Daily Devotional for Tuesday May 29, 2012
It All Started with Liveprayer
(John 3:16,17)
"I would like to give you an update on my progress. I have prayed that prayer to invite Christ into my heart through your ministry a few months ago. I received your booklet, and read through it. Since then, I have become involved with a church, am praying more and reading the Scriptures. Next month, I will be confirmed to that church through baptism. I know that through the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, anything can be accomplished. It all started with Liveprayer! Thank you, Pastor Keller for all you do for so many each day. God bless you."
THIS is what Liveprayer has been about for 13 yrs now, and this is why I get up each morning and come to my office. If it was this one eternal soul, I would still do it! Even though through the years over 600,000 we know of have come to faith in Jesus through Liveprayer, apx. 2,000 every week, our work here is not complete. In the midst of sharing His Truth with the lost masses, God has called Liveprayer to play a key role in helping to turn this nation back to Him and Biblical Truth.
Sadly, few these days are willing to go into the marketplace, the secular media, with the uncompromised Truth of God's Word. Instead, they go to "tickle ears," promise unbiblical rewards for "sending them a loved gift," ask people to send them money to support a compromised agenda, while refusing to take a real stand for the Truth of the Bible since it doesn't help their fundraising efforts.
Through the years, we have had literally thousands of people stop donating to God's work here because I wouldn't stop talking about the FACT killing babies is against God's Word. Many had sons and daughters who were in bondage to homosexuality and stopped helping us because I would never back down on that issue. Many have been upset because I dare to tell the truth about the satanically inspired Masonic cult. Countless Mormons were horrified when they found out that I wouldn't "fall into line" like most preachers and endorse their cult, instead, warning people that Mormonism is a lie conceived in the mind of satan to lead souls to hell!
Recently, with the financial downturn in our nation, many of our dearest friends who have helped in a significant way make all we have done for tens of millions these last 13 yrs have been unable to help due to their own financial problems or from having to help family members in need. Even in the midst of all of these challenges, I have refused to back down from telling the Truth according to God's Word regardless who was offended, or stop moving this work forward to our final conclusion despite the incredible financial pressures we have been under. I walk in faith in day knowing that God always has a ram in the bush, people whose hearts he touches to take their stand with me in these last days!
>From day one, I have only asked the Lord to provide for what we needed to get through that month. I have refused hundreds of thousands of dollars from outside groups wanting to use this ministry to sell books, tapes, trinkets, get involved in an endless array of pyramid schemes, or sell people everything under the sun. Everything we have done here at Liveprayer from day one has been for FREE and always will be. I will keep doing what I have done from day one and that is to get on my knees each morning and ask God to simply move on the hearts of those with the means to help me, whether that is with $1, $10, $100, $1,000, or $10,000!
The first of July, after many delays we will finally have the printed and online edition of my new book that will become a key component to helping lead this nation back to God and His Truth!
God has opened the door for Liveprayer to be back on secular TV, five nights a week, nationwide, starting September 1st. What an incredible door the Lord has opened for us, at such a critical time. For 5 yrs, the Liveprayer TV program impacted hundreds of thousands of lives by dealing with the issues of the day from a Biblical worldview. The Liveprayer TV program has the history and proven results of changed lives by helping people deal with the problems in life from a Biblical perspective.
In just 95 days, the power of God's unadulterated Word will be helping to change lives and save souls around this nation. However, in the meantime, our daily work here at Liveprayer that is the foundation of our service to the Lord must continue.
Do you realize every 24 hours, this ministry reaches 2.4 million people worldwide with God's Truth on the issues of the day and that people deal with in their lives? Every 24 hours, we receive 40,000 emails for prayer that our wonderful team of 700 retired pastors send personal responses to. Well over 70 million since we started Liveprayer 13 years ago. Most important, each week we see apx. 2,000 souls come to faith in Jesus Christ, over 600,000 since we started. Isn't God great?
Between the Daily Devotionals, the Daily Video Message, the weekly Liveprayer Church service, apx 15 media interviews, Liveprayer puts on an incredible amount of unique content each day that no other minsitry with huge staffs produce. Most critical is that Liveprayer is one of the few places people can find God's Word without filter, without compromise, and without fail each and every day!
As only God can do, we do all of this for just a bit over $1,000 a day! That is the budget of a local church with a congregation of 500 that meets once a week!!!
I come to you today because I desperately need your help. My biggest concern today is these getting through these next 95 days. Once we are on TV nationwide, we will bring a new audience to our daily work and a percentage of that audience will be new donors to help support all we do each day here at Liveprayer for the Lord. We still have to make up the last $37,000 of our May budget, $17,000 of that is several weeks past due, and the $40,000 we need to operate in June, July, and August. That is a total of $157,000 over the next 95 days.
I am praying today for the Lord to send 2 people who can immediately help me with a special one-time gift of $8,500 to cover the $17,000 that we have to meet in the next day, and 140 people who can make the sacrifce to send a special one-time gift of $1,000. Obviously, whatever God lays on your heart to give is deeply appreciated, since the Bible teaches to give according to our ability to give. However, I know there are two people reading this right now who have the ability to send a special one-time gift of $8,500, and 140 who can send a special one-time gift of $1,000.
There is no better soil you can sow into than God's work here at Liveprayer, and our track record of faithfulness literally 24/7/365 for 13 years now!!! God's blessings flow from our obedience, and I can only share that so many who have helped Liveprayer over the years have been blessed above and beyond all you can imagine because of their obedience. Don't expect someone else to do what God is asking you to do, and allow someone else to receive the blessing God intended for you!
I desperately need to hear from my friends today, and desperately am asking everyone to pray about digging deep, making a special one-time sacrifce to help God's work here as we press forward, going where most refuse to go because it is not profitable or comfortable, not really caring about millions of souls who will die and go to hell each day because those with the Truth refused to speak up!!!
I am asking that you take a moment and pray right now about being one of the 142 I need to insure that between now and September 1st, all of our basic operational needs are met! God has always raised up a few to feed the many, since the widow gave her last meal to the prophet and the little boy fed the multitudes with a few loves and fishes. Will you make this sacrifice and stand with me today???
TO GIVE A GIFT TO LIVEPRAYER, you can use your major credit card on our secure server at: www.liveprayer.com under the "Donation" link, you can give using your PayPal account using my email address: bkeller@liveprayer.com,or you can mail your gift to: Liveprayer, 6660 46th Ave. North, St.Petersburg, FL 33709. All gifts to Liveprayer are 100% tax deductible.
I love you and care about you so much. Together, we have done much through the years here at Liveprayer, however, our work is not finished. Our final work is underway, and the book, the TV program starting in September are the final pieces to help make that happen. We are going to do our part to change the spiritual course of this nation, to call this nation to repentant and back to God and His Truth, while leading the lost and hurting to faith in Jesus Christ.
I can't do this alone. Will you stand with me and help me?
In His love and service, Your friend and brother in Christ,
Bill Keller