Daily Devotional for Friday February 10, 2012

The War on Christianity

(2 Kings 17:23)

"...until the LORD removed them from his presence, as he had warned through all his servants the prophets." 2 Kings 17:23

The war on Christianity. In just the last week, God has allowed the curtain to be pulled back so people could really see with clarity what I have been telling you about for the past 13 years. The forces of evil are in an all out war to destroy Christians and the Christian faith. Exposed has been the vitriolic hate by those who support the legalized killing of babies against anyone who stands in their way. Despite the fact the people of California voted to not legalize gay marriage in their state, the homosexual community has refused to accept the will of the people and are forcing their perversion of God's Holy Institution of Marriage through the courts.

Now, the Obama administration, with true tools of satan like the head of HHS Kathleen Sebelius (the former Gov. of Kansas who supported the late Dr. George Tiller who performed late-term abortions), is telling Christian organizations they must set aside their beliefs and follow government mandates that conflict with those beliefs.


Over the last 30 years while Christians have gone to hide in their safe, comfortable, and profitable subculture they have created for themselves, while churches have either surrendered to the anti-Biblicla standards of the world or embraced the watered-down, powerless seeker/purpose driven/emerging church/prosperity gospel man-made marketing plans designed to fill the pews by entertainment rather than the preaching of the Bible, the better percentage of the last two generations have never even been inside of a church and the soul of this nation has been lost.

To fill the spritual void created by Christians in retreat and hiding have been satanically inspired cults like the Mormons, Scientologists, false religions like Islam, and the endless stream of New Age teachings. While the most popular men and women of God who call themselves Christians have been compromised the Truth of the Bible in order to build their own kingdoms, true tools of satan masquerading as "angels of light" like Glenn Beck, Deepak Chopra, Oprah, have risen up to lead the souls of men to hell with their false theologies birthed in the pits of hell itself.

Due to this lack of true spritual leadership, people have turned to and put their hope in politicians who are not equipped to deal with the real problems in this nation and have sold their soul to a worldly institution that was never designed to deal with the spiritual problems we face. As I warned you this past November, the 2012 Presidential election will most likely pit Romney vs. Obama or satan vs. satan, a clear sign God has finally removed His hand of blessing and protection from this nation! It means that God has clearly had enough of our sins and wickedness and is through with this nation!


I love you and care about you so much. There has been an all out war on the Christian faith in this nation for years. What used to be done in the dark, is now being done in the light of day. There can no longer be an excuse for people not seeing what is happening right before our very eyes. The forces of evil are in an all out war to destroy Christians and the Christian faith, and they know they are winning which only emboldens them more!

Sadly, the real story is that God has finally had enough. He has finally had enough of our nation killing 4,000 innocent babies each day in the greatest act of infanticide in human history. He has finally had enough of our embracing the unnatural, unhealthy, and perverted choice of homosexuality by making it part of our culture. He has finally had enough of our destruction of His Holy Institution of Marriage and the family. He has finally had enough of our worshipping every false god and idol man has created in his evil imagination. My friend, GOD HAS FINALLY HAD ENOUGH!

That is why I am so concerned and so focused with every ounce of my being on helping to lead this nation back to God and His Truth while leading lost souls to faith in Jesus. The ONLY answer and ONLY hope for our nation is to repent and turn back to God and His Truth. The reality is, we have the numbers to do that and we have the ability to do that. The problem is that we are so fragmented. Men, for power and money, have fallen into satan's trap of division which is why we don't have a unified, clear, and powerful voice in the marketplace. Satan and his minions speak with one voice, while we speak with so many that none have any real effect on our culture!

This is the reason Liveprayer has taken on the task as our final work for the Lord to call this nation back to God and His Truth. This is not something that can happen initially through our churches, since the church has been plagued with internal politics, the fight for money, and every other trap satan has laid to weaken it. No, this has got to come from those who know Jesus as their Savior, who refuse to bow their knee to baal, coming together not as a church or a ministry, but as the Body of Christ.

BECOME PART OF THE REMNANT: http://www.liveprayer.com/remnant.cfm

My goal has never been the earthly things of this temporal world. That is why Liveprayer has no building, though we could have. That is why Liveprayer doesn't have a huge staff of people, though we could have. That is why I have always taken a nominal salary and live a modest lifestyle, though I could have lived extravagantly like so many others in a national position. No, my only goal each day has been to minister to the hurting and lost while encouraging those who know the Lord. I seek nothing else from this life but to serve the Lord and fulfill His plan for my life!

Today, I am simply asking you to pray over this message today and share it with everyone you know. What we are working towards for the Lord is not anything I can do alone. If you love the Lord and love this nation, pray about how you can help me as we boldly, and without shame take our stand for Christ in this nation that is spiraling into the spiritual abyss before our very eyes.

I know if the people of God come together as one, bound only by the shed blood of our Savior and the Truth of His Word, we can see a season of repentance and a great harvest of souls just like Nineveh. Will you pray today how God wants you to help me as together, we lead our once great nation back to our Creator, His Truth, while leading lost souls to everlasting life through faith in our Lord Jesus Christ!

***As we are 10 days into February, I want to thank you to everyone who prayed and was able to give to help Liveprayer during January. We are still $5,000 short of covering our January operational budget, plus the $40,000 we need for our February operations. Please take a moment and pray for theses needs to be met, and for what the Lord is speaking to YOUR heart to do to help me today.

God uses human instruments. Everyone expects someone else to answer the call, and miss His blessings that flow from our obedience. Please take a few minutes today and ask the Lord what HE is calling you to do to insure this need is met. Over the past 12+ years, men and women of God have stepped up at the 11th hour to further His work at Liveprayer.

Also, I am asking you to pray, pray hard, about allowing God to use you to help me today. Obviously anything you can do is greatly appreciated, but I desperately need 1 person who is willing to send a special gift so we can clear up the $5,000 shortfall from January right away.

TO GIVE A GIFT TO LIVEPRAYER, you can use your major credit card on our secure server at: www.liveprayer.com under the "Donation" link, you can give using your PayPal account using my email address: bkeller@liveprayer.com,or you can mail your gift to: Liveprayer, 6660 46th Ave. North, St.Petersburg, FL 33709. All gifts to Liveprayer are 100% tax deductible.

Know that you and your family are in my prayers each day. Together, we have been used by the Lord to impact millions of lives worldwide. Thank you for your love, prayers, and support as we take our stand for Christ in these last days. The time is very short, our time is now!!!

In His love and service, Your friend and brother in Christ,

Bill Keller