Daily Devotional for Thursday February 24, 2011
This Nation has Turned Its Back on Israel
(Genesis 12:1-7, 13:14-16, 15:18; Deuteronomy 9:4-6; Joshua 1:1-11, 21:43-45)
In addition to legally slaughtering apx. 4,000 babies every 24 hours in this nation, perverting God's Holy Institution of Marriage, bowing down to worship false gods and idols man has created in his evil imagination, and being totally sold out to sin of every kind of sin you can name, this nation has also turned its back on Israel. God's promise to Abraham in Genesis 12:2,3 is still in effect. It is a simple promise to bless those who blessed Israel, and curse those who curse Israel. The policies of this current administration towards Israel are inviting God's curse on our nation!!!
Giving away the land that God gave to the children of Israel, to their enemies. Please, do yourself a favor right now and get your Bible and sit down and spend the next 10 minutes reading the anchor verses for today, Genesis 12:1-7, 13:14-16, 15:18; Deuteronomy 9:4-6; Joshua 1:1-11; 21:43-45. You could spend hours reading all the passages in God's Word that confirm that modern-day Israel is the land God promised to Abraham and gave to His children. You do not have to be a Bible scholar to quickly realize in just the few key passages I have given you today that the land of Israel is indeed the exact land God Himself promised to His children 4,000 years ago, and fulfilled that promise in 1385 B.C. when Joshua took possession of that land.
Having laid the Biblical case to support that the land of Israel belongs to the Jewish people, now you can see why giving away even one inch of that land to anyone else is going against God Himself. No person, no nation, has the right to give away what God promised and gave to the Jewish people. Those who do make themselves an enemy of God! Over and over throughout the Bible and human history, nations have invaded this land, taken it over, only to be defeated in the end. The land of Israel is only 20,330 sq km, slightly smaller than the state of New Jersey. Out of the billions of square miles that exist on this earth, this is the only place on the planet God literally promised and gave to His children. For anyone to go in and try to give a piece of that land away is foolish.
That is why the current "peace plan" the United States has had such a large role in working out will never work and has actually put our nation on the opposite side of God again! Let me be clear. The Gaza Strip belongs to ISRAEL! The West Bank belongs to ISRAEL! Jerusalem, all of it, belongs to ISRAEL! For this nation to be involved in any deals, even under the guise of "peace," that involves giving away the land God gave to the children of Israel is taking on God Himself! Not to mention that this land is being given away to the ENEMIES OF ISRAEL!!!
My friend, one of the problems many have with the Bible is that they can't understand why a God of love would command His children to go to war and "Kill every man, woman, child, and living thing" as He did many times in the Old Testament. The reason was this. God in His omniscience knew that the enemies of Israel, those who came to possess their land, had no desire for peace but the complete destruction and annihilation of the Jewish people. The complete obliteration of the Jewish people was their ONLY goal, not peace. Sadly, there are some people who have no desire for peace, only death and destruction and you either destroy them or they destroy you. That is one of the sad realties of living in this fallen and evil world.
For those who oppose the war in Iraq, they either don't understand or are completely blind to the fact that there are people on this planet whose only goal is the complete destruction of the United States and every person who lives here. That means you and your family too! I am thankful that this current administration understands this fact and that the peace-nuts we see on TV constantly don't have the power to impose their Pollyanna views of life on the defense policies of this nation or we would all be in grave danger. The sad reality is that there are very real people alive this very moment whose very real goal is the complete destruction of the United States. We will either kill them or they will kill us. We are blessed that our forefathers understood the evil that exits in this world or we would not be here today, enjoying the wonderful freedoms and life we do.
Israel also clearly understands the reality that there are people who desire their death and destruction. They don't have the luxury of great oceans on either side as we do and their enemies literally live all around them. That is what makes this current "peace plan" so silly. To actually take some of the small amount of land that belongs to Israel and literally give it to their enemies is absurd and ridiculous. It will only embolden and empower those who seek the destruction of Israel. Again, make no mistake about it. While we and others seek "peace," it takes TWO to make peace. Despite the claims by the Palestinian leadership, their goal is NOT peace but the destruction of Israel.
I have always been amused at why anyone thinks it is necessary to give the little strip of land God gave to Israel away to her enemies, when Israel is surrounded by Arab nations with VAST AMOUNTS of land who could easily assimilate their Arab brothers into their countries. Why do the Palestinians have to live on the land God gave to Israel when there is plenty of land in neighboring Arab countries they could live on? What is wrong with a "peace plan" that gave some of the land in surrounding Arab countries to the Palestinians?
I love you and care about you so much. I want to close today with a powerful promise God made to Abraham 4,000 years ago in Genesis 12:3, "I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you." This one verse of Scripture is why what is happening in Israel right now is so critical to THIS NATION! In being part of a plan to give away the land God gave to Israel to anyone, especially her enemies who seek her destruction, puts us on the wrong side of God. We should be seeking the BLESSINGS of God, not His CURSES!
Know that I am praying for you today. Even though most Jewish people have rejected Christ as their Savior, blinded to the reality that He is the Messiah they were promised in the Old Testament, they were, are, and always will be God's chosen people. The promise God gave Abraham in Genesis 12:3 is still in effect today. Our Christian faith is traced back through the children of Israel. The last events of this world will be played out in Israel. That is why we need to pray for and support the Jewish people and God's plan for the land of Israel. Our blessings in life come from following God not being in opposition to God!
