Daily Devotional for Tuesday February 7, 2012

Killing Innocent Babies will be the Legacy of this Nation

(Exodus 20:13; Psalm 106:38; Jeremiah 1:5)

Killing innocent babies will be the legacy of this nation! Last week was a sad and sick reminder how a huge portion of this nation not just supports the slaughter of innocent babies, but will fight anyone who dares to try and stop them. The Susan G. Komen Foundation is an organization that is trying to find a cure for breast cancer. It also is on the front lines of helping educate women about this disease, and encouraging them to get an annual breast examination.

Part of their efforts have been to fund other organizations in this area. Most people didn't know that each year they gave a grant of $250,000 to Planned "how to kill your baby" Parenthood to help them provide breast exams for women. Of course, PP is also the world's leading baby killing organization. The decision was made last week to cut off their annual grant to PP. Talk about the demons of hell being unleashed!

Within 24 hours, the Komen Foundation reversed that decision, after getting a non-stop barrage of attacks from the media and supporters of PP. Why Komen caved is easy to understand. They stood to lost 10x the amount of money in donations than the PP grant. So rather than anger those who support the slaughter of babies, the reinstated the grant to PP. Truly a sad and glaring example of how a large percentage of people today not only support killing babies, but will fight for that right!

Did you know that $300 MILLION DOLLARS of our tax money go to slaughter innocent babies last year? I read about the Old Testaments prophets lamenting the fact they faithfully deliver the word God has told them to deliver to the people and nobody listened to them. I fully understand the frustration they felt and can empathize with them. For the nearly 13 years Liveprayer has been online, for the 4+ years the TV program has been on the air, I have faithfully delivered God's message that the legalized slaughter of over 4,000 innocent babies every DAY was going to unleash God's wrath on this nation.

We will never forget 9/11 and the 3,000 innocence people who died that day. We will always remember the horror of Hurricane Katrina and how it virtually destroyed one of the great cities in our country, killing hundreds and displacing hundreds of thousands of innocent people. Yet, every 24 hours we legally slaughter 4,000 innocent babies and we never even give it a second thought!


The leading baby killing organization in the world is Planned "how to kill your baby" Parenthood. In their recent data, they brag that they performed apx 300,000 murders last year. During that time they received $345.1 million in clinic income, $212.2 million in donations, and $305.3 MILLION DOLLARS FROM US TAX PAYERS!!! Their total income was $902.8 million with expenses of $847 million, leaving them a profit of $55.8 million dollars!!! What a great business they have!!!

The fact that our Federal Government makes the practice of infanticide legal in this nation is sickening to me, and I can only imagine how it sickens God. The fact that the Federal Government takes $300 MILLION TAX DOLLARS and gives it to this organization to slaughter babies disgusts me more than I can even begin to put into words. The government not only make killing babies legal, they actually take our tax dollars and give them to the leading organization whose sole purpose is to slaughter innocent babies.

My friend, we not only are long overdue God's wrath, but we deserve God's wrath! Forget the fact we have turned from God to worship the false gods and idols of the world. Forget the fact that we live in total rebellion to God and His Truth. Simply the fact that we slaughter over 4,000 innocent babies every single day in this nation is enough for us to suffer whatever punishment God metes out!

I keep asking myself when will this nation wake up? I am afraid like the children of Israel so many times in the Old Testament, we have become so lost in our sin, so blinded by our rejection of and rebellion to God, that we no longer possess a conscience. Our hearts are so hardened and our soul is seared that we no longer care. Knowing that it is only a matter of moments before God says enough is enough and pours out His wrath upon this nation, it would be easy for hopelessness to set in and do nothing. That is the mindset satan wants us to have. Instead, now is the time to do more! We are the victors, it is satan who is defeated!

I love you and care about you so much. I have a renewed sense of purpose today, a new motivation, a new fire that has been lit inside of me. I will press on and keep giving everything I have each day to be faithful to the Lord's calling on my life. I want this message today to encourage you as well. God needs all of His children, now more than ever, to rise up and take their stand for Him in these last days. Each of us have our own specific calling, our own special missions to perform for the Master. Now is the time to be more faithful than ever. Now is the time to work harder than we ever have. Now is the time for make even greater sacrifices, to make even more of a commitment to the Lord and His work.

Can we ever take the Federal Government out of the business of slaughtering innocent babies? I pray daily for that moment to come. We have to do all we can to at least get them to stop funding this private organization whose only business is killing innocent babies. In the meantime, as we fight those political battles, we have to keep fighting this issue on the ground by changing hearts and lives.

In just over a year since I put up the video of an actual abortion being performed on the Liveprayer website ( http://www.liveprayer.com/aborsion.cfm ), we have received emails from over 5,000 women who were planning on killing their baby, watched that video, and decided to let their baby live. I have no doubt many more babies are alive today because of that one video clip. We have to continue to speak out and not be silent, to let women know there are options to killing their baby, to educate young people on God's plan for sex and relationships, and most important, lead people to faith in Christ and the Truth of His Word!

Planned "how to kill your baby" Parenthood is a sick and disgusting organization. How would you like to go to work each day at a place where their business is slaughtering innocent babies? They make their money by charging women to kill their baby. What a wonderful way to use some of what God has entrusted to you. They make their money through donations. How fulfilling it must be to go to sleep at night knowing that you sacrificed some of your hard earned dollars to help kill an innocent baby. They also are given hundreds of millions a year by the Federal Government to finance their baby killing business.

If people want to pay someone to kill their baby that is their choice. If someone wants to give their money to an organization whose business is killing babies, that is their choice. TO TAKE TAX DOLLARS AND GIVE THEM TO A PRIVATE ORGANIZATION SO THEY CAN SLAUGHTER INNOCENT BABIES IS UNCONSCIONABLE AND HAS TO STOP IMMEDIATELY!

In His love and service, Your friend and brother in Christ,

Bill Keller