Daily Devotional for Tuesday November 8, 2011

The Real Problem in the U.S. is Our Rejection of God for the False Gods and Idols of the World

(Proverbs 14:34)

While anarchy in our streets better known as the "Occupy" movement continues, candidates for President attacking each other on a whole host of issues, effective unemployment hovers around 25%, with over 15% of the citizens on food stamps and living in poverty, the real problem in the United States has nothing to do with the temporal things in this world but our rejection of God for the false gods and idols of the world while embracing every kind of sin and rebellion to God and His Word there is.

God makes it clear in His Word that it is no accident who our rulers are, that it is God who puts those rulers in office, and it is God who takes them out of office. We are to honor, respect, and pray for those God has placed in authority over us. Some may find this hard. Praying for our enemies is hard too, but that is what the Bible tells us to do. It was the example our Lord gave us on the cross as He forgave those who nailed him to that tree.

Do you realize that it was God who allowed Adolph Hitler to rise to power? It was God who allowed the Emperors of Rome to hold office. Never forget, the New Testament was written under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit during the time Rome was in power and there was mass persecution of Christians. Yet God clearly calls us to pray for our leaders. President Obama is the most pro-death, advocate for the radical homosexual agenda, friend to the enemies of Israel President ever. He is a true enemy of God, but we are called to pray for his salvation.

We have many problems in the United States today. Most that we hear nightly on the news are political problems. The real problems that we face in this nation are spiritual. The practical application for your life today is this. Whatever problems you are facing in your life are NOT the real problems. Your finances may be a major issue today. Addiction to alcohol, drugs, gambling, and sex may be a major battle you are fighting. Your marriage may be in trouble. There may be health issues you are being confronted with.

All of these issues, my friend, are life problems, practical day-to-day real-life issues that we have to deal with. But the real problems in your life, just like the real problems in this country, are SPIRITUAL!

Anyone with common sense can look back on the brief history of the United States, and see the Biblical principles upon which it was founded and set up to operate under. There can be no doubt that the greatness of this country, in spite of its very young age compared to countries in the rest of the world, are because of this personal relationship with God and His Word. The problems we face today are because we have forgotten God, tossed His Word to the side, and decided to do it "our way."

No more prayer in school. The legalized killing of millions of babies every year. God's plan for the family perverted. The bold and shameless marketing, making easy access to every kind of sin imaginable. Our great country, founded on Biblical principles, has misappropriated the freedoms God gave us. We have used our free will to consciously ignore God, to turn our back on Him. God gave us the ability to make that choice. But never forget that there are consequences for our choices. There are consequences for rebelling against God!!!

This country has lived off of the obedience to God of our forefathers. We have enjoyed the blessings of their faithfulness. Unfortunately, the legacy we will leave to our children and grandchildren, should Jesus tarry, will be the consequences of our rebellion to God and His Word. 2 Chronicles 7:14 says, "If my people, who are called by My name, will humble themselves and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and will heal their land."

Deuteronomy 8:19 says, "If you ever forget the Lord your God and follow other gods and worship and bow down to them, I testify against you today that you will surely be destroyed." It is not too late. However, we need spiritual leaders, who under the power of the Holy Spirit will call the people of this great land to repentance.

IT IS NOT THE POLITICIAN'S JOB TO DO THIS. It is the job of the spiritual leaders, and only a spiritual revival will solve the real problems of this country!!! In the Bible, there were kings, the political leaders, and there were the priests and prophets - the spiritual leaders. DON'T LOOK TO POLITICAL LEADERS FOR SPIRITUAL GUIDANCE. THAT IS THE JOB OF THE MEN AND WOMEN GOD HAS RAISED UP TO BE THE SPIRITUAL LEADERS OF OUR DAY!

God is saying to those leaders today, to you pastors, you who have been given a position of leadership, to those who have been blessed with a national and international platform, "Quit building a kingdom to yourself, and focus on building my kingdom. My people are perishing for lack of knowledge. Give them the knowledge and lead them out of the darkness and into the light. Come down from your self-built ivory tower that has been lavishly made with the blessings I have bestowed upon you and feed my sheep; then lead my sheep" thus sayeth the Lord God of Israel."

My friend, I love you and care about you. The relevance this word has to your life today is that the same problem the country has is your problem. You are focused on the external problems in your life, when the real problems are spiritual. Focus on that side of your life. Get back to the basics. Pray daily. Read the Word daily. Get in church. Find ways to serve God. Set your spiritual base, since everything in your life, who you are, flows from there. As you solidify your spiritual base, you will find the day-to-day problems easier to handle.

I am praying for you. I am praying that just as this country needs a spiritual revival, you have a spiritual revival in your own life. That is why Liveprayer and those in the Liveprayer family are working to lead this nation back to God and Biblical Truth!!!

***As we are one week into the month of November, we still need to bring in the last $20,000 of our October operations, in addition to the $40,000 we need for November's budget. I have been in prayer today for the Lord to send 2 people immediately who are willing to make the sacrifce of $5,000 to help me cover $10,000 of our past due October budget that we need immediately! If everyone will take a minute, pray, and seek the Lord as to what He would have you do to help me today, I know the Holy Spirit will move on the hearts of those who are to give, and the amount they are to sacrifice. Will you take a moment and help me today? Thank you and God bless!

TO GIVE A GIFT TO LIVEPRAYER, you can use your major credit card on our secure server at: www.liveprayer.com under the "Donation" link, you can give using your PayPal account using my email address: bkeller@liveprayer.com,or you can mail your gift to: Liveprayer, 6660 46th Ave. North, St.Petersburg, FL 33709. All gifts to Liveprayer are 100% tax deductible.

Thank You for your love, prayers, and sacrifce as together we lead this nation back to God and Biblical Truth!

In His love and service, Your friend and brother in Christ,

Bill Keller