Also, be praying for this special group of people God chose to reveal Himself to and carry His message to the world. It was through the Jewish people God brought His Son, the Messiah, the Savior of the world. Wonderful groups like Jews for Jesus have done a great work in bringing the fact the Messiah prophesied throughout the Old Testament, is Jesus! Jesus is the fulfillment of all of those Old Testament prophecies, and despite the fact He was rejected by his own people, today millions of Jewish people have come to know Jesus as their personal Savior by faith. In Heaven there will be no Jew or Gentile, only those who have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ!!!
***PLEASE take a few minutes to read and pray over these words, and ask God what He is calling you to do today! Thank You!
Blessings my friend..I pray all is well with you and your family..and just wanted to thank you for your prayers and sacrifices for the Lord's work here over the past yrs.....only Glory will show us the millions of lives impacted..thousands who know the Lord due to your faithfulness..
...our nation is in spiritual freefall...and now more than ever..the message of Liveprayer MUST be heard....
...I wanted to ask you to pray today..since as you can imagine..the loss of 65% in annual donations over the past 2 years leaves a gaping whole in our funding..obviously..over 12 years..we have had many faithful friends like you for a season..and the Lord has replaced them with new people to help...sadly..with the economic decline in the nation..replacing numerous friends like yourself who had the ability to help us in a significant way has not been as easy as in the past..but God knows our needs..and knows how to move on the hears of those able to help..
...as one of the many who have supported God's work here over the past years...I am coming to you..asking you to pray about a special situation I really your help with today......
..as you know..we had several deals for our new permanent location for the "9-11 Christian Center at Ground Zero" blow-up after the deals had been consummated and we were simply waiting for the lease to be drawn up by their attorney...the new address leaked out and the owner began getting dozens of harassing and threatening phone calls..and was intimidated into killing the deal..
...we had a similar experience when we started phase one...our Sunday services from 9/5 thru 12/26 to launch the new center..when after the contract had been signed..the Embassy Suites refused to honor the contract...but we had a "ram in the bush" with the Marriott..
..once again..we have a "ram in the bush"..and the owner of the new home will NOT be intimidated in any way..he is fully on board and ready to stand with us..
...once we make our formal announcement for the deal it will open up a whole new group of donors...and via the TV program on superstation WWOR and the physical location by ground zero will allow us the opportunity to raise significant funds to not only cover those operations..but the debt we are currently carrying..and our ongoing internet operations...
..my biggest concerns today are two-fold...first is the $20,000 we need to cover the balance of our February operational costs to keep Liveprayer going...the other is the $80,000 needed to cover the deposit and first month air-time bill for the Liveprayer TV program on superstation WWOR..that airs in the New York market and cable networks around the country...that needs to be paid by the end of the month..next Monday....
...we need to cover $10,000 of the $20,000 operations balance immediately...as in today...since we have been running behind each month for the past several years..
..I am sorry to bother you...and if the need wasn't great would not...please pray about helping me with all or part of the $10,000 we need first thing in the morning...Thurs 2/24.....to insure we get these funds in our account..I am asking you to please wire them...I know this is an additional hassle..but it will help me greatly ..and insure we have the funds on Friday to cover this critical need...our bank info is below..
***--->...2 weeks ago..a dear friend wired the $15,000 we needed to cover our bandwidth bill to keep Liveprayer going..just like over the past 12 years God has send a dear friend..."ram in the bush"...at the 11th hour..to keep this ministry going..pray today about being HIS ram in the bush today...
...in history...we know the names of a few key people who have been able to step forward at critical moments to sacrifce to further the Lord's work..I think of Joseph of Arimethea who sacrificed his tomb for the Lord to be buried in...I think of Joe..who 8 yrs ago made an $80,000 sacrifice to allow the Liveprayer TV program to be started...today..I need one or two people who are willing to allow God to use their lives in a meaningful way to further His work here at Liveprayer that has demonstrated over 12 yrs to be able to impact tens of millions of live and lead lost souls to faith in Jesus Christ..
....if you can help me...please let me know right away...thanks for your love and prayers..and know that you and your family..are in my prayers..
..simply email me for our bank wiring instructions at: bkeller@liveprayer.com
..of course..anything you can sacrifce is deeply appreciated..even if it is only $5...God knows your heart..and will multiply your gift in the lives we impact..and souls who are saved....
***To make a special gift to Liveprayer, you can send your gift to Liveprayer on your major credit card at our website www.liveprayer.com under the "Donation" button, or you can give from your PayPal account by using my email address, bkeller@liveprayer.com , or you can mail it to: Liveprayer, 6660 46th Avenue North, St. Petersburg, Florida 33709. One the credit card or PayPal form after your name simply mark (9-11). Also, in the notes section of your check mark (9-11). This will insure all of the gifts towards this special projects go to that cause. All gifts to Liveprayer are 100% tax deductible.
..please take a few minutes..and pray about making a special gift to the ministry today...
...I love you and care about you so much.....thanks again for all you have done to help me over these last years..you never know how grateful I am..and the impact you have made on so many lives...all I have is His..all I do is for Him..and I never forget for a second that is only possible because of the love..prayers..and sacrifce of friends like you..may He continue to richly bless you and your family....to enable you to continue blessing His work..bk
In His love and service, Your friend and brother in Christ, Bill Keller