Daily Devotional for Sunday January 22, 2012
God Gave His Best in Offering Jesus as a Sacrifice for Our Sins
(Malachi 1:1-9)
Those who have put their faith in Christ and accepted God's free gift of everlasting life, understand that God has given His very best in offering Jesus as a sacrifice for our sins. He gave it all in order that we would have a way to be reconciled back to our creator and live for eternity with Him. God gave His very best, but each day do we give our very best to Him?
The priests in the Old Testament were often guilty of offering up to God during their sacrifices, the worst crops, the worst animals, the bare minimum they could. How often are we guilty of the same behavior? Today we don't follow the Old Testament laws, but our daily sacrifice is our lives.. our time...our talents. How many days do we do the minimal amount for God, giving Him less than our best???
All I am trying to do is to get you to realize that God has done so much for us, and we get comfortable doing the least amount for Him in return. We grudgingly go to church to be fed spiritually, we complain about giving to those causes which God is using to bless people, and we hesitate to volunteer our precious time to help others. We live our lives in a way to give God as little as possible.
Pray today that you might begin to give God your very best. He has blessed many of you with incredible talents to do many things. Don't hoard those talents for your own benefit, but use those talents for the benefit of the Kingdom. He hasn't blessed you so you can hold onto those blessings, but that you might in return bless others. Give God your very best today.
I love you and care about you so much. I will be praying for you, praying that you will spend a few minutes giving thought to how much more you could and should be giving God. He gave His very best for you, is it to much to ask for you to give your very best to Him?
Trust me, you can't outgive God. The more you give, the more you receive. Don't hold back and don't hang on. God gave it to you so that you could use it to give to others. After all, when this life is over, the only thing any believer should want to hear is, "well done, thou good and faithful servant."
May His richest blessings be with you today. I will be praying for you to open up and give your best to God!!!
In His love and service, Your friend and brother in Christ,
Bill Keller