000 to take care of our needs That is why I never had to make a special appeal using the Daily Devotional to ALL of our friends, other than sharing our monthly needs a couple times each month.
Sadly, thru the downturn in the economy that has affected so many these past 3 yrs, the homegoing of 5 of our dear friends, that special group of 30 is down to just 1. That family does all they can when they can, but can't carry such a burden more than a few times each year. I have been in prayer for the past several years for the Lord to raise up a new group of special friends that is critical to the funding of every church, ministry, and non-profit. That small group usually carries 70% of the funding burden, whole those who give smaller amounts make up the balance.
This does not in ANY way diminish the gift of those who can only give $10 or $20. Without those gifts, there would be a 30% hole in the funding each month. As a matter of fact, Jesus said the widow who put in her 2 mites gave more than anyone else! Everyone who gives even $1 is special and there gift multiplied in the lives and eternal souls of men. IT IS NOT THE AMOUNT YOU GIVE THAT GOD SEES, IT IS YOUR HEART!
I am praying for 3 friends in the Liveprayer family who can make a one-time sacrifice of $2,000-$10,000 in the next day or so to insure we can clean up the $1,000 balance of our September operations and take care of the $20,000 we are now weeks behind in paying our October operations. That would leave $20,000 to cover the rest of our October budget that we need to bring in before the end of the month. Over these past 13+ years, God has always used several special people each month who have been richly blessed, often in the 11th hour, to insure the needs of His work here were taken care of.
--->Would you pray about making a special year-end gift to help me??? If you were planning on a special gift prior to the end of the year, it would help me a great deal if you could send it at this time.
With just 63 days left in the year, we need to bring in the last $1,000 of our September shortfall, the $40,000 for our October operations over the next 5 days. That will leave us with $80,000 to cover the November and December operations. That is $121,000 in the next 64 days, or just 121 people making a special one-time gift to Liveprayer of $1,000 between now and the end of the year.
Please take a minute today and pray about what you can do to help me. Over the next few days, I MUST bring in $21,000 to catch up the balance of September and the past due October expenses. It is critical to the continuation of Liveprayer that these bills be paid. Please pray, pray for God to move on the hearts of those who are able to help me, and pray for what sacrifce YOU can make at this critical time. God blesses us as we step out in faith. Don't let someone else steal your blessings by expecting them to do what God is calling YOU to do!
It is sickening to see people willing to send over 2 BILLION to promote their political ideology, millions to help ear ticklers on Christian TV buy a new private jet, millions on buildings that will one day be rubble, but not give to bring the only Truth there is to the marketplace that is void of God's Truth, or to help lead souls, eternal souls, to faith in Jesus!
*If everyone gives something, all of our needs can be met literally overnight!!!
As this nation prepares to go through the most important time spiritually in our history, Liveprayer is one of the few uncompromised voices left with the vision and ability to lead our nation back to God and His Truth! I will be in prayer today, trusting by faith that as God has done for the past 156 months, He will move on the hearts of those who have the ability to step up and help me continue to bring His Truth to the marketplace, pray for people in their time of need, and bring the lost to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ!!! HE IS ABLE!!! Will you help me today?
TO GIVE A GIFT TO LIVEPRAYER, you can use your major credit card on our secure server at: www.liveprayer.com under the "Donation" link, you can give using your PayPal account using my email address: bkeller@liveprayer.com,or you can mail your gift to: Liveprayer, 6660 46th Ave. North, St.Petersburg, FL 33709. All gifts to Liveprayer are 100% tax deductible.
I know satan continues to battle us in this area, since it is the only way he can silence my voice. Satan knows that come January as the Liveprayer TV program goes back into national syndication, it will be the catalyst to usher in a real revival in this nation and turn our land back to God and HIS Truth..and...have the financial resources to continue until Jesus comes without having to depend on our friends to cover our monthly operations!
Thank you for your prayers, your faithfulness, and your sacrifice. God Bless you and your family and know you are in my prayers as we stand together for His Kingdom!!!
In His love and service, Your friend and brother in Christ,
Bill Keller