Daily Devotional for Tuesday November 30, 2010
In the Des Moines Register Nov. 21 was a Front Page Article Spreading the Lies that Allah is the Same as the God of the Bible
(Deuteronomy 8:28)
In the Des Moines Register on Sunday, November 21st was a front-page article spreading the lies about how Allah is the same as the God of the Bible. Said one "Christian" teacher: "I admire their devotion to their God, and I believe it's the same God as mine." Satan does indeed use the media effectively. What a real-world example of the islamification of this nation... in the heartland!
Islam is alive and well...in the United States. While most people are busy living their lives, working, going to school, raising their families, they are oblivious to and apathetic about one of the great threats this nation has ever encountered....ISLAM. Islam is NOT just another religion, but it is a 1400-year-old satanically inspired lie with a documented history since day one of terror, war, domination, and death!
Over the past 11 years of Liveprayer, I have sounded the trumpet of warning about this false religion, founded by a man named Mohammed who was a recorded pedophile and murderer. There is nothing peaceful about Islam, since the ultimate goal is to convert or kill all infidels to their lies and turn every nation on the globe into an Islamic nation. My friend, that includes the United States!
I remember 11 years ago warning people about the goals of the homosexual community to force society to accept this unnatural and unhealthy choice of perverted sex between a man and a woman. They did this by intimidating into silence anyone who dared challenge them, by indoctrinating children from birth that homosexuality is perfectly normal and acceptable, and they did this through unrelenting political activity. THEY SUCCEEDED, and now Islam is using the same playbook the homosexual community used so successfully.
The reason such perversion is now accepted by our society and the reason Islam is taking hold so quickly is because most people are not paying attention or are simply apathetic. Another huge reason however, is the church! For the last 40 years, most churches in the main denominations have compromised the Truth of the Bible and neutered themselves. You have had a rise in the watered-down, feel good, seeker/purpose driven/emerging church marketing strategies that aren't designed to fill churches with converts but warm bodies.
Because the church, the watchdog of the soul of our nation, for the most part has been silent, sexual perversions like homosexuality, gambling, lies from hell like Islam and other cults, false religions, and new age philosophies have flourished. Instead of influencing the nation to turn from sin, the nation has influenced the church to fall into sin. This nation is spiritually bankrupt and rotting from within because the salt and light of God's Word has been removed from the marketplace.
Who else has the authority to speak out against sin, against a lie like Islam, except the church??? Sadly, you find more churches today holding hands with Muslims, not with any intention of trying to convert them, no, that would be OFFENSIVE. No, the church today is so Biblically illiterate most who call themselves Christians think the imaginary god of Islam, "allah," is the same as the God of the Bible, and that somehow Muslims will be in Heaven. DON'T PEOPLE READ...OR BELIEVE THE BIBLE???
I love you and care about you so much. The answer is simple. The church MUST rise up if the soul of this nation is to be salvaged. God's wrath and judgment upon this land is imminent. I wrote years ago that God often uses human instruments to bring forth His judgment. For example, He used the Babylonians to exercise his judgment on the children of Israel. I see a very real and likely scenario where God could use Islam to pour out his wrath and punishment on this nation.
I know most people think I am paranoid in talking about Islam. They thought that I was paranoid when I warned people many years ago that unless the church stood up, men would be legally marrying men and women would be legally marrying women in this nation. People thought I was paranoid when I said it would only be a matter of time before the government decided what content was acceptable on the internet. Did you see the news over the weekend that Homeland Security shut down 75 websites? Where will they stop in deciding what website are acceptable and what websites are not?
Did you see another MUSLIM tried to kill thousands of innocent souls in Portland on Friday? How many MUSLIMS have we been lucky enough to stop from committing acts of terror over the past 9 years? It is only a matter of time before our luck runs out. Did you see CAIR wants Muslim women to be able to pat themselves down at the TSA screening area in airports? The state of Oklahoma actually has passed a law to keep Sharia Law from ever being used in that state. Obviously, they must be concerned about seeing Islamic law used in this nation's courts.
My friend, there is only one hope and one answer, and that is for this nation to turn back to God and His Truth. NOTHING ELSE WILL WORK. If we don't, God's judgment will be poured out on this land, and I see very clearly how He could use the false relgion of Islam to punish this nation for turning its' back on the Almighty, bowing down and worshipping the fasle god and idols of this world, and inviting every kind of sin imaginable into the land.
***As we head into the last few days of the month, we still need $20,000 to cover the balance of this months operational budget. Also, we have received 8 of the 100 $5,000 units we need to meet the start-up costs of the new "9-11 Christian Center at Ground Zero." Please pray today about making a special gift to help me cover our November budget, and for those God has blessed, pray about taking one or more of these last 92 units for this project that is not only going to see many souls won to Christ, but help turn this nation back to God and His Truth! Don't forget, for every $5k unit, we will have a special plaque in the lobby of our new center at ground zero with engraved leaves dedicated to the one you love and care about.
To make a special gift to Liveprayer or the 9-11 Christian Center at Ground Zero, you can send your gift to Liveprayer on your major credit card at our website www.liveprayer.com under the "Donation" button, or you can give from your PayPal account by using my email address, bkeller@liveprayer.com , or you can mail it to: Liveprayer, 6660 46th Avenue North, St. Petersburg, Florida 33709. One the credit card or PayPal form after your name simply mark (9-11). Also, in the notes section of your check mark (9-11). This will insure all of the gifts towards this special projects go to that cause. All gifts to Liveprayer are 100% tax deductible.
--->I really need several people who have the ability to help me today. If you can overnight or wire to our bank $5,000 or more, please contact me for the instructions at: bkeller@liveprayer.com
In His love and service, Your friend and brother in Christ, Bill Keller