Daily Devotional for Monday July 30, 2012

Taking a Stand for the Lost in Great Britain and Europe

(James 4:17, 1:22)

***ASK BILL: I am 30 years old and having trouble meeting decent men to date. Family and friends are pressuring me to try eharmony and match, but I just don't like the idea of talking to strangers on a computer. Do you think online dating is appropriate and I am acting too old fashioned?

ANSWER: I am NO FAN of online dating, since daily we deal with the horrible outcomes that plague this anonymous way of meeting people. I rank it as low as looking for a spouse in a bar. I will concede, if used properly, TO WEED PEOPLE OUT, it can be a resourceful tool to cut down the time it takes to find someone of intrest, IF THAT OTHER PERSON IS TELLING THE TRUTH. That my friend is a big IF! Here is a Devotional to help you. My word for anyone involved in online dating, BE EXTRA CAREFUL AND USE YOUR COMMON SENSE. If a person is too good to be true, they probably are! http://www.liveprayer.com/ddarchive3.cfm?id=2273

"Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn't do it, sins." James 4:17

Taking a stand for the lost in Great Britain and in Europe. With the spotlight of the world shining on London as they host the Summer Olympics, I am reminded of great men of the faith who brought their God-given talents and gifts to the United States to help lay the foundation of faith here we enjoy today. George Whitfield, EM Bounds, the Wesley brothers, on and on the list goes of great men of God born in England who came to the US to preach and build the Christian church here.

Sadly, Europe in 2012 is spiritually dark. They have replaced Biblical truth with a philosophy of human secularism. For most in the United States who know Jesus as their Savior, going to church is nothing special, some even view it as a great sacrifice. In Europe, most churches are empty or sparsely attended. They are being closed because there are no congregants. Generations have lived and died rejecting God's Truth and the Gospel!

*Europe is critical since it is a foreshadow of how the church in the United States will look in the next generation if we don't turn back to God and His Truth!!!

James 4:17 is often referred to in theological circles as the sin of omission. The fact is, it is the sin most Christians commit each and every day. It is just as much of a sin in God's eyes as a sin of commission such as adultery, murder, or any other sin. To not do the good we know we ought to, is just as much a sin as any sinful act we might commit. We simply don't have the luxury of sitting back and watching unrighteousness and not speak out.

We were first introduced to Saul of Tarsus in Acts Chapter 7 as he was committing the sin of omission, giving his approval to the stoning of Stephen as he held the coats of those who were stoning him to death. Even though he didn't hurl one rock, he was as guilty as those who did by his silence as they killed an innocent man.

I have never been what someone would call a Christian activist. I appreciate those who are led to work in this area, but I have always taken the approach that true change is made one heart at a time. We can't eliminate pornography from the Internet, but we can change the hearts of those who look at it. We will never win the mythical drug war by locking people up, seizing shipments of drugs, or burning the fields they are grown in. We win by changing the heart of the person who is using drugs. The way to ultimately stop abortion is by changing the hearts of the women who make the decision to kill their baby. So my approach has always been to attack the root of the problem, sin, and help people find a new life in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. However, I cannot sit back and watch things go on around me that are just absolutely wrong and keep silent.

So many Christians are content to sit on the sidelines, listening, watching, experiencing the fullness of the Christian life vicariously through others. One of the popular Christian magazines each month has become little more than an advertising vehicle for this Holy Ghost Conference, that Camp meeting of the Millennium, the annual Partners Only Crusade, Women's meetings, Men's meetings, and on, and on, and on. The point I want to make is that the people of God have gotten very fat and lazy with all of the Christian celebrities and the Christian entertainment that our culture has produced. Too many of God's people have become lazy and more comfortable sitting on the sidelines watching, which was never God's plan.

I am a big believer in education and listening to God's anointed teachers of the Word to learn all we can. But while we are hearing the Word, we, also, must be DOING THE WORD! All of the commands in the Gospels, the Book of Acts, Paul's letters, and the other New Testament writings were to be active participants in our faith-helping others, witnessing, teaching new believers. God gives spiritual gifts to His people to be active DOERS of the Word, not idle bystanders. He has given each one of His children gifts and abilities to help advance the Kingdom of God. Jesus taught in many parables that it is a sin to not utilize the gifts God has given you. I want to make sure you clearly understand today, that it is a sin to not use the gifts and talents God has blessed you with to serve Him.

That does not mean you have to quit your job and become a missionary to a third-world country, or sell everything to start a ministry. God may call you to do that. However, for most of His children, He has called you to serve Him exactly where you are today. It is no accident you live where you live, go to school where you do, work where you do, or recreate and shop where you do. God has placed you there strategically to be a light to others. The most effective way we can serve God is in our normal day-to-day life. Letting our Godly lifestyle be a living testimony to those we come in contact with. Helping those around us in a time of need. Getting involved in projects and ministries through our local church.

I love you and care about you so much. Please pray today for the Lord to bless our brothers and sisters in Christ living in Europe. Pray for those who boldly take the Gospel to those nations each day, literally. I will be praying for you today, that these words will cause you to stop and reflect on your life. Ask yourself if you are on the sidelines or are actively living the Christian life God has called you to live. Are you using your gifts and talents for Him? Take inventory today of whether you are not only hearing the Word, but DOING the Word. I want to see you be all you can be and all God has called you to be for Him.

Remember, our greatest and most effective service is rarely those big things we may be involved in for the Kingdom, but the quiet, one-on-one ministry to someone who is hurting and looking for hope. Everyone who knows Christ can tell someone that Jesus loves them. Everyone that knows Christ can testify to what Jesus has meant in their life. Everyone who knows Christ can share the love and hope we have in Him with someone. Become a DOER of the Word and don't be guilty of the sin of omission!

In His love and service, Your friend and brother in Christ,

Bill Keller