Daily Devotional for Sunday February 20, 2011

One of the Most Asked Questions I Get is Whether God Really has a Plan and Purpose for Our Life

(Acts 26:16-18)

One of the most asked questions I get daily, and have throughout my years of ministry, is whether God really has a plan and purpose for our life. Let me assure you that there are no accidents, no coincidences with God. The one who created the universe and everything in it, did not just create us in His image to drift from birth to death with no purpose. Those who are into science will tell you that the incredible perfection of creation could never have just happened, and while some forms of life may undergo a sort of evolutionary process to a small degree, all of this did not just "happen" and work itself into perfection.

A dear friend of mine, years ago, who came to know Christ because of the irrefutable evidence we have from science, told me that the creation of the universe and the incredible precision it takes to operate properly could have never "just happened by some accident." He said it would be the equivalent of taking an expensive, finely-tuned Swiss watch apart, throwing the thousand some pieces in the air, and having them land in perfect working order.

My friend, the universe did not just happen, God created it. You did not just happen, God created you. God did not just create all of this because He was bored....there is a divine plan and purpose for everything, including your life!

The scripture text today is God revealing to Paul the plan He had for his life. Most of us will never have a Damascus Road experience where God calls down to us and gives us the exact plan for our life. However, as we are surrendered to His will, He will move us and position us exactly where He wants us. He will open doors, close doors, and lead us to the very place, at the very time as you are surrendered to Him and His plan. There are no accidents where you live, work, go to school, recreate, who your neighbors are, or the people that are in your life. God strategically places us as His instruments, so we can do our part of fulfilling His master plan.

The key, of course, is to be surrendered to Him. If we rebel, if we don't listen, or if we do it our way and not His way, then, of course, His plan will never be fulfilled. That becomes our choice each day, to live our life our way or His way. When we do it our way, we then bear the burden of coming up with our own plan each day. It is amazing how we try, try, and try, and it never seems to work out. We may be successful in one area of our life, but miserable in others.

You see, when we operate under God's plan, He takes into consideration ALL areas of our life...our work, finances, relationships, service to Him, and recreation. He has ALL aspects of our life covered. That is why some people you see may have a great plan for their finances and be very successful by the world's standards, but total failures in their marriage or as a parent. Or some may have a great home life, but are always struggling financially. The point is, when you are operating under your plan, it will never all work, all the time. There is a fatal flaw....it is your plan, not His!!

I love you and care about you so much. I will be praying for you today to open your heart and really talk with God about whether you are operating day to day under your plan or His. Surrender is the first step; that takes faith and trust. God will never let you down, He will never disappoint you, but just love and bless you daily. He does have a plan for you. Now it is up to you to open your heart and life and let Him fulfill it, just as Paul did.

In His love and service, Your friend and brother in Christ, Bill Keller