Daily Devotional for Monday October 15, 2012
Hacked! Satan is a Liar and a Loser
***ASK BILL: Pastor Bill, my sister and I were talking about that papyrus found that mentions Jesus might have a wife and I said if he was married, it would have been written in the Bible. She said, King James and possibly others before him, took out some of the books he considered "unacceptable."
ANSWER: First, you are 100% CORRECT. Jesus was NOT married, and did NOT have children or it would have been in the Bible. If this papyrus is even legit, it was probably from one of the SCORES of "books" written but deemed not inspired and inerrant prior to the complete canon of 66 books we recognize today as the Bible in 90ad, or after. Just like today, many "books" were written that were theologically, historically, archeologically, scientifically inaccurate and not accepted as Scripture. Just like today, there were many "cults" that took pieces of Biblical Christianity but added their own "Scriptures." If it is not in the Bible, it is not true!
HACKED! This weekend, the Liveprayer.com website was hacked by people from Egypt. No doubt, this was a response to my challenge to Egyptian President Morsi to seek an arrest warrant against me for telling the truth about satan's tool "Mohammed" and the false religion of Islam, and a video detailing these facts!
Last week, as one of the Liveprayer Daily Video Messages, I shared with people exactly why Islam is a 1400 year old lie from hell and those who follow this lie will die and burn in hell!Video link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PTFZRR-mM_8
On our servers alone, millions have viewed this video over the past few days. It is one of the best messages on exactly why Islam is a false religion, and those who follow its' lies will not be getting 300 virgins when they die, but the eternal flames of hell! Please share it with everyone you know!
In the past months, hackers have disrupted the websites of many of the top banks as well as the US Government. These entities have MILLIONS worth of special software to protect their websites, yet when targeted, NO website is immune.
After over 13 years online, Liveprayer has been attacked, hacked, thousands of times. However, our incredible tech people have kept us online, with less than 5 hours of down time!. For the record, our credit card donation server is in a special site, triple encrypted, and IMPOSSIBLE to hack into. The most that can happen is what is referred to as "denial of service" attack that flood the website with millions of packets that keeps legitimate traffic from being able to access us.
This January, the Liveprayer TV program will be back on the air nationwide, and accessible on every type of wireless device like your smart phone or tablet. A byproduct will be not having the incredible financial pressure we do each month since the TV program will also cover our monthly internet operations.
Satan knows that after the November election is over and whichever one of his sons is allowed to rise to power for the next 4 yrs, the real problems in this nation will still exist since they are spiritual. Unless we turn back to God and His Truth, unless we have a Nineveh moment, this nation is doomed to experience the full wrath and judgment of God.
I have known for 5 yrs now that Liveprayer is one of God's chief instruments to make this happen. This is why God raised up Liveprayer in these last days. This is why Liveprayer has never been part of the Christian establishment, has not taken the millions available by going on Christian TV, but has experienced the wrath and hatred of the masses by taking God's Truth directly to the marketplace.
As we are half way through the month of October, I am in serious need of 1 or 2 friends to help me. Liveprayer is still $20,000 short of taking care of our September operations, in addition to the $40,000 we need for this month. I am asking God for 1 or 2 friends to step up TODAY and help me insure that $20,000 is taken care of by the end of business today. That can be done by bank wire, a direct despot to our account at Wells Fargo, or overnight a check to our office so that we get it by tomorrow morning. You can email me at bkeller@liveprayer.com and I will give you the necessary information.
Will you take a moment right now and pray about helping me at this most difficult time? Everyone can pray. Most everyone can send something, even if it is $5. Why not fast your lunch today and take that lunch money and invest it in souls through Liveprayer? I also know that there are 1 or 2 people reading this message today who can help me with a special one-time, year-end gift to cover the $20,000 we still need to cover from last month!.
I love and care about you so much. I refuse to allow satan to keep us from what God has called us to do, impacting lives for Christ 24/7/365 while bringing His Truth to the masses in order to lead this nation back to the Almighty and Biblical Truth! God has always helped us, even in the 11th hour, by moving on the hearts of friends like you because we have been faithful, have not backed down,compromised, or sell out the Truth for money, while walking each day these last 157 months by faith trusting Him alone! AMEN!!!
TO GIVE A GIFT TO LIVEPRAYER, you can use your major credit card on our secure server at: www.liveprayer.com under the "Donation" link, you can give using your PayPal account using my email address: bkeller@liveprayer.com,or you can mail your gift to: Liveprayer, 6660 46th Ave. North, St.Petersburg, FL 33709. All gifts to Liveprayer are 100% tax deductible.
Please help me, stand with me, as we lead this nation back to God and His Truth! Thank You for your love, prayers, and sacrifce!
In His love and service, Your friend and brother in Christ,
Bill Keller