Daily Devotional for Monday January 10, 2011

Satan is a Liar and a Loser

(John 17:21)

Satan is a LIAR and a LOSER! Last week, we finalized the deal for the permanent home of the new "9-11 Christian Center at Ground Zero." The deal was done, agreed to, and was off to the attorneys to draw up the new 10 year lease. Less than 24 hours prior to my press conference to announce the deal, we got a call from our broker that the owner of the building had decided against renting to us. He had obviously been intimidated since we were told he did not want the press constantly at his building, or people picketing out front, or anyone blowing the building up.

If you remember, within one hour of announcing we would be holding our initial Sunday services for phase one from Sept 5th thru December 26th at the Embassy Suites by ground zero, even though a contract had been signed we were told it was being cancelled for security concerns. Fortunately, we had a back-up location, the New York Marriott, just like we have a back-up building! That deal should be consummated and legally binding by the end of the week. God is great!!!

A line in the sand! Today, I am asking you to draw a "line in the sand" and take your stand with me to turn this nation back to God and His Truth! We all have to pick our battles in this life. In war, some hills are not worth dying over, some are.

After close to 20 years of serving the Lord as faithfully as I could, after literally pouring my life 100% into God's work here at Liveprayer 24/7/365 for the past 11 years, I am on a hill that I will fight to the death over! The name of that hill is....the new "9-11 Christian Center at Ground Zero!!!"

The fact is, we CAN turn this nation back to God, back to His Truth, and in a very short period of time. How? By bringing Christians together as one. Rather than creating more denominations, more independent fiefdoms, we need to UNIFY the Body of Christ as our Lord prayed in the Garden in John 17:21.

Liveprayer is NOT a "neat idea," but a well proven vehicle with the pieces in place to lead our nation back to God. We have impacted tens of millions of lives worldwide these past 11 years, and the only reason we have not seen a greater impact of our work is a lack of finances because I refuse to play the games and compromise like other major ministries. However, I can no longer sit back while millions of souls needlessly burn in hell for all eternity and see this once great nation facing the judgment and wrath of God for our gross sins and wickedness.

As satan uses the media to lead souls to hell, that same media can be used to lead our nation back to the God of the Bible and HIS Truth!!! My motivation is not to make money, but to save souls and lead our nation back to God and Biblical Truth!!!

After nearly 20 years of ministry, I have chosen this hill to die on if necessary, in order to have the vehicle to save millions of souls and help lead our nation back to God and His Truth. I will no longer sit back and be passive on this matter, but am in full battle mode to see victory and fulfill God's plan for my life and His minsitry here at Liveprayer. Our time is NOW! God is calling us to step-up and take our stand for Christ as so many before us have done.

The key is the $500,000 we need by the end of this month, $90,000 of that is needed right away. After praying, the most efficient way to get this initial amount in on time is to break it up into 100 $5,000 units. So far, we have had 10 units committed. In addition, one dear friend can only take 1/2 unit and is looking for someone to take the other half. Another friend of the ministry has issued a challenge to match the next 3 units. That means your unit will be doubled!

We will be placing a gorgeous plaque in the lobby of the new center with 100 engraved leafs, each one in honor or memoriam of someone special in the life of the person giving the $5,000 unit for that leaf. Also, for a special gift of $100,000, we will name the new chapel in honor of a person the donor designates.

In addition, I need 100 people to give a gift of $1,000 for the "9-11 Memorial Prayer Room." We will also have a special plaque there with 100 leafs engraved in honor of the person the donor designates.

Lastly, to help cover the construction costs of the new "9-11 Christian Center at Ground Zero," we have 10,000 bricks that people can personally engrave for $100 each, that will form the main walls of the sanctuary where souls will be saved, and a nation will be turned back to God and His Truth!!! This is an incredible opportunity to honor someone you love, and memorialize them at a place millions of people will visit, and God will use to bring revival to this nation!!! To get 1 or multiple personally engraved bricks, please go to: www.liveprayer.com/brick

I am asking you today to pray about taking 1 or more of the units we are offering, or at least one engraved brick. I realize for many this could be an incredible sacrifce, but when have you ever had the opportunity to be part of something that can literally change the spiritual direction of this nation???


I have been talking about this now for 3 years, and we are finally in a place, with all of the pieces in place to make it happen! This is not about building a building, or buying a new private jet, or anyhting else churches and ministries raise tens of millions for. This is about literally turning our nation back to God and His Truth while impacting our culture with the Truth and bringing hope and salvation to the hurting and lost.


Obviously, anyone who is able to give a gift of any amount is encouraged to do so. The Bible tells us to give according to our ability to give, and for some that may be just $5, for others it could be $50,000. I am asking everyone to do your best to help me between now and the end of November.

However, I am asking you to pray today about helping me with at least one of the $1,000 or $5,000 units. I know there are people reading this right now who have the ability to make that special one-time sacrifice between now and the end of the month!!!

To make a special gift to the 9-11 Christian Center at Ground Zero, you can send your gift to Liveprayer on your major credit card at our website www.liveprayer.com under the "Donation" button, or you can give from your PayPal account by using my email address, bkeller@liveprayer.com , or you can mail it to: Liveprayer, 6660 46th Avenue North, St. Petersburg, Florida 33709. One the credit card or PayPal form after your name simply mark (9-11). Also, in the notes section of your check mark (9-11). This will insure all of the gifts towards this special projects go to that cause. All gifts to Liveprayer are 100% tax deductible.

--->I really need several people who have the ability to help me today. If you can overnight or wire to our bank $5,000 or more, please contact me for the instructions at: bkeller@liveprayer.com

I love you and care about you so much. Do you want to do something great for God with your life??? STAND WITH ME!!! I CAN'T DO THIS ALONE!!! I am asking you today to simply pray about what God may be calling you to do to help me with this effort. I am also asking you to please forward this to every person you know, personally reach out to those who God has blessed with financial resources and encourage them to support this new work, and share this email with your pastor and ask him to pray about having your church make a special missions gift towards this effort. I will keep you posted how we are doing with our financial goals over the coming weeks and months.

As you know, we have set up a program for people who may not have the resources to help in a major way, and actually would like to earn a serious income. while helping build God's Kingdom! Check it out at: http://liveprayer.com/ref1.cfm

That means your 10% consulting fee would amount to $500 for each unit you can move! Please be in prayer for those people you know who have the ability to be on of the 100 people we need for this incredible project that can literally help change the spritual landscape of the nation, while impacting tens of millions of people daily, and seeing souls won for Christ!

When this nation was founded, it was a small group of men who risked life, liberty, and treasure to form this great union. After Jesus was crucified and resurrected, it was a handful of men who literally gave their lives and all they had to take the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the world of their day. Over these past 2,000 years, men and women have made great sacrifices to share the love of Jesus and help lead lost souls to faith in Christ. NOW IT IS OUR TURN!

When this brief journey through life is over, what do we have to show for it? The only lasting legacy we have are those things we did for the Lord. I have taken my stand and will proclaim His truth with my dying breath. Today, I am asking you to pray about joining me and let's turn this nation back to God and His Truth!!!

Will you stand and fight with me???????

In His love and service, Your friend and brother in Christ, Bill Keller