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Daily Devotional for Monday August 20, 2012

A Gunman Walked into the Family Research Council with the Intent of Killing

(John 3:16)

***ASK BILL: Pastor Bill, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has said a few days ago, 'Tumour' of Israel will soon be destroyed. I am asking you... will he ever destroy Israel off the map?

ANSWER: That is not only his goal, but the goal of all of the Islamic nations in the Middle East and why the US must be unfailing in our support for Israel.

Last week, a gunman walked into the Family Research Council's offices in Washington DC with the clear intent of killing as many people as possible. It was the bravery of the FRC's security officer in the lobby that prevented the planned carnage. In addition to 50 rounds of ammo, the perpetrator also had 15 chicken sandwiches from Chik-Fil-A in his backpack. It was also learned that he was a volunteer for a gay activist organization and during his arrest stated he disagreed with the policies of the FRC.

As it turns out, the FRC is on the "hate list" of the Southern Poverty Law Center because of their stand for Biblical marriage. Two weeks ago, I shared with you that myself and Liveprayer had been deemed to be a dangerous organization of hate and domestic terrorists! The Southern Poverty Law Center out of Montgomery, Alabama lists myself and this ministry as an organization that is involved in acts of "general hate." While you may not have heard of SPLC, they are the leading group in the nation that tracks individuals and groups they claim are involved in hatred, bigotry, intolerance, and acts of domestic terror.

On their site they have a "hate map" where they have identified radical extremists and highly dangerous groups in each state. Check out the link below for their list of groups in Florida, and along with new-Nazis, white nationalists, racist skinheads, Black separatists, and the KKK, is...Bill Keller! s=FL


They are not to be dismissed since this organization has deep connections with law enforcement and the Department of Justice. It is called on regularly to testify before Congress, and any time there is some sort of hate-crime, act of domestic terror, their top officials are all over the news channels. The SPLC is very well financed from liberal foundations and donors who fight for special rights for homosexuals, Muslims, illegal immigrants.

After meetings with our attorneys, we made the decision last week to send a demand letter to the Southern Poverty Law Center to immediately remove Liveprayer from their hate map and issue a formal apology. Otherwise, we plan to file a $100 million defamation suit against them. Listen, we have no illusions we will ever see a dime. However, someone needs to stand up to these bully's since THEY are the ones fueling acts of violence against Christians who are simply preaching the Truth of the Bible and taking a Biblical stand on the issues of the day.

Through the years, I have shared glimpses into what I face on a daily basis. The hate mails, the persecution, the death threats. Over the years, many in the Liveprayer family have forwarded certain Devotionals and received a hateful response. If you want a great example, go to the Huffington Post under their "Gay Voices" section and you will see the story they wrote last Friday regarding Liveprayer taking on the Southern Poverty Law Center. They slant the story to mock and demean me and the Christian message, and if you read through some of the comments, it may open the eyes of those who rarely engage the lost and really have no clue how sick and blinded by their sin they are. Unfortunately I deal with this type of venom each and every day.

*Over the weekend, in addition to thousands of hateful emails stemming from the dozens of large news services who ran the story about Liveprayer taking on the Southern Poverty Law Center, we also got hundreds of emails from people who needed prayer, and 15 people we know of who accepted Jesus by faith! THAT IS WHY I DO THIS! THAT IS WHY I TAKE THE HEAT! AMEN!

It is sad so few pastors really get out of the four walls of their church, and virtually no Christian leaders will go into the secular media. Not only don't they want to deal with the persecution it brings, it doesn't bring in any donations so why bother? Just like so many of the priests in the Old Testament God's prophets railed against since their number one priority was money, the same charges Jesus made to the religious leaders of his day, nothing has changed. You would think with the tens of thousands of people we have helped get into local churches, churches would support Liveprayer. Just the opposite. Churches view Liveprayer as "competition!" How sad is that?

Major ministries don't like me because I refuse to play their games. The oldest game goes like this. A large minsitry invites you to speak, lets you sell your books and trinkets to their people. Gives you a large check or takes a love offering for you. In return, you invite them to speak to those you minister to. You let them sell their books and trinkets. You give them a large check or take a love offering for them.

In the end, it is an incestuous world dominated by money first, ministry simply the "product" to generate the money. I saw it for what it was early on in my minsitry 20 years ago, and refused to play those games. Everything I have done these past 20 yrs in serving the Lord, the 13 years of Liveprayer, has been focused on bringing the Truth of the Bible to the lost and hurting masses in the marketplace and sharing that faith in Jesus Christ is the ONLY hope for each person in this life and for all eternity. Money is necessary to get that message out, but it has never been or ever will be, my motivation.

I love and care about you so much. The one thing I can promise you, I WILL NEVER COMPROMISE! I will never be silenced. As long as Liveprayer exists, as long as I have breath, I will never back down from sharing the Truth of the Bible with the hurting and the Gospel with the lost. The only hope for this nation is to repent and turn back to God, and the only hope for each person is to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ by faith!

I need you to do 3 things for me today. First is to pray. Pray for God's protection and favor. I have no problem going into the secular media and take a stand for the Lord and Biblical Truth. The only hope of turning this nation back to God is to see the masses outside of the church repent and come to faith in Jesus, just like the people of Nineveh did. The only hope of leading souls to faith in Jesus is to reach them where they live and let them know Jesus loves them, died for their sins, and wants to have a personal relationship with them.

Second is to pray about what you can do to help me with a gift. With just 11 days left this month, we are still $9,000 short of covering our shortfall from July. I am seeking the Lord today that everyone in the Liveprayer family who is able, will send the most generous gift they can so that by the end of today we can cover July's shortfall and begin working on the $40,000 we need for our August operations as we celebrate 13 yrs of Liveprayer.

*Our $9,000 shortfall is several weeks past due, and $12,000 of our August operations are now past due. I am asking for 7 people who can make a special one-time gift of $3,000 to help me today so we can get our past due obligations caught up.

Each month for 155 months now, God has used the faithfulness of those in the Liveprayer family to help us cover what we need to operate for one more month. Each sacrificing what they are led and able to give to help us meet our needs. MOST EVERYONE CAN SEND SOMETHING. LET ME CHALLENGE YOU TO GIVE A GIFT OF $13, $130, $1300, OR FOR SOME, $13,000. THAT IS $1, $10, $100, OR $1,000 FOR EACH YEAR OF SERVICE. GOD WILL MULTIPLY YOUR GIFT EXPONENTIALLY IN THE LIVES AND SOULS OF THOSE WE REACH WITH HIS TRUTH AND THE GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST!

TO GIVE A GIFT TO LIVEPRAYER, you can use your major credit card on our secure server at: under the "Donation" link, you can give using your PayPal account using my email address:,or you can mail your gift to: Liveprayer, 6660 46th Ave. North, St.Petersburg, FL 33709. All gifts to Liveprayer are 100% tax deductible.


Third is to share this Devotional with everyone you know. If those who love the Lord will come together as ONE, we can make our voice heard, we can impact our culture, and we CAN help lead this nation back to God and His Truth and the lost to faith in Jesus Christ!

With your prayers and support, I will continue to preach God's Truth and the Gospel to the lost and hurting masses. At some point they may find a way to put me into prison, or shut down Liveprayer. The one thing I can assure you, as long as I have breath I will not stop boldly and without compromise preaching from God's Holy Word. The soul of this nation and the eternal souls of men are at stake!

In His love and service, Your friend and brother in Christ,

Bill Keller