Daily Devotional for Monday March 7, 2011
Why Can't Professing Christians State the Truth of the Bible in Public and Not Back Down
(1 Timothy 5:14)
Why can't professing Christians state the truth of the Bible in public, and not back down when they are challenged? Former Baptist pastor, Arkansas Governor, and the host of a program on FOX News who will most likely run for President, Mike Huckabee, took a Godly stand on how Hollywood and the media glorify women having children out of wedlock.
Academy award winning actress Natalie Portman is currently pregnant and not married. Huckabee correctly pointed out the FACT that this is clearly not God's plan for having children. After the media attacked Huckabee, he started to backpedal and refused to stand by his statements. It is sick to see Christians in the public square, who even if they do share the Truth of the Bible, back down when they are attacked. Two words, gutless and spineless! Sadly, the church, para-church ministries, men and women of God, have done a very poor job of getting the message of God to those who need it most...this lost and hurting world in which we live in. One 30 minute episode of garbage like Jersey Shore has more impact on our overall culture than all of the Christian media combined does in a month!
That is why from time to time, I feel compelled to respond to messages that are being put forth by the secular media as wholesome and acceptable. Friends is one of television's most popular programs. For decades now, TV and the movies have characters having children outside of marriage. MTV even has a whole show, Teen Mom, dedicated to young women having children outside of marriage.
While this is a FAR too common occurrence in our society, it was the "GLORIFICATION" of that event that I want to address today. God, through His Word, is very specific about HIS plan for family. One man, one woman, for one lifetime. The man and women having separate, but equal roles in the marriage. A by-product of that marriage are children that they train up in the admonition of the Lord. All other models are perversions of God's perfect, intended plan.
But my main point today is that to intentionally go outside of God's plan for a family, like a woman CHOOSING to have a child out of wedlock, is a horrible choice to make for both the mother and the innocent child involved!
Let me take this opportunity to say to all of those who read this that got caught up in sin, made a poor choice to have sex without being married, and became pregnant. God is a God of grace and mercy. Even in our sinfulness, God loves us, and can turn our sin into HIS blessings. However, that ONLY happens when we acknowledge our sin, ask God to forgive us, and begin from that point forward to do it HIS way. When you make that choice, God can and will bless you, no matter what your circumstances may be.
A special note to those young women who may have sinned and are pregnant. You have two, TWO, options. Keep the baby, or give the baby up for adoption. These are the ONLY two choices. Abortion is murder. To have an abortion is simply compounding your initial sin. Trust me, as LONG AS YOU LIVE, the choice to kill your baby will be with you. Having counseled thousands of women who have had an abortion, the FACT the women's movements, the pro-death (choice) movement conveniently forget to tell you, is that you will never.....EVER....forget this incident in your life.
Thankfully, we serve a loving and merciful God. Like ALL sin, when we repent, turn from our sin, and live for God, He can extend the grace necessary to continue a productive life. But a consequence of the sin of abortion is that you will never forget it happened!
Another common sin that I deal with daily, is the incredible desire by a woman who becomes pregnant to "marry the father of the baby." Again, in almost ALL cases, you are simply compounding your sin. Getting married because you are pregnant is one of the absolute WORST reasons there is to get married! I can almost insure you that the man who got you pregnant, is most likely NOT the man God wants you to spend the rest of your life with.
NO MAN OF GOD, WHO IS WALKING WITH THE LORD, WHO IS THE SPIRITUAL HEAD OF YOUR RELATIONSHIP AS GOD CALLS THE MAN TO BE, WOULD HAVE EVER SLEPT WITH YOU IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!!! I am not making a blanket condemnation of all men who sin in this way, but in most every case, a man who is willing to sleep with a woman out of the bonds of marriage, is NOT the man God wants you to spend the rest of your life with.
I love you and care about you so much. GOD LOVES YOU EVEN MORE! If you are currently pregnant out of the bonds of marriage, your first need is to get right with God. Go to God's promise in 1 John 1:9, and get right with God. DON'T EVEN CONSIDER MARRIAGE UNTIL YOU CAN BE ASSURED IT IS GOD'S WILL FOR YOUR LIFE. It may be a situation where putting your baby up for adoption is the best alternative.
Pray, get lots of wise counsel, and God will guide you and direct you. For those single mom's out there who have already lived through the birth of your child, again, getting right with God is your first step. Know that God can, and will bless you and your child in incredible ways if you are willing to submit to Him.
For those young adults who have not had this experience...LISTEN!!! God is speaking to you today. There are CONSEQUENCES when you sin. LIFE CHANGING CONSEQUENCES!!! Do it God's way. Let God bring the right mate into your life, get married, then have children in accordance with God's perfect plan.
In closing, never forget that television and the movies have has CONSCIENCE. Hollywood simply portrays the message our modern culture finds appealing, regardless of how God feels. Having a baby out of wedlock is NOT a glamorous experience!!! It takes sin to accomplish, and those who are unrepentant, face incredible challenges that ultimately harm the child involved. As I say so often, when you do it your way, it NEVER works. When you do it God's way...it ALWAYS WORKS!!! I will be praying today, that you choose to do it God's way!!!
In His love and service, Your friend and brother in Christ, Bill Keller