Daily Devotional for Sunday September 26, 2010
One of the Joys in My Life is to Look Over Some of the Thousands of Praise Reports We Receive
(Psalms 91:15; Psalms 89:1)
One of the joys in my life is to look over some of the thousands of incredible praise reports we receive every day here at Liveprayer. Real people that had emailed us to pray about real issues in their life. It is a tremendous honor and privilege to be able to stand in agreement with people for the needs they face during the course of their journey through life. I am always moved to see God's grace and mercy at work in the lives of people as He answers their prayers.
Several times each year, I like to share a sampling of those praise reports with you. I do this because so many of you are facing great obstacles in your life today, and need to know God is there. The Bible proclaims that God is no respecter of persons. That simply means what God has done for someone else, He will do for you. So I want you to know today that no matter what your need is, what your problem is, what the battle you are fighting may be, God not only hears your prayers, BUT HE ANSWERS YOUR PRAYERS!
Also, so many of you pray and sacrificially give to the work God is doing here at Liveprayer. I want to encourage you today as well, that your prayers, and your gifts to this work are not in vain. What we do each and every day for over 2 million people all over the world is only possible because you care, you pray, and you give. Let these praise reports be an encouragement to you that God is using you to make a difference in the lives of people. God is using your obedience, your faithfulness to reach those who are lost and hurting with His love and hope. May God use these praise reports today to be a blessing to you!
"God is good. I emailed you about praying for me and within 15 min. I got a answer! God bless!"
"You prayed for me about paying my $850 worth of bills and out of nowhere came the $850. I pray God will send a way for your ministry to keep moving forward and your needs be met."
"Dear Mr. Keller, Thank you so much for praying for me and for God's favor on my CPA exam. I passed! God is so good!"
"hi my name is steve and i just got saved. i just committed my life to Jesus by watching your alter call and praying with you."
"Just minutes after your email, I received a phone call from the airline. The duffel bag has been found and they are bringing it to my apartment tonight. Thank you!!!"
"Thank you so much for praying for me. A few days after I submitted this prayer request, I found out that I am expecting. My husband and I are very appreciative of your ministry and we will be making a donation. Thank you."
"Literally less than 30 seconds after submitting this prayer request, a small project came through and a man walked in the door with a $7,000 check!"
"The last few days have been some of the darkest days in my marriage. I sat at my computer, cried, and prayed with Bill Keller for the healing and restoration of my marriage. Within the hour, healing and restoration took place in our marriage. Praise the Lord and thank you for having a place I could go for direction and agreement in prayer!"
"I wrote you for prayer for my father, at 92yrs. of age, God gave him a miracle. He is doing great, he isn't dehydrated, he has gotten his appetite back and eating better than before. He can feed himself now without shaking and is walking by himself. The fluid is gone from his lungs. Thank God and thank you."
"I am glad to receive your daily devotion because it has changed and touched my life. I must confess that you are God sent to the world today."
"Several months ago I wrote regarding my drug abusing sisters attempt to destroy my family. The false charges against my husband have been dropped! The true blessing though was the gift of an email from Bill Keller, it gave me hope and courage in my darkest hour. Thank you for you prayers on our behalf."
"For the very first time I spoke from my lips this prayer tonight. I have asked before in my head, talking to God that I would be saved, yet I felt tonight that I needed to actually speak the words out loud in order for them to be heard and received."
"Bill, we saw the doctor on Tuesday at Ohio State. He said the radiation therapy treatments worked. The spinal tumor was 80% smaller. The doctor said it is very unlikely for the cancer to return where she had the radiation in her spine. Praise God! Thank you for your diligence in prayer for my wife."
"I want to thank you for what you are doing and may God richly bless you for it. My friend just recently sent me your link and I just finished watching the "Altar Call" video. I did pray w/ you, and started my life over for God."
I love you and care about you so much. May these praise reports encourage you today that no matter what your problem may be, God is there for you. Also, thanks to all of my dear friends that so faithfully pray for this ministry each day and sacrificially give to keep us here. GOD IS GREATLY USING YOUR LIFE TO BRING HIS HOPE AND LOVE TO LOST AND HURTING PEOPLE WORLDWIDE EVERY DAY BECAUSE OF YOUR FAITHFULNESS AND OBEDIENCE!!!
All praise goes to our great God for His unconditional love for us and his endless grace and mercy. He is worthy to be praised!!!!
In His love and service, Your friend and brother in Christ, Bill Keller