Daily Devotional for Tuesday October 19, 2010
Satan isn't Playing Games but Sadly Most Christians Are
(Matthew 10:28) Audio link: http://liveprayer.com/deaththreat1.mp3
Note: It is funny that the FBI is looking into people putting bacon strips in front of mosques as a "hate crime," yet Muslims can threaten my life and it is OK!
Satan isn't playing games, but sadly, most Christians are! It is a shame that most who have accepted the Lord as their Savior by faith, are not as serious about souls as satan is! Jesus clearly told us that the enemy's goal is to, "kill, steal, and destroy." Satan fights for each soul to join him in the lake of fire for all eternity. Unfortunately, most Christians have neither the zeal or concern for the fact that each person who dies without Jesus will literally burn in hell for ever and ever.
This fact, that the eternal destiny of a person's soul, is what has driven me the past 20 years. It is the reason I will never back off those who sell out the faith or are more worried about their personal fiefdoms than the eternal souls of men. It is why I go into the marketplace, despite the persecution and vitriolic hatred I receive, to warn people about the tools of satan who are out to take their souls to hell! THIS IS NOT A GAME!!!
Jesus said, "Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell."
Sadly, most Christians have no clue what it is like to have someone threaten your life for simply preaching the Truth of God's Word. For the past 11 years, I have received an average of 6 death threats a month. I use the common sense God gave me. Unfortunately in most public appearances I have to have armed security accompany me. However, I realize it's simply part of the price I gladly pay each day to serve the Lord on the front lines in the public square outside the four walls of the church.
Today, I decided to share with you a call left on my cell phone the other day. It will give you some perspective of the reality of what this battle we engage in daily is all about. There is a very real enemy who will stop at nothing to accomplish his goals, while sadly, we are so quick to back down and compromise the Truth of the Bible and the Gospel because it makes those who reject Christ uncomfortable. Well, I will NEVER back down and will proclaim with my dying breath that Jesus is Lord!
This call I am sharing with you has been reported to the local sheriff's office who have forwarded a copy to Homeland Security. It represents everything I have always told you about this "religion of peace" known as Islam. They have NO DESIRE for peace, only domination. As you will hear, I was called an "infidel." I was told Muslims everywhere would rise up against me and I would face jihad, or holy war. In many different ways they threatened to kill me. Why? In their eyes I disrespected "allah" and their murdering, pedophile prophet Mohammed. For that, I should be killed. In many other countries around the world, I would have already been dead.
I love you and care about you so much. My friend, this is the "religion of peace" that is Islam. This is how they react to those who oppose them and have the guts to expose their lies. If I was not committed 100% before to our evangelistic efforts in New York City at Ground Zero, I am now 1,000% committed! Obviously, I have made satan angry. Good! Satan angers me every time a person dies and ends up needlessly in hell. THIS IS A WAR FOR SOULS AND I PRAY GOD'S PEOPLE WAKE UP!
It is a bit disheartening to see the tens of millions people pay to build a new church building, or the tens of millions people give for a given political activity. I understand people need buildings to meet in and their political ideology represented, however, it is sad that people don't have the same zeal and passion for the eternal souls of men!
From an email I recieved the other day: "Thank you for your service and your dedication to reaching souls for Jesus. I especially want to thank you for what you are doing in NYC. I attend a very large church. Recently our pastor announced that they have decided to raise 22 million dollars to build 2 new campuses (in addition to the three campuses we currently have). My heart sank. I immediately thought of you and your work and the devotionals that you've written regarding the $$ spent on big, beautiful church buildings. That being said, our tiny little family of three (soon to be four!) recently received an unexpected refund from the IRS in the amount of $300. While my first thought was of our car repair bills & hospital bills I was immediately convicted to give it all back to our Lord, who has so graciously provided for us each step of the way. It's not the big number that I know you need, but please accept this prayerful donation from a heartfelt family. Thank you for taking a stand and for preaching, unashamedly, the truth of our Lord, Jesus Christ."
Liveprayer doesn't raise money for buildings, or private planes, or huge staffs, or mansions, or new luxury cars. The money I raise is to bring God's Truth to the lost and hurting masses in the marketplace and tell people their only hope now and for all eternity is faith in Jesus. I have and will continue to put my life literally on the line to fulfill my calling. Today, I am asking YOU to help me!
As we enter into the last few weeks of October, we are moving forward in all we do each day, trusting the Lord to provide for our needs. We still need $8,000 to cover the balance of our September operations, plus $40,000 for this month. In addition, we need just 3 more people to send a special one-time gift of $5,000 to pay off the balance of our 2009 operations shortfall. Lastly, we need 3 people who can help us cover our $7,000 weekly expenses for the last two weeks and for this coming weekend at the new "9-11 Christian Center at Ground Zero." That is a total of $84,000 we need to bring in over these final 17 days of the month. OUR GOD IS ABLE!
--->I really need several people who have the ability to help me today. If you can overnight or wire to our bank $5,000 or more, please contact me for the instructions at: bkeller@liveprayer.com
--->You can make a gift to Liveprayer on your major credit card at our website www.liveprayer.com under the "Donation" button, or you can give from your PayPal account by using my email address, bkeller@liveprayer.com , or you can mail a gift to: Liveprayer 6660 46th Avenue North St. Petersburg, Florida 33709 *For a gift to the 9-11 Christian Center, please mark 9-11 on your check, or put (9-11) next to your name on the credit card or PayPal form. All gifts to Liveprayer are 100% tax deductible.
Thank you for standing with me and for your love and prayers. Together, we are reaching and impacting lives, many for eternity that nobody else is reaching out to. The greatest mission field in the world in 2010 is right here in the United States. People are needlessly dying and going to hell for all eternity every day, the cast majority, simply because they never knew they could be saved through faith in Jesus Christ.
May the Lord continue to open the doors so we have the platform to tell this nation and world Jesus is our only answer and hope now, and for all eternity!
In His love and service,
Your friend and brother in Christ,
Bill Keller