Daily Devotional for Friday November 12, 2010
This is a Very Different Devotional Today
(1 Corinthians 15:57)
This is a very different Devotional today. I spent Wednesday in the emergency room, dealing with the effects from a spider bite last week. Monday morning, I noticed blood coming from my finger that had a small purple looking bruise with several small puncture marks. I woke up Tuesday morning dizzy, suffering from nausea, and was unable to even get out of bed. I thought it was some sort of flu, but when I was even worse Wednesday, I went to the emergency room to see what was going on. I am thankful for the wonderful care I received, and should be back to normal by Monday. I am simply asking you to take a few minutes and call out my name before the Lord for His healing touch.
Also, please lift up the "9-11 Christian Center at Ground Zero" in prayer. After having closed the deal on a 10-year lease, our agent contacted us that the owner had received information that caused him great concern and decided not to lease the space to us. I am not surprised, since this is exactly how Islam does business...intimidation. However, they are not dealing with someone who is going to back down, and my resolve is stronger than ever.
Do me a favor, Monday when I am back in action, I will lay out a complete update on our fundraising efforts for the "9-11 Christian Center at Ground Zero," but please open your heart to how God can use you to help me. In just the past few weeks I have been involved in what could have been a fatal car accident, gotten food poisoning, now bitten by a spider. There is a very real enemy looking to take me out.
I love you and care about you so much. Pray for me, make whatever sacrifce you can, and together we will see victory and this nation turn back to God and his Truth.
***As we prepare to open the "9-11 Christian Center at Ground Zero" January 1st, I am excited to be able to offer those who are able to help me with the initial funding an incredible way to honor someone you love! As you know, we are in the process of raising the $500,000 we need for the opening of the center primarily through 100, $5,000 units. We will be placing a gorgeous plaque in the lobby of the new center with 100 engraved leafs, each one in honor or memoriam of someone special in the life of the person giving the unit for that leaf.
In addition, for a special gift of $100,000, we will name the new chapel in honor of a person the donor designates. We are also looking for one special donor to give a gift of $100,000 in memory of the victims of 9/11 who will be honored in the 9-11 Memorial Prayer Room that will become a must-see for the many daily visitors to ground zero.
COUNTDOWN TO 100!!! Wow, God is great! As you know, I am looking for people to help me with 100/$5,000 units to give us the $500,000 we need to fund the opening of the new "9-11 Christian Center at Ground Zero." We have our new permanent home which will be announced in a major press conference in NYC at the location Wed. 11/10 at 10am.
The $500k covers our Liveprayer.com operational expenses through the end of November ($60,000 in shortfalls through the end of October plus $40,000 for November), the Liveprayer TV program in the NYC market that begins Monday December 6th and will be seen every Mon-Fri on a major secular network to promote the new evangelistic center and acquire new financial supporters ($50,000), the deposit for the 5 yr lease ($30,000), and our expenses for the current services at the NY Marriott during November ($20,000), and the funds we need for construction of the space and purchase of everything we will need for the new center ($300,000).
So far, we have had 2 units sent in, plus, one dear friend can only take 1/2 unit and is looking for someone to take the other half, and another friend of the ministry has issued a challenge to match the next 3 units. That means your unit will be doubled! Please pray about stepping up today to help me with one or more units and let's see this need covered in the next 2 weeks!
To make a special gift to the 9-11 Christian Center at Ground Zero, you can send your gift to Liveprayer on your major credit card at our website www.liveprayer.com under the "Donation" button, or you can give from your PayPal account by using my email address, bkeller@liveprayer.com , or you can mail it to: Liveprayer, 6660 46th Avenue North, St. Petersburg, Florida 33709. One the credit card or PayPal form after your name simply mark (9-11). Also, in the notes section of your check mark (9-11). This will insure all of the gifts towards this special projects go to that cause. All gifts to Liveprayer are 100% tax deductible.
--->I really need several people who have the ability to help me today, since the bulk of our October operational budget has still not been met. If you can overnight or wire to our bank $5,000 or more, please contact me for the instructions at: bkeller@liveprayer.com
In His love and service, Your friend and brother in Christ, Bill Keller