Daily Devotional for Thursday September 8, 2011
Anwar Al-Awlaki
(John 3:16)
***A video message to "Triple A" : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9o5TdZC0YPI
Anwar Al-Awlaki, whom I call "Triple A," is a man most people don't know, but should. Remember the Muslim in the Army who killed 13 people in cold blood at Ft. Hood last October? Remember the Muslim several Christmas' ago who had a bomb in his underwear? Remember the failed attempt by a Muslim to blow up Times Square? What did all three of these Muslim men have in common? A connection to Anwar Al-Awlaki!
Triple A was born in Las Cruces, New Mexico to parents from Yemen and was educated at several U.S. universities. Currently, he is known around the world as the terror Imam. He utilizes video messages and email to encourage Muslims around the world to kill innocent people who refuse to convert to their false relgion of violence, hate, and death. Triple A is referred to as the "Bin Laden of the Internet."
Just like Liveprayer has helped pioneer using the Internet these past 12 years to bring people the Truth of the Bible and everlasting life through faith in Jesus Christ, Triple A has helped to pioneer using the Internet to bring people the lies of Islam and challenge Muslims worldwide to kill innocent people.
So let me talk to you about this false religion called Islam that over 1.6 billion people on the planet are following straight to hell. Like all false religions and cults, it has a human founder. Islam was born out of the rebellious heart and mind of a man named Muhammad, a Mecca businessman that lived from 570-632 a.d.
Muhammad claimed to be a prophet like those in the Old Testament and wrote his "revelations" down in a book called the Qur'an. In reading the Qur'an, it becomes clear that it is nothing but Mohamad's warped philosophy of life based on his rebellion to the one true God of the Bible, and is little more than a poor imitation of the Old Testament. THE QUR'AN IS NOTHING BUT A WORK OF FICTION THAT IS NO MORE INSPIRED THAN HARRY POTTER OR A HARLEQUIN ROMANCE NOVEL!!!
What confuses many people about the false religion of Islam is their god who they call "allah." This happens because people who are either theologically ignorant or trying to be politically correct, speak of the God of the Bible and allah as if they are the same person. Let me make certain you understand something very clear, allah and the God of the Bible are NOT the same person!!! The allah of Islam is technically a black moon rock!!!
If you study the attributes of the God of the Bible and the attributes of the allah of Islam, it is crystal clear that these are two entirely different entities. There is only ONE GOD, that is the God of the Bible. The allah of Islam is nothing but a creation out of the imagination of Muhammad, no different than Mickey Mouse who was a creation out of the imagination of Walt Disney!!!
Muhammad was nothing but a false prophet, a mere man who lived and died like you and I. He was born with the same sin that you and I are born with. That is why faith in Mohammad cannot save you. It was JESUS who God sent to this earth in an immaculate way to be born without the sin we inherited from Adam.
It was Jesus who lived a sinless life so that He could go to a cross 2,000 years ago and give His live as a perfect sacrifice for the sins of all mankind. That is why it is only faith in JESUS that can save you!!! At that moment when this life is over and we stand before God there is only ONE question He will ask us, DO YOU KNOW JESUS AS YOUR PERSONAL SAVIOR BY FAITH?
I love you and care about you so much. I am praying today for the salvation of Anwar Al-Awlaki and all who are following the lies of Islam to the eternal fires of hell. I pray today that those people around the world who have put their faith in Muhammad and the false religion of Islam, that they will open their hearts and turn from the lies of Islam and to the Truth found in God's Word, coming to know Jesus Christ by faith as their Lord and Savoir.
I can assure you that as long as I have breath, I will continue to proclaim to this lost and dying world that there is only one name by which men can be saved, and that is the name of Jesus. Please take a moment and ask yourself this one question. If I die in the next minute, will I spend my eternity with God, my creator?
If you cannot emphatically and with 100% certainty say YES, if you have ANY DOUBTS AT ALL, then take a moment and pray, then go to this link, http://www.liveprayer.com/plan.cfm . YOU DO NOT EVER HAVE TO DOUBT AGAIN WHERE YOUR ETERNITY WILL BE SPENT IF YOU TAKE A MOMENT TO PRAY, READ THESE WORDS, AND ACCEPT BY FAITH JESUS CHRIST INTO YOUR HEART!!!
***As we end the first week of September, we ended the month $15,000 short of meeting our August financial obligations, plus we are still short the final $30,000 of the $150,000 I asked the Lord to deliver by the end of April so we could catch up all basic operational expenses we have been in arrears. That is $45,000 we need to bring in right away, plus the $40,000 for this month, to have all of our basic operational expenses covered by the end of the month.
--->I have been in prayer today for the Lord to send 3 people immediately who are willing to make the sacrifce of $5,000 to help me cover the $15,000 from August we need immediately. Nobody has stepped up as of yet. Will you please take a minute today, and pray, seek the Lord what He is asking you to sacrifce. If you have the ability to wire funds to us first thing in the morning, or if you bank at Wells Fargo and can transfer some funds to us today, that would help me a great deal. I am praying and believing God for three people to hear His voice and help me. If the Lord is speaking to your heart, please email me at: bkeller@liveprayer.com
Of course, anything you can sacrifce, even if it is $5, to help me cover our basic operations is greatly appreciated. Every week, apx 2,000 souls come to faith in Jesus through Liveprayer. That is only possible because friends like you care and give to help insure we are here at that moment when their heart is open to hearing about the love of our Lord.
TO GIVE A GIFT TO LIVEPRAYER, you can use your major credit card on our secure server at: www.liveprayer.com under the "Donation" link, you can give using your PayPal account using my email address: bkeller@liveprayer.com,or you can mail your gift to: Liveprayer, 6660 46th Ave. North, St.Petersburg, FL 33709. All gifts to Liveprayer are 100% tax deductible.
I love you and care about you so much. Thanks again for all you have done to help me over these last years. You never know how grateful I am, and the impact you have made on so many lives. All I have is His. All I do is for Him. I never forget for a second that is only possible because of the love, prayers, and sacrifce of friends like you! May He continue to richly bless you and your family and to enable you to continue blessing His work. We will keep pressing on to lead this nation back to God and His Truth and lost souls to faith in Jesus Christ!!!
In His love and service, Your friend and brother in Christ,
Bill Keller